Chapter 16 Blind Date

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Luke POV

"Are you almost ready?" I ask. Tonight, Piper is going on another date and I'm hoping this one will go better than her first one.  "Need help?" I ask after hearing her complaining for a few minutes.  She groans from the other side of the door before opening it. My hair is so freaking heavy! This is why I don't fuck with box braids." She mumbles. " Babe you look pretty." "Don't babe me Luke." She says dark eyes narrowed. I get her towel off the hook and tie it around her shoulders and smirk. "Now your super mad!" Piper bursts out laughing. "Stop distracting me I have to go soon, hey can you pull my hair up in a bun? My arms hurt." She whines. "Do I have too?" She gives me the look saying that I do. "Fine if you say so." I take the hair tie from her and try to make the best bun possible and I admit it doesn't look half bad. "Look at you, learning hair styling tricks." "I watch a lot of YouTube," I reply bashfully. "Awe your so cute when your shy." She says. "Stop it I'm blushing." She giggles and checks her watch. "I should go but see you tonight." "Forgetting something?"


"Purse, and maybe your keys?" She curses and smiles after getting them. From the counter. "Thanks, dude see you." She says before leaving.

Piper POV

I look around the restaurant and sip my water waiting for my date. "Hey." I look over and see Calum walking over. "Hey what are you doing here?" "Just waiting for my date," I say. "Blind date I'm guessing?" "Yep, hope he's not an ass like my Tinder date."I roll my eyes. "Why would you go on a date with a guy from Tinder?" He asks skeptically. "No idea honestly, what are you doing here?" "Getting drinks with Michael I just decided to say hello, good luck on your date." "Thanks, keep on eye on me will you, if this date goes south." You got it." He winks before returning to the bar. I look towards the door nervously wondering if my date will ever show up. "Excuse me? I'm looking for this girl I'm having a blind date with her name's Piper? "Oh hey, that's me." I laugh nervously. He smiles. Oh hi, Whoa you're beautiful." He comments. "Thanks, not too bad yourself." He sits down across from me and looks over the menu. "So what are you majoring in?" "Neuroscience, I want to be a neurologist." He says proudly. "Awesome my best friend is in that program." "Oh?" "What's his name?" "I doubt you know him but Luke."

" Oh the name sounds familiar but the programs so big, but I'd like to meet him." "Defiantly, he's a cool guy." Nick nods. "What are you majoring in?" "Speech and hearing sciences, I want to be an audiologist," I say proudly and take a sip of my water and glance over the menu. That night turns out really well and we go to the movies and see Infinity War (which emotionally wrecked me) "This was fun, you want to go on a second date?" He asks his eyes hopeful. "I would love to." I smile not knowing if we should kiss or not. "Do we kiss or is that awkward? "Maybe a little but hugs are alright." I laugh. "That works." He hugs me before pulling away. "See you on campus. "He says before we get in our separate cars and drive away.

I unlock the door and walk in and lean against the back of it and let out a content sigh. "So how was your date, also I got us a fish, his name is bubbles," Luke says pointing to the goldfish on the coffee table. "We are now parents of a fish?" I raise my eyebrow but shake it off, it's better than him getting a dog.  "Uh huh, about your date how was it? "Amazing oh my gosh, he's so sweet! His name is Nick and he's in the same major as you, I need to have you two meet." I ramble excitedly. "Glad you had a good time."  He says but his excitement is fading. "You look upset." "I.. never mind." He looks back at the TV. "Luke, what's wrong?" "It's nothing. "Lucas..."  look at him sternly. "I don't like him!   His grades are so much better than me and he's cocky he hates me. But you like him so I'm okay with it." "I'm sure he's not smarter than you, you're a genius," I say he frowns. "No, I'm an idiot," I say. "Oh, and I saw Calum before my date. He perks up at this. "I sit next to him on the couch admiring how his hair falls forward and those glasses. "I'm going to play guitar, I'll be in my room if you need me." He says and leaves.  I sigh and click through the channels figuring I should let him cool off. I see a text from Nick and smile a little. 

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