The One Where He Accidentally Tells Her

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Boy, did I wake up with a start the next morning. I finally had remembered that night the guys and I got drunk. The night before I left with Brendon Urie and the rest of Panic! At The Disco to finish the rest of their tour with them...

I kissed Brendon Urie.

I shot up in the bed I was in, smacking my head against the top bunk above me. "Fuck." I groaned, holding my head in my hands, lying back down.

I can't believe I kissed him. What the hell was I thinking? I also can't believe I just hit my head. That hurt like hell.

"Andi?" A familiar voice calls out my name.

"Mhm?" I groan, holding my hands against my head, my eyes closed, trying to make the pain disappear.

"Did you just hit your head?" I could tell he was smiling, almost on the verge of laughter.

"Shut up, Brendon." But I couldn't hold back my smile either. Yeah, it probably looked hilarious.

He chuckled and I could feel a dip at the bottom of my bunk so I'm guessing he sat down by my feet. My eyes were still closed and the pain was slowly fading away. "I do that all the time. Don't worry, the pain goes away."

"Great." I say sarcastically, hiding my face with my hands as well.

Does he remember we kissed? Is he just not gonna mention it? Should I?

"Come on, get up." He pats my feet through the large comforter over my body. "We're stopping at McDonalds for breakfast."

"Ooo." I finally remove my hands from my face, slowly sitting up this time. "Yay, food." Brendon is sitting at the end of my bunk, his head bent forwards so he doesn't hit his head like I did. He's wearing a black t-shirt and black jeans, his hair sticking up in a fluffy mess.

He grins at me, patting my legs again before standing up. "Yes, food. Come on."

I sigh loudly, rubbing my eyes. "Okay, I'm coming." And that's all he needed to hear before leaving the room.

I ran my hand through my hair, it also a red mess of wavy curls. I roll off the bunk bed, finding a hair tie and my glasses, pulling my hair up into a ponytail and shoving my glasses onto my face.

I begin walking for the door before looking down and realizing I was only in a light t-shirt, underwear, and my knee brace. I quickly turn back around, grabbing a pair of sweats from my suitcase that's lying open on the floor and jumping to get them on.

I have to start remembering that this isn't Fall Out Boy, the band that I grew up and have seen me at my worst. Although I know Brendon pretty well, I've only met Spencer a few times and just met Dallon yesterday.

Meaning what? I can't walk around in my underwear anymore.

I then exit the room, heading straight for my phone where I left it plugged in on the table. "Morning, sleepy head." Spencer greets me as I unplug my phone and sit down.

"Morning." I respond, never looking up from my screen. I have over fifty messages already, and I've only been sleeping for about eight hours.

I get one from my boss at the salon, Natalie. I called her before I left yesterday and left her a message explaining my situation. But I wasn't too worried because Natalie loves Meredith and I; plus we've been working at her salon for years.

>Natalie: It's no problem, Opal! It'll be hard to get along without you AND Meredith, but we'll manage. Have a good vacation, call me when you get back!

>Me: Will do! Thanks Nat!

And I have two texts from Meredith.

>Mere: Heyyyyy
How's that rockstar life treating ya?!

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