Chapter 14 Tinder

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Piper POV

A week later 

You're going on a date with a boy from Tinder?" Luke raises an eyebrow. "Yeah we've talked on the phone so he's real. 

"What's his name?"  Luke asks 

"Shane."  I reply simply.

"Piper why?"  He looks at me seriously.

"Why are you so concerned were not together!" I snap.

"So your birthday didn't matter?" He asks sounding upset. "T- that's not what I meant, we've both said were better as friends and I want to move forward with this and meet people. You get that?" I ask. "I just don't trust going on a date with a boy you met on Tinder who probably just wants you for a hookup, and if that's the case, he's not coming here." He  says his tone serious his eyes look darker (something they do when he's pissed.) "I understand but you don't need to  be sticking your nose in my love life!" Luke  clenches his jaw  and narrows his eyes."I think I should you could get hurt and." "Your treading on thin Ice Hemmings." "Piper just... be careful okay? Call me if you need help or any of the guys okay? I know what guys are like." His voice softens. "I'm sorry for snapping at you." I relax my shoulders  and go in my room to get dressed. I get my keys before leaving and assuring Luke that everything will be okay and then leave. I sit at the bar and look around for my date and order a  soda.

This date is a disaster. My date is so full of himself and hardly lets me talk. "I can't wait to see you in my bed tonight." He says and winks. "Shane that's one, highly inappropriate, and two super creepy? He says nothing at this but moves closer to me. I excuse myself and go to the bathroom and tap on my watch. "Call Luke." I press my forehead against the cool mirror feeling nervous. He picks up on the first ring. "Hey." "Can you pick me up? This date is going badly and I feel really uncomfortable with this guy." "Text me the address and I'll be there." "Thanks, Luke." "Anytime smol bean." I giggle at the nickname and hang up. I go outside and go to the bar and pay for my drinks. "Where are you going?" Shane asks. "Home cause you're an egotistical ass." I snap and go outside the bar and wait for Luke. I'm relieved when I see his jeep pull up and get in. "So, you going to get another date from Tinder?" "Don't rub it in." I say and lean back in the seat. He laughs and turns up the radio so that it's blaring Burning Up by the Jonas Brothers which makes me laugh before I sing along at the top of my lungs. "Are you drunk?" "No just buzzed." "Good I don't want to deal with you drunk." I give him a look. "Me drunk?" "I took care of you drunk twice now," Luke says giving me a look. "Yeah, but who took care of your last weekend huh?" "Sorry." He says sheepishly. "I made sure you didn't die." "Thanks for that." Of course." "You want to go anywhere or?" " A night in is fine by me," I reply.

An hour later were sitting on the top patio of our apartment complex with blankets, ice cream, and a bottle of black nail polish. "You're really good at this." "Painting nails?" "Yes." " Lots of years of practice. " I shrug and screw on the top admiring my work. "Just don't touch anything." "Do you think people think I'm gay?" I'm shocked by the question. "Why should other people's opinions matter? Your you and your awesome." He blushes looking down at his nails. I don't say anything but notice he's gotten quiet. "What are you thinking about?" "Just... the future." "As in your nervous about it?" He asks "Extremely." He leans back in the deck chair looking up at the stars. "The dream for me would be making music, posting covers on Instagram and YouTube is fun but." "You want to do your own music, I get it. "What happened about you and the guys being a band?" "This thing called stage fright, I get on a stage with people watching and just choke." "But your voice is so great." He looks over at me and smiles sadly. "I can't perform in front of people Piper, I'm just used to it." I eat a spoonful of ice cream. "Do me a favor and try to, I know it's scary and all but I know you love music so.." "I mean I can try." He looks over at me a small smile on his lips. "Why do we always talk about deep things up here?" I ask "Cause no one can hear us." He nods.

"I've really enjoyed us living together, I hate living alone, to be honest." He smiles. "I've had fun too, You're a way better roommate than my first one," I comment. "Do you see her on campus?" "Sometimes." I roll my eyes and lean back in my chair. "Do you think you would join a sorority?" "I'm not that type of girl, what about you fraternity yes or no?"

"You think I would?" He looks at me curiously. "I mean you have the personality for it. "When I'm not sober." He jokes "So no?" "No way I would never fit with those guys." "You would have to deal with girls like Amanda." We both shudder at the thought. "Are you cold? We can go back to the apartment if you want." I pull the blanket around my shoulders and shrug. "I'm okay, gosh the skyline is gorgeous," I say looking out at the city. "Indeed."

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