Chapter 8 Can we get a dog?

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"No Luke we can't get a dog." I say as we drive down to Denver for the weekend. "But imagine we would be such good dog parents! We both have breaks during the day that we could go home and let them out, please Piper!" I drum my fingers against the wheel traffic is awful this time of day." "What time does that concert start?" Nine doors open at six thirty so guess who will be in the back of a general admission venue not being able to see anything, you!" "That's why your going I can sit on your shoulders." I fuss. "you love the fact I'm 6'2 don't you." He says with an amused smile. "I do." Were seeing All Time low for the second time in four years and I'm super excited for it. "My fam will be happy to see you." "Does your mom still want us together?" Luke asks "Yes, she keeps asking about you and why were not a thing." " So were not a thing?" He questions

"No, also how are you single?" " I choose to be single Piper." He says and looks out the window. "Bad luck with relationships?" I glance over at him and see him frown. "Yeah." "Did I tell you about my last girlfriend?" He asks. I nod. "You did."

"Besides I like being single it's fun." He shrugs and turns up the radio. I don't say anything but think back to the Halloween party but shake it from my head. Were friends and we need to keep it that way.

We arrive at the venue and get in line and I'm buzzing with excitement. "How am I going to be able to see?" I complain as I sit on the sidewalk. "I'd put you on my shoulders but I'm afraid you'd fall so.." "Just put me on your back then," I suggest. "I don't wanna be that tall guy that blocks people's view and with you, on me, I will be blocking the view," Luke says scrolling through his phone. I pout and check my watch. "Doors open in five minutes!" I cheer. "Do you have our tickets?" I ask. Luke looks over at me nervously. "Don't you have them?"

"Yeah, I just wanted to scare you," I say pulling the tickets out my purse. "Oh fuck you." He mumbles as his phone buzzes. "You know you love me," I reply batting my eyelashes. He snorts in reply as the line moves. "You should get up since we're moving." "Help me up then." He rolls his eyes and holds out his hands pulling me up. "Looks like we might be near the stage," I say hopefully as we get out tickets scanned. "Hopefully," Luke says. Unfortunately were in the middle and before the show even starts I can feel myself getting claustrophobic but I push through it ignoring the fact that I'm frozen to the spot as everyone surges forward when the show starts.

I feel people pushing against me and try to find a little bit of space but can't. My breathing gets rapid and turn to see Luke a few feet away from me singing along and having a good time. I move through the crowd and over to him. I grip on to his hand to get his attention. He turns still singing along but stops seeing my face"C- can we leave?" I beg my eyes tearing up. He says something but I can't hear him over the music. "You wanna get on my back?" I don't get what he said at first but read his lips and get half of it and nod. I wrap my arms loosely around his neck and shut my eyes and try to make my heart stop racing as I feel him moving through the crowd. The fresh air hits my skin a few minutes later. "I'm going to set you down ok?" I nod as she sets me down on some stairs on the side of the building. He sits next to me not saying anything as I try to clear my head. "I'm sorry I made you leave, you were having fun and I-"

"Piper breath it's fine." He soothes hugging me tightly. I bury my face in his chest and burst into tears as my chest seems to get tighter and tighter. "Hey look at me." I pull away from him and try to breathe, but it hurts too. "Let's get in the car. I nod my hand in his and just the feeling of it is calmer. I sit in the passenger's seat and press my head against the dash my hands shaking like the rest of my body as I try to calm myself down. "Better?" I glance over at him my head still pressed against the dashboard. "A little, " I reach for the tissues on the console and wipe my mascara covered cheeks. "You want to go home?"

"Not yet," I lift my head up and lean back in the seat placing my hands on my knees to make them stop shaking. "You want a milkshake, those always cheer you up," Luke asks. "Sure, and thank you." "It's nothing you have to apologize about, and we can always see them again, I'll put you on my shoulders then." I laugh at this. "What a good friend." I joke as we pull away from the building. "I should have done that in the first place." He says turning up the radio a little. "Yeah, but you didn't want to be that annoying person." I point out. He shrugs. "Whatever I don't care as long as your okay." I half smile and press my cheek against the window.


"How was the concert?" My mom asks as we walk in the door. I look at Luke. "We left early cause I wasn't feeling well." He lies. "Oh that's too bad are you ok?" He nods. "Yeah I'm fine now it was just a lot of people." I'm surprised that he took the blame when I remember my discussions with my mom about my anxiety and trying to get help and her saying it's all in my head so I stopped discussing how I felt. "We're going upstairs now," I say. "Thanks for taking the blame on that one," I say once we reach my room. "Anytime." He half smiles. "You want to watch a movie?" He asks. I shake my head as I pull out my phone and get into bed.

I feel his arm around me as we watch some Youtube videos my breathing finally back to normal. "I'm sorry again about tonight Luke we-"

"Piper your health comes first." He says gently. "I'm so lucky to have you in my life," I whisper. "Ditto, you tired?" I shake my head and roll over. "You want to watch another video?" He asks. "Yeah, um can you give me a massage?" I sit up and move my laptop over. He's quite before letting out a loud sigh. "Fine." I move my laptop in front of his and sit in front of him and enjoy the feeling of his hands kneading my shoulders. "Is that too rough?"

"Stop sounding so worried, it feels nice," I say turning my attention to Youtube. "Okay, I just don't want to break you." He says. "If you do I'll let you know."

"My hands are tired."

"Good so am I." I flop back and lay on my pillow rolling over to face him. "This bed may not hold both of us." He says his back pressed against the wall. "I think your right as you take up half the bed," I complain. "It's not my fault I'm tall." He pouts and rolls over to face me. "I know, we'll make it work," I said moving closer to him. "Comfy?"

"Yep, night Luke." I yawn. "Night Piper."



"If we got a dog, can we get a big one?"

"Shut up Luke im trying to sleep" I groan rolling over. "Think about it?" He asks softly. I sigh. "I will night."


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