The One Where It's Actually Her Birthday Part 1

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December 2nd.

Happy birthday to me.

I woke up with a start, a loud banging noise coming from the outside of my closed bedroom door. I quickly sit up, grabbing my glasses from off my nightstand and shoving them onto my face. "Come in!" I announce, trying to get my eyes to focus.

Someone, whom I'm assuming is Meredith, my vision is still a little hazy from just having been woken up, stumbles into my room. "Happy birthday, Opal!" Yep. It's Meredith.

I groan, rubbing my face. "Thanks..." I respond groggily.

"I'm sorry to wake you, but look! They had a birthday donut at Dunkin!" She exclaims, placing a twelve pack Dunkin' donuts box on my lap.

"Wow, breakfast in bed." I joke, grinning at her. "Thank you."

She giggles, nodding. "You're welcome! Okay, I'll leave you to get more sleep with your donuts... just, this one's mine..." She then takes a vanilla long john out of the box before slowly backing away. "Okay! Just be up by one because that's when Pete told me he was coming over."

"Aghhhhhhh!" I complain, sighing. "Okay..." And Meredith exits the room. I eat a plain chocolate donut before going back to bed for another hour. I then wake up again, eat one more donut, and then force myself to get up and get ready for the day.

Just as I'm getting out of the shower, I hear the doorbell ring. I groan in annoyance at the fact that I wasn't even halfway done getting ready and people are already expecting me to open my door(Aka Pete Wentz). I then quickly throw on a pair of baggy sweatpants with a sports bra and an old Blink 182 t-shirt. "Opal!" Meredith calls my name.

"Coming!" I announce as I exit my bathroom, into my bedroom and throwing my dirty towels in the hamper. With my hair a dripping mess and my face unmade, I emerge from my room, stomping down the hallway.

"AndEye!" I didn't know that Pete was bringing the guys as well, so I was just surprised as they were when I entered the front room. "You're wet...?!"

"You're here too?"

"Did you forget to use a towel?" Pete asks, raising a single eyebrow.

I sigh, glaring up at my brother. "Well, I was trying to get ready, but then you people showed up!" I exclaim before taking a deep breath and crossing my arms. "Don't harass me, its my birthday."

"Oh, right, happy birthday Andi!" Joe then yells loudly before tackling me in a hug.

"Thank you." I giggle, patting his back in our hug.

And then the rest of the guys had to do the same, wishing me a 'happy birthday' and then squeezing me in a tight hug.

"So, got any big plans?" Andy asks, already fully aware that I didn't. I don't like to throw parties for myself because I hate being the center of attention. I rather just spend it with the few people I'm closest to.

"Just... going out with Bren tonight." I respond.

"Wait, what? You're going out with Brendon? You never let us take you out on your birthday." Pete exclaims, crossing his arms over his chest.

"I didn't have a choice." I shrug, trying to hide my smirk.

"Okay, well, when are you leaving?" Patrick asks.

"Seven." I answer.

"Awesome!" Joe exclaims with sincere excitement before reaching behind him and grabbing a white box from off the mantel. "That means we have six hours to eat this cake."

What a Catch, Andi|| Brendon UrieHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin