The One Where There's Something More

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When we got back to the tour bus, it was two thirty in the morning. We decided to leave the rental car behind and take a public bus back to where the tour bus was parked. We were both soaking wet and couldn't stop laughing.

"Sh. The guys are sleeping." I whispered, pressing my finger to Brendon's lips to shush his loud laughter. And in that moment I couldn't help but notice how beautiful and full his lips were. They were nice to look at...

Brendon did then quiet down and then he kissed my finger. I moved my hand and he instantly attached his lips to mine.

I wrapped my arms around his neck as he hugged my waist, pulling me closer to him. "I've wanted this forever." He mumbled against my lips.

I then pull away for a split second. "Since we were teenagers?" I question, finding it a bit hard to believe.

"You have no idea." He laughs, pressing his lips to mine once more. Everything then got a little heated and we were now on the couch, him on top of me.

"Okay." I break away, giggling non stop. "We should probably go to bed now."

"No..." Brendon whined, kissing me again.

"As much as I'd love to do this all night, I'm freezing and exhausted." I whisper to him and he finally gives in and gets up.

I stand up to go get ready for bed and he pecks my lips one last time before I make my way to the bathroom.

So... this is it? Brendon are dating now? I knew I liked him, I just didn't know he liked me back. How's Pete gonna feel about this? Not that I'm gonna let his opinions influence who I date... I just wanna know what he thinks.

I didn't think I was even ready to start dating... am I? Am I betraying Will? I know that's a dumb question but it still gives me anxiety thinking about it. I like Brendon a lot. I liked our friendship a lot. But I also really like kissing him. I don't want to lose him if we have some stupid fight and break up. But then again, we both have these feelings for each other that probably shouldn't be ignored. Or else we'll never be able to move on.

I quickly slip on some sweatpants and a sweatshirt, making my way towards my bunk. I find Brendon in his, still in his wet clothes, fast asleep. I laugh silently at how cute he looks before softly kissing his forehead and climbing into my own bunk where Ringo was patiently waiting for me.

(Brendon's POV)

When I woke up the next morning, I was freezing from my damp clothes that were still sticking to my body. I quickly got up and changed into a pair of shorts and took off my shirt. "Brendon, move." I suddenly hear a voice from behind me.

I turn around to see Andi, standing right behind me, probably trying to get around me to use the bathroom or something. "Hi." I grin at her, my face probably blushing like crazy. Why am I an actual teenage boy?

"Hello." She grins back. Her bright red hair is pulled back into a ponytail. She's got her glasses on and is wearing sweatpants and a sweatshirt. I can't believe she kissed me back yesterday. I didn't think she would ever like me the same way I did her. "Can you move now so I can pee?"

"Oh!" I snap back into reality, stepping aside. "Right, sorry."

She playfully rolls her eyes before planting a quick kiss on my cheek and making her way to the bathroom. Memories from last night rush through my head, making me smile. I still can't believe it actually happened. It feels like some sort of dream. But thankfully, it's not. And this all real.

I force myself to stop daydreaming and get on a shirt. I make way to the other room, my stomach grumbling at how hungry I was. "Have you seen my charger?" Andi asks as soon as she exits the bathroom. She looks on the counter but can't find what she's looking for. "I bet Spencer took it... that little shit."

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