Chapter 12 My first college party

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Piper  POV

"So Ashton and I are going to a party tonight, you want to go? You are my wing women after all." He laughs. "I have homework though." "That you can get away from for an hour or two when was the last time you went to a party? "Never because social anxiety is a thing." I shrug and pick up my coffee mug and take a sip. "Please?" We don't have to stay long, we can even come up with a code word if you're getting overwhelmed. "Luke you know I hate parties. "But this will be fun!" He encourages. "What will I wear?" "You have skinny jeans? "I own twelve pairs of black skinny jeans is that good? "Yeah and a crop top or something? I look at him his eyes pleading. "Fine." I sigh and finish my drink and get up and look in my closet. "Meet you in the living room," Luke says happily and leaves. I have no idea what to wear. I find a white skirt and a maroon shirt. I pull it on and find my red converses and look at myself in the mirror. I look pretty good, a different look from my skinny jeans and black leather jacket and vans. "Luke?"


"Does this look good?" I open the door showing off my outfit. "You look awesome." "So do you." "Is Ashton meeting us there?" "Yeah." "I feel we need a picture to document that I'm being social." "True," Luke says and gets his iPhone off the counter and snaps a selfie of us before we leave.

The music is so loud that it hurts and the neon lights in the room give it the party vibe. I try to calm myself down as I see people everywhere. I'm slightly disappointed as it is not like any college party I've seen in movies or read in books. Kids are jumping around cups in hand to the song. I look around and see Luke talking with some people before going to get drinks. I know the girls are after him I mean he's hot no lie. I get a soda and stand in the corner of the room against the wall. "Can we go?" I ask as Luke walks over. " One more song." Luke begs. "Where's Ashton?" I ask and feel, and arm balanced on my head. "Right here!" He giggles. I roll my eyes and jump to move his arm off my head. "I'm ready to go." I cross my arms and look around the room. "We can step outside." Ashton offers, I must look a little nervous for him to say anything, so I agree. "I'll be right out." Luke says. I follow Ashton out of the crowded house and breath in the night air and how cool it feels.

"Did you even drink?" Ashton questions. "No, I only get wasted when I'm in our apartment with you and the guys, and after the Halloween party I might swear off drinking," I reply. I look over toward the door waiting for Luke. "Are you tipsy right now?" I ask. Ashton giggles in response and I know I'm correct. Luke walks out a minute later. "So, we're going home now?" "Noo one more party Piper, also I got this girls number and-" "Do not be a fuck boy Lucas," I say he raises an eyebrow at the use of his name. "O-okay let's go back." I reach into Luke's pocket and get his keys and unlock the door. The ride to Ashton's is not long but feels like an eternity with my drunk best friend babbling the whole time. Now I know why I don't deal with drunk people. "Thanks for coming with us." "Yeah, it was great seeing you." Ashton closes the car door and walks up to his apartment. "Piper?" He slurs. "What?" "Can we go to another party?" "No Luke your drunk," I say and park and turn off the car. I open my door and wait for my drunken best friend who can't really walk a straight line but manages to stumble up the stairs.

"Dude your so wasted!" I laugh as I unlock the door. "I'm not that drunk." Luke whines. "Sure, you are let's get you some water cause when was the last time you drank some? "Two hours ago?  "Less than that." I go into the kitchen and fill up a glass. "Close the front door." I hear the door shut and hand him a glass. "Tonight, was awesome!" He cheers."How much did you drink?" I question. Yes I've dealt with my best friend drunk before cause his tolerance is way higher than mine. But tonight is going to be a long one. "I'm going to go change,"  he says and goes into his room. I groan and open the fridge and pull out a coke and take a long sip.

 I get in bed and get my laptop and start watching some YouTube videos my eyes on the doorway waiting for him to walk in "Hi Pipsqueak." He giggles "Hi Luke get into bed before you fall over." "Ok, you know you're really fucking pretty, like seriously. Why don't you have a boyfriend?" "I don't want to date anyone," I say simply and plug in one of my earbuds and watch a Try Guys Video. "Am I annoying?" Luke asks rolling over to face me, his eyes are starting to look bloodshot and the smell of beer hangs on his breath. "Slightly annoying, you talk more when your drunk than when you're sober." I say  He giggles a little at this."Did I hook up with anyone?" He asks. I shake my head I say and averting my eyes to my screen. "What are you watching? "The Try Guys, want to watch?" "Ok." I unplug my earbuds and turn my screen so he can see it. This was a great idea as he's quite for the first time in an hour. That quite only lasts so long. "Why are you groaning?" I ask. "I feel like shit." He says his face pressed against my side.  "Your feel warm," I say and rest my hand against his head concerned.  "Do you think I have a fever?" "Probably not."  I pause the video for a minute."You drank a lot so that's why," I say as he sits up abruptly. "You okay?"  but don't get a reply as he leaves the room and the sound of the bathroom door slamming makes me know what's going on as I unpause my video and plug my earbuds in.  This is why I don't drink. 

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