The One Where It's The Last Day Of Tour

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I pulled away just a little to look at his face before he connected our lips again.

"Hey, lovebirds!" Zack yells at us, neither Brendon or I noticing he was standing right next to us until that moment. We break away to look at him, giggling and smirking as we did so. "Your family's here." He informs me.

I raise my eyebrows at that in confusion. "My family?"

"You know, those four brothers of yours, that best friend is here too, and your grandmother." He lists off.

I gasp, stepping away from Brendon, now anxious to see my family, especially my grandmother. "My Nonna is here?! Take me to them, Zachary!"

Zack rolls his eyes, though smiling, before walking in the opposite direction. I begin to follow him, grabbing Brendon's hand and pulling him along with me. "This is it, right? We should tell them?" Brendon asks, squeezing my hand, looking down at me.

I bite my lip and nod, having thought the same thing. "Yep. This is it."

Zack leads us down the hallway we'd use to get to the dressing room, but instead of continuing to go forwards, we step inside a whole different room. And in the middle of said room, stood Pete, Meredith and my Nonna.

"There she is!" Pete announces, all eyes now looking in my direction.

"Andi!" Nonna squeals, a huge grin washing over her face.

"Nonna!" I say back with just as much excitement as she did. I quickly make my way over to her, wrapping up my small grandmother into a hug. "I didn't know you were coming!"

"I didn't either." She says truthfully, breaking away to look into my eyes. "I have a Bingo date early in the morning, but your brother convinced to come see you the minute you got back."

"Aw, thanks Nonna." I give her a huge smile.

I think the main reason why my Nonna moved from Colorado to LA after I did was because she still wanted to be near me. After I moved out of her home to come here and live near my brother, she said she didn't have any reason to live out there anymore. Plus, I think she she was so used to living with me that it felt weird to live so far away. We also got along really well, better than I ever had with my parents anyway. Not that my parents didn't love me or anything, we just constantly butted heads and had different opinions.

I then let go to hug my brother and then I hug Meredith. "How are you feeling?" Pete asks me, still worried about what happened in Washington, me going to the hospital and what not.

"Better." I assure him, nodding.

"Brendon." Meredith calls my boyfriend over, having noticed him still standing in the doorway. Zack had walked away.

"Right!" I say, almost forgetting he was still there.

"Brendon, this is Nonna Wentz. Nonna, this is Brendon. He's the lead singer of the band. He took Andi on their tour with them." My brother explains to our grandmother.

Brendon moves to stand next to me, giving Nonna a welcoming grin before sticking out his hand for a handshake. "Nice to meet you, Mrs. Wentz."

Nonna shakes his hand, returning the kind smile. "Please, call me Nonna. Meredith here does."

Meredith then nods to back her up. "I do."

"Okay." Brendon nods. "Nonna."

"He's the one on Twitter, yes? With the tattoo?" Nonna then turns to me, raising her eyebrows.

"He is." I confirm. Nonna then looks at Brendon with what I can only describe as a proud look on her face.

"You're a very handsome man, Brendon." My Nonna tells my boyfriend, making me laugh so hard that I almost wet my pants.

What a Catch, Andi|| Brendon Urieحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن