The One Where They Come Up With A Solution To The Problem At Hand

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I already told Meredith that I'm taking a vacation and that I'll be arriving home about two weeks after she does from Portland.

When I told her I was gonna be with Panic! At The Disco for that time being, mostly because Pete wasn't going to be home either(nor the rest of FOB), she actually agreed that it was a good idea. "Yeah, you should go have some fun!"

That seemed to be the constant theme here.


And I knew why. I had been so sad for so long. I was okay now, but nothing will ever be the same. They wanted me to smile like I used to. And honestly, deep down, I wanted to too.

The day I agreed to go with Brendon, we needed to leave that night. So around seven, I had finished packing and I was being dragged out of my own house. Plus, we had to stop at the recording studio because I never got to record what Patrick wanted me to.

"Let's go, Andi!" Pete was calling me from somewhere in my apartment while I was still in my bedroom, trying to shove some contacts into my eyes.

"I'm coming!" I yell back, grabbing my suitcase in one hand with my charger, phone, jacket and shoes in the other.

I come running from my bedroom and into the living room where Pete and Brendon were waiting by the front door.

I then dropped everything I was holding to sit down on the ground and put my shoes on. "You're a mess." Pete chuckled, shaking his head at me.

"Oi, packing is stressful!" I argue, shoving my foot into my black converse. "And I'm trying to think about what Patrick wants me to record."

"I'm sure it's just background vocals or something." Pete assured me, opening up the front door as I stand up and throw my jacket over my shoulders.

"Right, because that's exactly what he said last time." I respond, grabbing my suitcase and shoving my charger into the front pocket.

Last time Patrick wanted me to do 'background vocals' we ended up singing a whole duet together. Basically, he tricked me into recording a song with him.

"You have a beautiful voice." Brendon tells me. "Don't fight it."

"Now you're starting to sound like my brother." I tell him, grinning in his direction.

"Do you have your medicine?" Pete asks, ignoring my comment.

"Which ones?" I joke, turning to look at them, gripping onto the suitcase handle.

"All of them." He says, giving me a serious not-the time-to-mess-around look.

"Yes." I nod. "I've got them." I assure Pete, heading towards them, ready to follow them out the door but Pete hasn't moved, and Brendon just stood there, waiting for us.

"Make sure you take them. I'll be calling to make sure you do." He tells me, starting to sound like our mother.

"Pete, I'm not five." I put my hand on my hip, glaring at him.

"I gave Brendon a list of your medication and when you need to take them." Pete informs me and Brendon holds up a folded piece of paper, a small smile on his lips.

I sigh, rolling my eyes. "Brendon isn't my babysitter, Peter!" And I then turn to look at Brendon. "I'm not as helpless as he makes me seem."

Brendon nods, continuing to smile at me, shoving the paper Pete gave him into his pocket. "I assumed so." He grinned. "But don't worry." He then turns towards my brother. "I'll take good care of her, I promise."

"I know you will." Pete nods, smiling, giving Brendon a soft pat on the back.

"Alright boys, the chick flick moment's over. Let's go." And I push past them and out the front door.

What a Catch, Andi|| Brendon UrieWhere stories live. Discover now