The One Where Cinnamon Kills

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We had just arrived in Oregon and stopped to sit down and have breakfast at an IHop. We sat in a booth, Brendon next to me, Spencer across from me, and Dallon diagonal from me. Zack decided to stay on the bus and catch up on sleep.

"So..." Spencer begins and I can already tell that this conversation's going to go sideways. "Did you tell Pete yet?"

I don't look up at him, continuing to pour sugar into my coffee. "No."

"Are you going to tell him?" Dallon asks, and it's a stupid question.

"Obviously." I roll my eyes.

"When?" Spencer pesters me and right about then, I've had enough. Brendon opens his mouth to probably tell his friends to knock it off, but I beat him to it.

"Why do you guys care so much?! Why is Pete knowing so interesting to you people?!" I complain.

Spencer then shrugs innocently. "Your life interests me."

"Maybe I'll wait to tell him in person." I finally decide since they wouldn't let up. "How ya like that one? No one mentions it to him until I say something, have you got that?"

Dallon nods, grabbing the salt to pour over his hash browns. "Yes, ma'am."

I stare Spencer down, waiting for him to say the same. "Smith?"

"Fine." He rolls his eyes.

"So... who does know?" Dallon asks.

"You guys." Brendon responds, grabbing my hand from under the table and squeezing it.

"And Meredith." I add.

"Why does she get to know?" Spencer questions me.

"Because I tell her everything." I answer. And if I didn't, she would skin me alive. Okay... that was intense and overdramatic. She would more of just yell at me, demanding to know why I didn't tell her in the first place. "Problem?"

Spencer sighs loudly. "No, no."

"Great, let's change the subject." I suggest.

"Wonderful idea." Brendon agrees before taking a bite of his bacon. "Alright, I'm not happy with how long The Walking Dead's hiatus is going to be."

(Brendon's POV)

"We need to stop waking up so early just to get coffee." Andi informs me. She's slowly drinking her caffeine, but her eyes start to flutter closed every once in a while and her head drops with them.

"Andi, you need coffee to function in any way, shape, or form." I tease her and she doesn't argue with that.

But she does roll her eyes, smiling softly. "You know what I mean."

I do know what she means. Lately we've been waking up way earlier than usual to go get coffee for just the two of us. Like our own little morning dates. But they're not as fun because we're always complaining about how tired we are or how early it is.

But then she goes and does something like that and smiles so perfectly that it sends shivers up my spine and kicks my body awake. She's my damn caffeine, one blink from her and I'm wide awake.

"I need to take you on a proper date, then." I decide.

"As long as it's not this early in the morning, love." She tells me. I adore her when she calls me love. It makes me blush uncontrollably while butterflies form in my stomach. I blame Andi for why I'm having these teenage boy feelings.

"Anything for you, babe." I wink at her, making her smile and blush as well. Two can play at this game, Andi.

I keep my promise to bring her on a proper date the next day. I didn't have a concert to perform so I figured we could spend the whole day doing whatever the hell we wanted. Plus, I had already told the guys to not disturb us because I wanted this day to go smoothly(no offense to them).

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