The One Where She Brings The Cat On The Bus

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(Brendon's POV)

I paced back and forth, my nerves making me more anxious than normal. "Where is she?!" I mumbled to myself, meaning for it to be a rhetorical question.

"I told you, she went to go get coffee." Spencer answered anyways, sitting on the couch, his arms crossed over his chest.

"Thirty five minutes ago?" I checked my phone for the thousandth time before shoving it back into my pocket. "That seems like a long time."

Spencer shrugs, sighing loudly. "Maybe she walks slow." I roll my eyes in response, plopping down next to him. "Don't worry too much, Bren... I'm sure she's fine."

I half nod, looking out the window, forcing myself to wait and take a few deep breaths.


"She's been gone for almost an hour." I tell Spencer as soon as the clock on my phones changes to nine fifteen.

"I know..." Spencer responds, sitting at the edge of the couch. "Now I'm starting to worry."

"Me too... I've texted her a million times and she's not responding... I'll try calling her." I decide, finding her contact in my phone in less than two seconds.

And as soon as I put my phone up to my ear, both Spencer and I heard Andi's ringtone go off. It was Bulletproof Heart by My Chemical Romance, making me smile for just a split second before realizing she had left her phone behind, plugged in on the counter.

"Shit." Spencer read my mind. "She left her phone here."

"Fuck." I stand up, not being able to just sit there any longer. I run my hand through my hair, starting to get frustrated from worrying. "What if something happened?"

Spencer shakes his head, trying to think of any possible explanation as to why she could be so late. "Maybe she got sidetracked."

I shake my head, raising my voice. "How sidetracked could she get getting coffee, being an hour late?!"

Spencer shrugs, trying to lighten the mood in effort to make me feel better. "She's Andi... You've met her, right?"

But I wasn't up for his jokes. "Shut up. I'm really worried, Spence... I'm actually starting to freak out."

"Don't." He quickly stands up, resting his hand on my shoulder. "The last thing we need is you fainting."

I take a deep breath, giving him a single nod. "We should go look for her."

Spencer pats my shoulder before nodding in agreement. "Okay."

I go to grab my coat and just as I'm lifting it off the back of the chair, the door of the bus opens and Andi walks in.

As soon as I saw her face, I didn't know what I wanted to do more: kiss her, or scream at her. I obviously wasn't going to kiss her, I don't know how'd she feel about that... So I screamed instead. "Andi! Where have you been?!"

Andi raises her eyebrows, taken off guard at my sudden outburst. She was holding a cup holder with four drinks in it in one hand and was holding her keys in the other.

"Getting coffee." She responds, setting the drinks down on the counter. "Didn't Spencer tell you?" She looks back at our friend.

"I did, but you were gone for almost an hour. Starbucks isn't that far." He tells her.

Andi opens her mouth to say something but I beat her to it, not being able to help myself. "And you didn't have your phone so we couldn't contact you!"

What a Catch, Andi|| Brendon UrieWhere stories live. Discover now