The One Where They Spill The Tea And Get Really Deep And Sentimental

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WARNING: mentions and talk of suicide and self harm(if that triggers u, I suggest you just skip this chapter as a whole)


It's been a few weeks since after tour and Brendon and I have learned to live in separate apartments(obviously). Although, he comes over more often than Pete does, which is really saying something. And occasionally, we'll go to his house. But that's only when Meredith is having people over or something.

So, here we were, Brendon and I at my apartment sitting on the couch. Meredith was out getting groceries and promised to pick us up some dinner. Meanwhile, Brendon and I were catching up on some Supernatural, me leaning against him, his arm around me, Ringo in my lap. Life was as good as it gets in that moment.

And then Brendon paused the TV. So, naturally, I was triggered. "Aye! Dean was about to kiss Cas!"

"Never gonna happen, Andi."

"You never know!"

"Stop trying to force a relationship that's never going to happen."

I gasp, staring up at his face with an offended look washed over mine. "That was harsh, B..." I shake my head at him.

Brendon laughs at me and my idioticness. He kisses my forehead and his stare lingers on my face. I give him a small smile, lacing our fingers together. "You okay?" I ask him.

He raises his eyebrows, as if to be confused as to why I'd ask. "Yeah, I'm fine." He tells me and I believe him. "But... can we talk?"

"Yeah." I respond all to quickly. I move so that I'm facing him, my heart beating a million miles an hour. What exactly does he want to talk about? And why am I so nervous to hear about it? "Of course. What's up?"

Brendon shrugs, looking away. "I don't know... I just wanna talk."

I nod, deciding to just go along with it. If that's what he needed, I'll do it. "Okay..." I hesitate, not really sure of where to start. "Hey, I never did tell you about how I hurt my knee, did I?"

Brendon finally looks back at me, a new look of being intrigued spread across his face. "No, you haven't told me."

I sigh, nodding, deciding it would be best to just share all my feelings with him. Why not.

"But, you don't have to if you're not ready." He tells me, placing his hand on my thigh in a comforting way.

I give him a small smile, shaking my head. "I'm ready. It's not even that big of a deal, I'm just dramatic." I tell him how I see it. He opens his mouth, probably to argue, but I cut him off and begin the story. "As you know, I did lots of figure skating in high school. I even moved to Colorado to train and study the sport. It was my thing, ya know? It was my passion, and I loved it a lot. Apparently, I was pretty good at it too. I participated in a bunch of competitions, and I ended up making it into a certain competition to decide if I would able to move up to another competition that decided if I was good enough to train for the Winter Olympics. If that makes any sense..."

"Wait..." He shakes his head. "So , you made it into a competition to determine if you could move onto another competition, that decides if you train for the Olympics or not?" Brendon repeats, thinking it over again before nodding in understanding of his own words.

"Yes." I giggle, nodding back. "Two competitions. I was the only one from my rink to make it into the first one."

"Really?!" Brendon beams. "That's awesome!"

"Well, it was awesome." I reply. "But getting into the competition also crushed my ice skating career, so it also kinda sucked. It was the best and worst day of my life." I explain. Brendon nods, looking into my eyes, letting me know I have his full attention. "Anyways, I got up to do my routine and whatever. But I fucked up trying to do this spin, fell, and ended up shattering my knee."

What a Catch, Andi|| Brendon UrieWhere stories live. Discover now