The One Where Pete Finds It On Twitter

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(Brendon's POV)

At the concert that night, I had only one thing on my mind. I didn't understand why Dallon and Zack would think Andi and I would ever stop being friends. I get that a tattoo is a permanent thing and they're just watching out for Andi, but it just really bugged me when they said that for some reason.

So, after the show, instead of going to a bar like we originally had planned, I brought the guys to a tattoo parlor. "Um, Bren. This doesn't look like a bar." Andi comments, looking up at the building through the car window.

"That's because it's not." I say as I get out of the car.

"Oh no, you're getting a tattoo now too?" Spencer asks as he emerges from the car.

"Yep." I nod, heading towards the door. "I'm getting Red right where Andi got hers."

Andi then stops me at the door, putting her hand over mine before I could go grab the door handle with it. "I lost the bet, Bren. You won."

"I know." I tell her, staring into her eyes. "But it only makes sense if we having matching tattoos. And maybe this way, it'll guarantee that we won't ever stop being friends."

"I didn't ever think we weren't going to be friends." Andi responds, biting her lip. "But, it would be cool to have matching tattoos."

"I'm pretty damn sure that this is the cutest thing I've ever seen." Dallon says, watching us from the car.

"Date already!" Zack shouts.

"Shut up!" Andi and I both yell simultaneously.

"Just, go before you change your mind!" Spencer gives my shoulder a little push as Andi moves her hand away from mine. And I push open the door.

(Pete's POV)

Andi is standing shoulder to shoulder with Brendon, she's holding out her right arm and he's holding out his left. In the same place on their forearms, Andi has the word Blue tattooed there and Brendon has the word Red. Instead of looking at the camera, they're looking at each other with big, happy expressions on their faces.


Soon, the guys are crowded around me, all of us staring down at the picture on my phone. "They got matching tattoos!" Joe yells in my ear. "You can't deny the spark between those two, wow!"

"Really Joe?" I glare at him.

"I mean, getting matching tattoos is a couples thing." Patrick informs me, taking Joe's side on this one.

"Did she text you?" Andy asks me.

"No, I found this on twitter." I answer, gazing back down at my phone. It was tweeted by Andi and the caption is 'Drunk bet with a twist! New video coming Tuesday!' with the photo underneath it. "I'm gonna go call her." And I get up to do so.

I step out into the hallway for some privacy, putting my phone up to my ear and as soon as my sister picks up, I start rambling. "Why did I have to hear about you getting a tattoo from Twitter?"

Andi then bursts out laughing and I can imagine her shaking her head at me. "Pete, get a life. Stop going on social media every five seconds."

"And it was a drunk bet?" I ask, leaning against the wall, shoving my other hand into my front pocket.

"It's nice to hear from you too, Pete. How's Europe?" She changes the subject, making me laugh.

"Really nice. Where are you now?"

"Montana. We leave tomorrow for Washington." She says, and I desperately want to get back to the conversation I started with.

"They aren't bad tattoos." I finally tell her.

"I didn't think so." Andi agrees.

"So, are you and Brendon like a... 'thing' now?" I ask, the question being on my mind for so long that I had to just come out and ask it.

"No, but our friendship bond is lovely, thank you very much." She answers.

"You sure?" I ask, just to make sure she isn't joking around with me.

"Pete, I think I would know if I was in a relationship with someone."

"Okay, okay..." I stop nagging her. "So, why Blue?"

(Andi's POV)

"Great show!" I exclaim as Brendon runs up to me for a hug. He's sweaty and smelly, but I'm used to it and could care less anymore.

"Thank you!" He strangled me in this hug, soaking me in his disgusting sweat.

"No, thank you." I tell him as we slowly break away. "For covering me in your sweat once again."

"Anytime, Red." He winks, grinning. I shake my head, rolling my eyes, although there's a smile plastered on my face.

"Alrighty, come on. Spencer told me to order a pizza, It's waiting in the dressing room." I grab his hand without thinking about it, pulling him with me.

"Oh yeah." Brendon nods. "We better get there fast before the guys eat all of it on us." So, we run hand and hand down the long corridor and to the dressing room.

When we get there, Brendon pushes the door open with such force that it swings back and hits the wall behind it. It made a huge banging noise, causing everyone in the room to look up at us.

The first person I make eye contact with is Spencer. He's smirking evilly at me, his arms crossed. "Matching tattoos and now we're holding hands?"

Brendon and I both look down at our intertwined hands at the same, bumping heads. "Ow!" We say at the same time, letting go of each other to hold our throbbing heads instead.

"If this isn't a cliché romance movie moment, I don't know what is." Dallon comments before taking a bite of his pizza.

"Oi, save me a slice, I paid for it." I say, heading over to the pizza box, trying to both change the subject and get food because I was absolutely starving.

"Alright." Brendon claps his hands loudly. "Where to next boys? And girl."

"Where to next?" Spencer asks, raising his eyebrows at his friend. "Sleep, I'm exhausted."

"I second that." Dallon responds through a mouth full of food.

"I'll do something with you." I turn to look at Brendon. "Because I'm not boring like the rest of y'all."

"But you also don't have to perform a concert almost every night." Spencer reminds me.

I look at him and nod, agreeing. "Touché, Smith. Touché."

"Okay, Andi, grab your coat." Brendon instructs as he heads for the door.

"Where are we going?" I ask, placing my unfinished slice of pizza on the table and moving to grab my jacket.

Brendon makes eye contact with me and shrugs. "Don't know yet."

"Okay, well, before we do whatever it is we do, can we make a quick Target run? I ran out of face wash because somebody..." I shoot Dallon a glare. "Keeps using mine."

"I'm sorry!" Dallon complains, throwing his hands up in defense. "But look how clear my face is."

"Yeah, we can stop there." Brendon tells me, ignoring Dallon's comment.

"Cool." I respond, heading towards him where the exit was located.

Brendon holds open the door for me and I thank him with a simple head nod. And as we're walking down the hallway, we both hear Dallon yell, "Buy me some face wash too!" Leaving us both in a mess of laughter.



I got my hair cut and idk how I feel about it. I had vvvv long hair before and now it's vvv short. Yeah, idk man...
but u don't care about that so, anyways... thanks for reading,


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