The One Where He Comes To Check On Her

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(Pete's POV)

"Oh my god, Andi?!" I freak once I hear my sister's voice over the phone.

"No, I'm dead, remember? So you can stay in Europe. Gotta finish that last show of yours." She tells me and my mind is still spinning with relief. Everything's okay. Andi's okay.

Patrick, Joe and Andy are all standing in front of me, asking me what's happening. "She's okay." I mouth to them and they all cheer, hugging each other.

I continue to talk to Andi and Brendon until Patrick suddenly rips my phone from my grip. "Andi!" He yells into the phone, raising it up to his ear. "Thank goodness you're okay."

It all has been so scary, but now everything is fine. I keep telling myself that it's okay, but I'm still so worried. I just want to see my sister to make sure. I got news that she could of died, so my heart was still pounding and my head was still throbbing. But now that I know she's awake and talking, I have to finish this show in Europe. I probably won't even see her until she gets home in about a week and a half.

It's gonna be hard... but I'll have to manage. Maybe I'll pick her up from the tour bus right before the show when they arrive in LA. We'll see what happens.

The guys each get a chance to talk to Andi over the phone and soon it's handed back to me. "I'll talk to you later, okay?" My sister tells me.

"Yeah." I agree. "Get some rest."

"Okay... Bye, Pete."

"Bye, Andi. Bye, Brendon."

"Bye!" They say simultaneously before they hang up. I look back up at the guys, shoving my phone back into my pocket.

"So..." Joe begins, gripping his suitcase. "Back to the hotel, then?"

And that's what we did. We went back to the hotel. But the whole way there, all I could do was think about my sister.

I remember the first time she had an allergic reaction. She was only five years old, me only being thirteen, but it was one of the scariest days of my entire life.


I sat next to my little sister, munching on some Cheese-Its as she put a spoonful of this new cinnamon cereal into her mouth we just bought the other day.

"How is it?" I had asked her before she started violently coughing. "Chew your food, Andi." I reminded her, slapping her back in effort to make her cough it up. But she didn't stop coughing and soon she was gasping for air.

"Pete!" She yelled, stumbling to the floor.

Her face was extremely pale and her whole mouth and lips were red and bumpy. "Mom!" I screamed, jumping to the floor next to Andi. "Something's wrong with Andi!"

I continue to slap my sisters back, trying to help, but it wasn't working at all. Soon, our mother comes rushing into the room. She tells me to call 911. And it all happened so fast after that.

All I could remember was the paramedic stabbing shots into my baby sister, making her scream. They carried her away in an ambulance and Mom and I had to follow the truck in our car. Mom was crying. I was crying.

It was scary... I thought my little sister had died. At least, that's what my mom kept saying. "She's dead..." She would repeat quietly to herself. "My baby is dead... she's dead... my baby..."

*End of Flashback*

I thought my sister had died at the age of five. And I made sure that never happened, well at least while I was around, ever again.

What a Catch, Andi|| Brendon UrieWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt