The One Where She Gets Everyone Coffee

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(Andi's POV)

Watching the concert from backstage is absolutely incredible. Although watching it in the stands was fun too, backstage I'm super close and Brendon is always sneaking me a glance and a wink.

Plus there's those few times where he has to run off stage and each time he does, he tackles me in a sweaty hug I'm never prepared for. I always make a disgusted snorting noise, trying to wiggle my way out of his grip but it's way too tight for me to escape.

And then he laughs all the way until he's back on stage, leaving me covered in his sweat.

It was nice.

It was the second to last show in Texas(not for the overall tour, just in that state), Panic! having one more show tomorrow night. And near the end of the concert, I get a text from Pete.

>Pete: Can you call me?

>Me: That I can do

So I leave the backstage area and quickly make my towards Brendon's dressing room where I know I won't disturb anyone and vise versa.

My brother picks up on the second ring. "Hey."



I laugh, shaking my head as I plop myself down on the couch. "What's up?"

"Just checking up on you. I haven't talked to you over the phone since that facetime call with the guys." Pete laughs. "And they hogged Patrick's phone!"

I laugh as well, thinking back to that interesting call. "Ah, yes."

"So, you're in Texas right now?" He asks. I text him everyday, him always wanting to know what's happening next.

"Yep." I respond, popping the p. "We leave in two days for New Mexico."

"Nice, nice... What are you doing now?"

"I'm at the concert."


"Yeah, I was watching it until you texted." I tease him, even though that's really what happened.

"You could have waited till it was over to call me back!" Pete argues, but I could tell he was smiling.

"I know, but I've seen this concert about five times now and I get to go to like twenty more. I think it'll be okay if I miss the ending of one." I explain, playing with the hole in my jeans.


"So," I begin, taking a deep breath. "How's life been without me, then? Hard?"

"Oh, like you wouldn't believe." He jokes, making it sound more dramatic than it actually was.

"I know, I know." I laugh, ripping off a loose string from my jeans. "How's Bronx?"

"He's good." Pete responds. "He made you a card in school the other day, actually."

"Aww, he did?!" I squeal, my heart swelling with happiness. "He's so cute."

"I'll give it to you when you get home." Pete tells me. "And he'll probably want to facetime you tonight before bedtime, if that's okay."

"His bedtime or mine?" I joke.

"Mine." Pete plays along.

"Well alright, then. I'll put facetiming tonight on my calendar." I inform him.

"Hope you're not too busy to squeeze us in." He teases me.

"Don't worry." I assure him. "I can always make
room for Bronx."

What a Catch, Andi|| Brendon UrieWhere stories live. Discover now