Chapter 30 Out to Lunch

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Luke POV

I'm eating a bowl of cereal on the couch when I hear my phone buzz from the kitchen counter. "Was that your phone or mine?" Piper asks walking into the kitchen before her eyes land on my phone.

"Mine, can you read that text to me?"

"Yeah, oh it's your mom."

"What did she say?" I sit up straighter. "She said, hey do you know if Piper is free for lunch or dinner today would love to get food with the two of you." She looks up and smiles while I try not to choke on my cheerios. "You look like you've seen a ghost."

"Well do you want to get lunch?" Piper asks. I nod not being able to speak for a minute. "Okay..."

"What's wrong?" She raises her eyebrow and cocks her head to the side. "This would be the first time my mom sees us as a couple... and after my last relationship... sorry it's nothing to do with you I promise," I reply and eat another spoonful of cereal. "You look nervous is it more than just us meeting for lunch?"

"I always feel pressured when I bring anyone home to my parents and the pressure is double since they've known you forever now. I can't... I glance down at my bowl "...fuck up this relationship." I say looking up at her, She sighs and joins me on the couch.

"Look at me." She says softly but my eyes are still focused on my cereal that is slowly getting soggy. I hear her sigh and watch her hand move the bowl move from my lap to the table.



"Shh, it's okay! You're not going to fuck up this relationship got it? You're just so used to being with shitty girls that you're used to your parents judging you for it. But this is different alright? Don't be so hard on yourself, things are going to be fine, trust me." She smiles and squeezes my hand.

"Your right,"

"Now it's like ten now so we need to get ready soon."


"You good now?" I nod and half-smile.

"I am, thanks Pipsqueak." She rolls her eyes and goes into her room.

"Oh dressy or not dressy?" She asks. I think about it for a moment.

"Let's look fancy." She smiles "Got it." I watch as she goes back into her room as I try to motivate myself to get off the couch and stick my bowl in the sink and go in my room to figure out what to wear. I go through my closet and find a shirt I wore on my date with Annabelle and recoil at the memory.

"Hey Luke, oh that shirt looks nice," Piper says. "Thanks,

"I need advice on what to wear."

"You're asking me?" I laugh. "Yes," she holds up a black dress in one hand and another black dress in the other. "This one or this one."

"Pip they are both black."

"One is long-sleeved and is lace and has a tie in the middle, it's sort of sexy."

"Were getting lunch with my mom remember?" She sighs and holds out the other dress. "So this one with thigh-high boots?

"Are the boots as tall as you?"I giggle. She narrows her eyes, "Rude." She says and storms out my room. I shake my head and change shirts and get my tie out my closet. I fiddle with it for a good twenty minutes before finally getting it right. I glance in the mirror and nod satisfied before going in the living room to play video games to kill time but my mind is too preoccupied that I give up.

"Piper are you almost ready?"

"Almost, Just doing my make up," I sigh and get my phone out my pocket and text Ashton.

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