The One Where The Date Is November 7th

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(Brendon's POV)

November 7th.

Pete warned me about today. This was the day Andi didn't want to be alone. The reason why she came on tour with me in the first place. I still didn't know the whole story, I just knew that it had been a really bad time in her life.

About a week leading up to today, she slowly had not become herself. She spaced out 24/7 and was really quiet. She didn't laugh at Dallons jokes, she didn't mess around with Spencer, she didn't ask Zack for piggyback rides(which he would always give her), and she didn't grin like she always did when I called her Red.

Today we were in Colorado, and thankfully we didn't have a show tonight. Last night we had gotten a hotel to stay at because we were staying in this state for so long without having a concert to perform at.

Spencer and I shared a room(obviously getting our own beds), Dallon shared a room with Zack, and Andi got a room to herself. Dallon and Zack's room was across from ours, and Andi's was next to mine and Spencer's. We unlocked the door that lead to Andi's room so we could go in without having to walk into the hall.

I figured that would be best considering the upcoming day.

That night she waved us goodnight and hid inside her room from nine in the afternoon(hehe) to now. It's ten in the morning and she's still in there. Breakfast in the lobby started at eight and goes till eleven, so the guys and I figured we get something to eat.

I texted Andi, seeing if maybe she'd want to come with us. I didn't want to go into her room and disturb her. Not yet anyways. But, to my surprise, she actually answered her phone.

>Me: Hey, the guys and I are getting breakfast in the lobby. Wanna come get some pancakes??

>Red: No I'm okay. Thank you though

>Me: Okay... I'll bring you back something.

And she didn't respond to that, but at least I got one answer out of her. That's all I could hope for.

Spencer and I then met Dallon and Zack in the lobby, already having a table with food in front of them. "Hey," Dallon was the first one to speak up. "Where's Opal?"

It took me a second to comprehend who he was talking about before remembering Andi's Youtube name. "Oh, she wasn't hungry..."

I sit across from Zack, and Spencer takes a seat next to me, across from Dallon. "Is she okay?" Zack asks, seeming that to be on all of my friends minds.

They all stared at me, desperate for answers. "She... uh..." And I didn't know how to put it in words. I didn't even really know myself.

"She hasn't been herself lately." Spencer comments. "Is it about the cat? Is it okay?"

I furrow my eyebrows at him, everyone looking towards Spencer in confusion and shock. "You're asking about the cat? You care about the cat?" Dallon asks.

"Well, I mean... Andi really loves that cat." Spencer shrugs, stating the obvious.

"I don't think this is about the cat." Zack shakes his head, looking back over at me. "What's up with her Bren?"

I sigh, trying to avoid eye contact. "The whole reason why she came on tour with us was because she didn't want to be alone... especially today."

"What's today?" Spencer questions, watching me closely.

"I don't... I don't know." I respond truthfully. "I just know that something happened two years ago on this day that wasn't exactly... ideal."

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