The One Where There's Beer and Brendon Urie

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The guys were already there when we get to the studio, and I already know Pete's gonna blame it on me for being late because I forgot we were even coming here.

The sad part is, he wouldn't be lying.

As soon as Pete and I step through the doors, I'm engulfed in a hug that catches me off guard. "Andi!"

"Hello, Patrick." I laugh at him, patting his back.

The short boy(I was the same height as him) with thick, black, square glasses lets go to take a step back. "I haven't seen you in forever!"

"Patrick, we got coffee together a week ago." I remind him.

"Ah." He nods, the memory hitting him like a wave against the shore. "Right! I remember that now."

"Andi!" I then receive another hug from Joe, the tallest of the group.

"What's up, Joe?"

The curly haired man opens his mouth to answer but is cut off by the redhead. "Excuse me, other Andy is coming through." And he pushes past Joe and Patrick.



And I hug him as well. Andy has always been my favorite for some reason. I think it's the fact that he always made me laugh and that we had a lot in common. Or maybe because we were both redheads(I obviously dyed mine a long while back and just kept the red for all these years). Nevertheless, I love them all the same.

"Hello, I'm here too!" Pete announces. "The brother that drove the sister here!"

Truth be told, I forgot Pete was still behind me for a few seconds. I pull away from Andy, laughing at the situation. "Don't worry, we still love you." I give his cheek a reassuring pat.

"Yeah, mhm. Thanks."

For the next hour, the boys rehearsed some songs and I had to sit and watch. Well, I did help find what pitches were right for Patrick and what keys to use instead of others.

The boys were running through Young Volcanoes for the fifth time, so I took this as an opportunity to use the bathroom. I got up and starting heading for the exit when suddenly the music stopped.

"I'm sorry, are we boring you?" Patrick jokingly asks into the microphone, his voice echoing through the room.

I only glance at him, now beginning to run because I had been holding it in for so long. "No, I have to pee!"

And I hear them laughing as I quickly exit the room and run down the hall to the nearest bathroom.

After I've done my business, I slowly walk down the hall to head back to the boys, staring at my phone because I haven't checked it since we got here.

Meredith had texted me about a million times and called about a thousand, so I was sending her a quick reply, softly singing Nicotine as I did so. I couldn't help it, the damn song was stuck in my head. It's catchy.

"It's better to burn than to fade away..." I walk down the hallway, my head down, my eyes never leaving my phone. "It's better to leave than be replaced..."

"I'm losing to you, baby, I'm no match." A new voice had joined mine, catching me off guard. A voice that didn't belong to Patrick Stump, but a voice that sounded oddly familiar.

I stop singing and my head snaps up. My brain takes a moment to process who's only standing a few feet away from me, suddenly filling me with anxiety and fear.

Once my eyes focus and my mind cooperates, I recognize the man standing before me as none other than Brendon Urie from Panic! At The Disco. Pete told me he was coming, so I don't know why I was so surprised. "Oh my god, you scared me!"

What a Catch, Andi|| Brendon UrieWhere stories live. Discover now