Chapter 25 Breakup

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Thursday morning 

I tap my fingers against the table nervous about the conversation I'm about to have. The bell over the door signals Nick's arrival. He walks over and kisses my cheek I try to resist wincing as I hold on to the anger I feel. He sits across from me resting his hands on the table. "So you said you wanted to talk to me?"

"Yeah." I fiddle with my fingers.

" What is it?" He raises an eyebrow.

"Your cheating on me." I choke the lump in my throat feels like it's gotten bigger. "Piper where would you get that idea?" He asks incredulously. "I saw you with him." I say."Him?" He laughs a little. "Oh, babe I'm not... oh you think?" He laughs a little. 

"You were making out with a guy and you hooked up and that's why you've stood me up on that date. We only study together and sometimes when you kiss me, it's like you feel nothing at all." I blink rapidly. He can't see me cry, not here. "You were spying on me?" He asks the anger in his voice frightens me. "I saw you at that party and you said you would be right back and when you didn't I went to find you and found you with some guy in the hall and you looked like more than friends." I can hear the anger seeping into my voice.

"Yes I'm mad but if that's... who you are then I accept that," I say keeping my tone even my eyes on him watching his every move. He puts his hands on the table and takes a deep breath. "Piper that was my ex." The anger creeps into his voice and I stiffen and wonder if he's going to get violent. "I don't care you were still making out with him! I deserve better." I push my chair back and stand up. "I'll see you around Nick, good luck finding what you're looking for." He looks at stunned as I get my purse and walk away.

I unlock the door to the apartment and half-smile when I see Luke playing video games with Calum. "Hey Piper, is something wrong?" Luke looks at me concerned. I shake my head and press my back against the door trying to hold back the tears. I shouldn't cry over him, but here I am. I swallow thickly but feel a loud sob in my throat as I slide down the door and onto the cold tile. I can't speak but keep crying and don't even notice my best friend crouched down in front of me looking concerned and nervous at my explosion of emotion.

"What's wrong Pipsqueak?" He asks gently. "He was cheating on me," I say quietly and look down at the bracelet Nick gave me and pull at it until it's off and laying on the floor next to me. "Do you want me to put this away?" Luke asks looking at the bracelet. "You can burn it." I laugh bitterly. "You want to get off the floor?" Calum asks looking at me from the couch. I force myself upright only to drop down on the couch.

"So you said Nick cheated on you?" Luke asks. "Remember that party I went to? Well, he saw his ex and I went to go find him cause he ditched me and... I found him upstairs with his ex making out upstairs, he didn't even try to hide it." I sniff. "I should have known, when we would kiss... it was like he felt nothing at all." I swallow thickly. "But then he would make me feel bad when he made rude comments about you or sexual comments about me.

"I'm sorry, you don't deserve him." Luke says. "Your right I don't." I pout. "You want to play video games with us? That can take your mind off him." Calum suggests nodding toward the Tv. "Thanks." I sit next to Luke and rest my head on his arm and watch the two of them play. "Do we have any drinks?" I ask. "I'm not dealing with you wasted again," Luke says still looking at the screen. "Fine." I pout. "So this Nick guy how long had you two been together?" Calum asks setting his controller down for a minute. "A few months, he's in the same major as Luke and felt jealous that we lived together I guess?"

"I don't like him, he doesn't like, me type relationship," Luke adds. "We used to go on a study dates and everything was great, but things changed and as I began to think about it I never met his friends or his family which is weird if you're in a relationship with someone right?" "That is weird." He says frowning. "Honestly I think he was just trying to get between Luke and I but it doesn't matter and I can wash my hands of that situation." I press my cheek against Luke's arm and sigh. "Are you really playing Fort nite?"


"Piper?" I jump hearing my name coming from the tv. "Oh Michael's playing with us and can hear you through the headset," Luke says. I glance up and realize he has in fact been wearing a gaming head seat the whole time. "Oh hey, Mikey," I say into Luke's microphone and resume my position.

"He said hi and sorry your boyfriends a dick and would like to take you out for a drink to fix your heart ace," Luke replies. "Awee, that's sweet of him! Tell him I'd love to," I say as Luke passes on the message. "If you ever have problems with a guy we'll handle it," Calum says giving me a fist bump. "I mean you would be the one to get physical." "Or Ashton." He says I nod. Luke continues talking to Michael. I watch him play video games and let out a content sigh. Maybe Nick and I were only together for me to see how much I really liked my best friend and the situation urged me to finally ask the tricky question of our dating. But still I can't jump to that step yet, I have to officially break up with Nick and then...

"What are you thinking about Piper?" Calum asks. "Just how awful my boyfriend is." I shrug and reposition myself so my head is on Luke's shoulder. "Forget him, besides he's not worth any more of your energy." He sets his controller down smiling a little. "Your right."

"I'll order us some food if you want." Luke offers nodding toward his phone on the table.

"Sure I can go for some Chinese food."

"Done." He says.

"Hey, Michael?" He says into the headset. I can't hear Michael on the other end as Luke tells him he's getting food and is logging off.

The rest of the night is spent eating food and watching sappy rom coms and Calum joking about when Luke and I will finally get together. We both glance over at each other and shrug. "Don't rush something great Cal," Luke winks. "I can't wait for the wedding." He smiles. "Again on the wedding? We need to graduate college first so I can even afford a ring." Luke replies before stuffing his mouth with fried rice. "Okay, I'll give it three years until she's Piper Hemmings." He smiles proudly. "Has a ring to it." Luke says wrapping his arm around my shoulders. I feel my cheeks getting warm. "Yeah, it does."


It's been a few weeks since the whole Nick thing happened and I have been dancing around the idea of Luke and I going on an actual date. We've both been flirting with each other for months and now both being out of terrible relationships we deserve some sort of happiness.

I glance over at him next to me, it's now or never." I think.

"Hey um... you want to go on a date?" I blurt out. 

"Like a real date?" Luke asks looking confused."

Y- yea, while I was with Nick it got me thinking, maybe we're not strictly platonic and I don't want to mess up what we have as friends but..." I stop talking and look over at him and how big he's smiling. "Also... I remember what I said when I was drunk and I meant it." I like you Luke, a lot and I have never been brave enough to tell you.

"Same here, but promise me something?" He says his tone serious. "Uh-huh?"

"If things don't work out between us, can we still be friends don't get me wrong I would love us to go out but I like how we are now," He says. "Tell you what, we can do a trial run of how we would do as a couple."

"Like pretend were dating for a week?" He asks confused. I nod. "That's stupid, yet I kind of like it." He says smiling. 

"So you wouldn't mind if I kissed you right?" I ask smiling. He laughs and moves closer to me our noses touching. "Does this feel weird?" I giggle. 


 "Are you going to kiss me or?" I'm about to say more when I feel his lips on mine. The electricity I felt shoot through me the first time we kiss returns and my cheeks feel warm. I keep my lips on him for a little longer before pulling away. 

"Your eyes are gorgeous by the way." I murmur. "

Thanks." He smiles. 

"So we're doing this?"

"Yep." I nod confidently 

"Looks like my new year's resolution came true." He says.


"I wanted to ask you out... but you beat me to it."

"Took me a while to muster up the courage." He nods. "Me too."

"You think Calum's right? us getting married?" I ask quietly but the smile he gives me is the only answer I need. 

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