Chapter 13 Thanksgiving

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"Luke! Nice to see you again." My mom says opening the door and smothering him in a hug. "You too, how are things?" I smile watching the two of them talking before excusing myself to the kitchen where my sister Genevieve is making pie. "Are you two a thing?" She whispers her eyes excited. "Gen were just friends," She looks out the doorway and at Luke and then back at me. "You sure? Look at him!"

"He's attractive I agree," I say. "Well if you two end up together.."

"Gen," I say sharply as he walks in. "Hey, how are you."  

"Good, how's college?" He shrugs. "hard." He laughs a little and wraps his arm around my shoulders and Genevieve gives me a look. "We're going up to my room." I say and go upstairs. I shut the door and look at him. "Your sister wants us together?"

"Yep," I say sitting next to him on my bed. "Am I meeting all your family tonight?" Luke asks nervously. "Uh half." 


"Don't worry... actually worry cause they are going to ask lots of questions and possibly roast you? I can never predict what will come out their mouths so if it's offensive I'm sorry." He looks at me nervously. "Don't give me that look it's going to be fun." I say looking through my closet. 

"Are you going to change?" I ask. "Yeah  I just need to get my clothes out the car, I'll do that now." He says. While he's gone I change into a dress and look in the mirror and nod in approval. "Is this family dinner appropriate?" Luke asks walking into my room. "You look nice!" He half smiles looking a little nervous. "What about the hair?"

"You know the answer and oh glasses! "Yeah my contacts were irritating my eyes so I decided to wear them, do they look nerdy or?" "No, they're cool." I insist getting off my bed. "You look pretty great yourself." He says sitting next to me his eyes travel around the room. "I haven't been in this room in a while, did you redecorate?"

"Nope, this is the first time you've seen it clean though." I shrug. "This is true."
"So are we fake dating tonight or?" I shake my head. "Too much work, but that kiss last week was nice."  His cheeks turn red at this. "Oh um th- thanks?"  I hear the doorbell and take one last look in the mirror. 



"Why are you wearing nail polish?" My aunt asks her eyes on his red nails. "Some guys like to paint their nails," I say and ignore the fact that he looks a little flustered. "How long have you two been together?" My mom asks. Luke glances over at me. "We're not together mom." I reply as I dig into my mashed potatoes so I don't have to talk."Why not you two would be so cute together!" She smiles eagerly. "Were better as friends," Luke says I nod in approval. "How's school going?" My mom asks.  Luke and I both groan a little. "Oh, I see." My mom laughs at our expression. 

Piper POV

I wake up and turn off my alarm. Luke is laying on my shoulder snoring softly. Today is my twenty-first birthday. I roll over a little and feel him stirring next to me. "Morning Piper." He mumbles his voice deeper than usual. "Morning guess what today is?"

"Friday?" He moans opening his eyes slowly. 

"Yes but today is my birthday!"

"Today's November twentieth?"  He moans he reaches his arm over my chest trying to reach his phone. I hand him his phone as he checks it for any text messages before sticking it under the pillow. "Get a good sleep?" He nods yawning. He looks so cute right now with his hair all over the place his cheeks rosy from sleep. "I did, this bed is tiny but I got to cuddle you all night." He says and surprisingly kisses my temple gently a smile on his lips. "Thanks for the kiss."

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