The One Where He Sees Her Again

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(Andi's POV)

I remember not being able to breathe. I remember coughing and wheezing. I then remember a sharp pain in my thigh, and then I kind of got my breath again. But not fully... Nevertheless, it did help.

I remember sirens and loud noises, big flashing lights and Brendon's worried looking face. What happened? I looked around the room and I had no idea where I was. Am I dead?

Judging by how much my throat hurt and how much my head was spinning, I was gonna rule Heaven out. And I'm pretty sure Hell was made out of fire or some shit like that. So... looks like I'm not dead, that's a good start.

I try to sit up but my whole body aches. I decide on staying put, closing my eyes and taking a deep breath.

Don't freak out, okay Andi? The worst thing to do right now is have a panic attack. Take a deep breath. I'm okay, right? Yeah, I'm fine. I think, telling myself that everything is going to be okay, taking a deep breath before opening my eyes once again.

I stare at the blank TV in front of me, wondering why I was alone. And honestly, I was scared shitless. Where'd Brendon go? "Good, you're awake."

I snap my head towards the new, unfamiliar voice, jumping internally. I sit up a little, raising my eyebrows in her direction. "Huh?!"

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." The woman walks up to me, a comforting smile plastered on her face. She's tall and skinny, with long blond hair that's pulled away from her face in a high ponytail.

I shake my head, swallowing hard. "It's okay." My voice is raspy and my throat throbs, but I speak through it.

"I'm Dr. Beedmen." She informs me, sitting down at a chair next to my bed. She's holding a clipboard but she never glances down at it. "And you're Andera Wentz?"

I nod, watching my doctor closely. "I am she."

"Andera, you had an allergic reaction to cinnamon. But you have an epipen, correct? You're aware of your allergy?" She asks kindly.

"Yes, I'm aware." I assure her. "It was just a freak accident."

"It was." Dr. Beedmen agrees, nodding. "But you're obviously doing much better. Lots of rest will get you back up on your feet in no time. We can discharge you tomorrow morning if everything remains fine... Just, be more careful next time? Visits won't always go as smooth as this one has." She warns me, tapping her fingers on her clipboard.

"Yes, ma'am." I nod at her, letting her lecture me even though I'm already way ahead of her.

I've only had two other close calls to death from cinnamon. Once was when I was five and that's how we figured out I was allergic to it. The other was back in high school and that was an accident as well.

"Good." She gives me a soft smile. "Now, I believe you have a boyfriend waiting for you?"

I perk up at that, my body relaxing at his mention. "Yes." And I can't help but smile.

"I'll fetch him for you." She stands up, giving me one last smile. "But remember what I said, okay? You're young and have your whole life ahead of you. Make it last."

I know she's trying to tell me some important things that should scare me into being more aware and careful, but all I wanted to do was see Brendon. I wanted to get out of this stupid hospital and get back on the road, as if nothing ever happened. "Okay."

The doctor then walks out of the room, leaving me alone once again. I anxiously wait for Brendon, my heart beating rapidly with excitement. I can't wait to see that stupid grin he's always got plastered across his beautiful face.

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