Chapter 26 Trial Run

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Luke POV

So I'm changing my major as every time I talk about it I'm filled with dread and the idea of actually performing a surgery makes me want to faint,  which is weird cause I'm leaning toward majoring in criminology so... that's perfect. I'm seeing my advisor today to discuss my idea of switching and I'm nervous. 

I walk out of my meeting with my advisor feeling just as nervous as before. I check my watch and try to figure out what time it would be back home and nervously call my dad.  

"Luke! How's school?" He asks enthusiastically. 

"Good I um..." I clear my throat trying to figure out the words to say.

" So I changed my major..." I bite my lip listening to the silence on the other end of the line. "I knew you would." My dad says after a moment. "What do you mean you know I would?"

"You were never passionate about being a neurosurgeon in the first place Luke, I  don't care if you follow in my footsteps  or not, I just care that you're happy." I blink confused as to why my eyes are getting hot as I walk to the parking lot. "I just thought.." "What are you thinking of majoring in?" He asks. "Oh um.. criminology? I don't know it seems cool, I'm going to take some classes and figure it out."

"That sounds  great, just get those good grades okay?" I  blink my eyes and wipe away a few tears. "When are classes out again?"

"May but I may stay for part of June and hang out with Piper"

"Speaking of her,  your mum wanted me to ask you, are you and Piper.."

"No she's my best friend but. I do have feelings for her my last girlfriend was just..." I shrug thinking about Belle. "I don't want to ask her out cause she may say no and were so close.."

"I get it, but you're also really shy when it comes to this stuff."


"I'm being honest  just.."

"Don't tell me to shoot my shot."

"That's exactly what I'm telling you to do." I shake my head and unlock my car. "Anyway, I'm going back to my place but I'll talk to you later."

"Okay bye." I hang up and start

Piper POV

"Luke why are you sitting on the floor?" I fuss as I walk out of my room to get some chips. "It's comfortable. He pats the empty spot on the floor next to me. "Join me."

"You're so needy."  I laugh sitting next to him.

"Am not just had a hard day." He says. 

"How so?"

"So I may be switching my major so that meeting with my adviser was.. not encouraging as he wants me to stay in the program, he said I'm one of his smartest students which is great but I'm not happy and I've been really down on myself since the semester started back up." He looks at the floor sadly.

"Your one of the smartest people  I know, forget what your adviser said and follow your heart, sounds cheesy but." I shrug. He nods.

"Say hypothetically could we date?"



"Were strictly platonic."

"Platonic right, well can I kiss you then, friends kiss right." She rolls her eyes and moves closer only for me to kiss her forehead. "That's the cutest thing any boy had ever done. 

 "Aha! I'm cuter than Nick!" "Yeah okay, but if you could get me a boyfriend that's not a dick and is about hmm six feet dark hair curly and beautiful brown eyes and plays the bass that be great!"

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