The One Where They First Met

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(Andi's POV)

I have to admit, Brendon did make me laugh. He insisted on getting in a pair of ice skates and wanted me to teach him how to skate.

The amount of times he fell and swore was so ridiculous that I couldn't hold back a smile anymore. And at one point, he hurt his butt so bad that he had to hold onto me while we skated so he wouldn't fall again. "You're ridiculous." I grin at him, rolling my eyes.

"And you're talented!" Brendon says, but it sounded pretty harsh for it to be a compliment. "How the hell are you so good at this?! I'm pretty sure my entire ass is bruised."

And there I was again, laughing. "Trust me, I've had my fair share of bruised asses." I assure him. "Goodluck trying to sit on the toilet for the next few days."

"Ah!" Brendon laughs loudly at my comment, before holding onto my arm for dear life so he didn't slip and fall again.

We skate around the rink a few times and at one point I make him let go of me to see how he does. Needless to say, it didn't go as planned. It was when Brendon was at the edge of the rink, holding onto the wall for support that I skated back over to him. But then all of the sudden, my head had started to spin and my vision was getting clouded by black dots.

"Andi?" Brendon asks, but I could barely hear him. My vision had gone completely black and all I could feel was me falling.

(Brendon's POV)

"Looks like you're gonna have to give me more lessons." I tell Andi, grinning at her. But she doesn't respond, staring blankly at me. "Andi?"

And then her legs gave out from under her and she started to fall. I reacted quickly, catching Andi in my arms before her body could hit the ice. She grabs onto me as I pull her back up to her feet. She didn't pass out, but was on the verge of it. She holds on tightly to my sleeves, squeezing my arms, as if I had just brought her back to reality.

"You okay?" I hold tightly onto her waist so she doesn't fall again.

"Yeah." She breaths, blinking rapidly, staring into my eyes. "Thanks."

I nod and her grip on me loosens, but I don't dare let go. "You haven't eat at all today, have you?"

"Shit..." She swears, looking away. "Right. I forgot that was a thing I had to." She jokes, and my heart kinda does this fluttering thing at the fact that she's joking around like herself again.

I smile at her, shaking my head. "I think that's enough skating for today." I decide for the both of us. "Let's go get something to eat."


We get an uber and tell the driver to drop us off at the nearest diner. He does and it's some place called Rosie's Din Diner. It's three o'clock so the place isn't too crowded and we're able to get a booth by the window.

I watch Andi the entire time when we sit down. Her eyes are still bloodshot red and her face is still pale, she's still sad and I couldn't really blame her... Today was going to be difficult, filled with many different emotions. I just have to be here for her.

She then picks up the menu in front of her and skims over the words. I do the same, trying to act like I wasn't watching her. "What are you getting?" She asks, finally looking up at me.

"Don't know yet." I answer, laying the menu down back on the table. "What about you?"

"Mac and cheese." She answered with a small smile, putting her menu down as well.

"Mac and cheese?" I laugh at her, shaking my head. And then I couldn't stop laughing.

She raises her eyebrows at me, totally confused. "Okay, me ordering something off the kids menu isn't that funny."

What a Catch, Andi|| Brendon UrieWhere stories live. Discover now