The One Where They Part Ways

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I scream at my laptop, frustrated that it keeps refreshing every two seconds. I was on Twitter and I kept getting spammed like nobodies business because of that concert with Brendon.

"What's wrong?" Brendon asks, raising his eyebrows, turning to look at me from where he was cooking eggs over the stove.

Thankfully, we got to sleep in late, it now being twelve in the afternoon. Meredith texted me and was out with her friend Amy, so it was just Brendon and I.

"My Twitter is blowing up." I say from my spot at the kitchen table, never looking away from my screen.

"Mine was too." He comments, going back to his cooking.

"There are so many theories and comments and threats." I exclaim, shaking my head at how many tweets people kept sending me.

"Threats?" Brendon asks, sounding genuinely concerned.

I look up to make eye contact with him. "You don't get threats on a daily basis?" I wait, but he doesn't answer. He just stares at me, waiting for me to say that I was kidding. But I wasn't. "No? Just me? Great..."

"I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not." Brendon shakes his head, moving to sit across from me. "You get threats?"

"Youtube's a weird site with weird people on it." I shrug.

"What are they saying?"

"About us? On Twitter?" I question, leaning forward and squinting down at my laptop screen. "Some are good, our ship name being a trend. There's people arguing about if End Of All Things is about me or not. And there's a meme of me looking terrified on stage, and a gif of me dropping the mic." I laugh at that because they were both genuinely funny.

"I have a love/hate relationship with the internet." Brendon comments, a small smile on his face.

"Don't we all?" I agree.

"So, what else are they saying? What are they threatening?" He asks, and it really seems to be bugging him.

"It's nothing unusual. Same old stuff I've been getting for years. There's comments telling me to kill myself, that I'm an ugly bitch, etc." I list, scrolling through the hate comments as if it were nothing.

"What the fuck?" Brendon shakes his head. "What small minded asshole told you that?"

"It's the internet, Bren. There's always gonna be stupid ass comments. You just have to learn to ignore them and not fall down the comment section hole of regrets." I explain, deciding it would be best if I just closed my laptop.

"I know, I know..." Brendon sighs. "It's just... I hate it when people say things they probably don't actually mean. They're just looking for attention in sick, twisted ways."

I nod, completely agreeing. "I know. But, that's not everyone. Some people are actually super kind and supportive."

"Well, I know that." He answers. "Sometimes it's just hard to remember the good ones when the bad ones always stick out."

"What's why they say stupid crap." I explain. "They want to stick out. They want to be noticed."

"That's barbaric."

"I know." I sigh. "But I've been down that road one too many times. I've beaten myself up for what random people say and it's taken me years to get over it."

Brendon clenches his jaw, seeming to be more annoyed by the haters than I was. "I hate that."

"I've learned to look past it. Come on, you're a punk rock musician! I'm sure you've seen hate comments before." I tease him, trying to lighten the mood.

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