The One Where They Both Remember

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It was bugging me. Really bugging me. So, Brendon and I decided to do a little investigating before we left. We checked to see who was on my visitor list, but Will's name wasn't on it. There was Brendon, Spencer, Zack, and Dallon, but no Will.

"That's odd." Brendon says, trying to think really hard for an explanation to it.

We then begin to ask around to see if anybody had seen him. And only one nurse had. He said he saw him walking into my hospital room and that was it. He didn't see Will walk out of my room or anytime after that.

I then get a phone call from Spencer, telling us to 'hurry the fuck up', so we ended our investigation there and got back to the tour bus. But I couldn't get how weird the situation was out of my head. I couldn't stop thinking about it, trying to come up with different explains for everything. But my mind wasn't having it.

After everyone had gone to bed, it was just Brendon and I left sitting on the couch. He was on his phone and I was staring out the window, thinking.

"You're thinking about it, aren't you?" I look back at Brendon who is now staring at me, his phone now off and in his lap.

"Is it that obvious?" I grin at him.

"No, but it's bugging you. I can tell that much." He answers. "Honestly... I've been thinking about it too."

I sigh loudly, deciding it would be best for my conscious if I just talk about it. "I'm gonna talk crazy for a second."

Brendon chuckles softly before nodding, shifting his position on the couch so that his whole body was facing me. "Talk away."

I bite my lip, running my hands through my hair. "I don't know if I believe any of it but... his name was Will. He knew my name. No one seen him leave the hospital. His name wasn't on the list. He said he'd want me to forgive him..." I list off. And by the look on Brendon's face, I could tell he had found it all a little too weird as well. He had been thinking what I was thinking. "I don't know if I believe in ghosts or sprits or any of that shit. This all sounds crazy as hell... but, do you think? Maybe?"

Maybe this Will was my Will. Maybe his ghost saved my life. Maybe he was trying to give me closure... Maybe I was crazy.

"I don't know if I believe in any of that either." Brendon speaks truthfully. "But he's obviously trying to send you some sort of message."

I can't help but laugh a little at that last sentence. "I'm sorry, it just all sounds so crazy to me."

"Oh, It is crazy. Totally, completely crazy." He agrees, a smile plastered on his face. "But maybe he's trying to help you. Maybe... he wants you to forgive him."

I take a shaky breath, not knowing what to believe anymore. I look away, telling my myself over and over again not to cry. Brendon reaches over and grabs my hand, squeezing it tight. "Maybe..." I whisper, gazing out the window again.

"Maybe." Brendon agrees, moving to sit right next to me. He wraps his arms around my body and pulls me against him. I take a deep breath, resting my head on his chest, loosely wrapping my arms around his torso. And that's where we stayed until the next morning.


"I could sit in the stands." I suggest.

"You wouldn't be able to see anyways. People will be standing up." He argues.

"What if we have her sit offstage?" Spencer tries, thankfully taking my side.

"No. You heard what the doctor said. She needs to rest." Brendon crosses his arms, having enough of the me-going-to-tonight's-concert conversation. "It'll be better if she just stays here."

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