The One Where She Tells Him Everything

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THERE'S A TRIGGER WARNING: And I'll tell u when it starts and where it ends

(Brendon's POV)

I heard Andi singing beautifully in the shower. Her voice was so pure and light, it was absolutely gorgeous. No wonder Pete's always on her about getting a record label. The world doesn't deserve to hear her voice, but she definitely deserves the world.

I make a mental note to tell her that one day. One day when she's mentally okay. Because that record label thing had always been a sensitive topic for her. I've learned, since day one, that Andi actually has stage fright and that's why she's always behind a camera instead of being in front of millions of people on a stage.

Anyways, I felt kinda weird and stalkerish as I was just standing outside of the bathroom door, listening to her sing, so I decided to grab the ice bucket that hadn't been filled yet and go get her some while I wait.

I ended up bumping into Dallon in the hallway, him wanting me to tell everything that was happening. So I did, and he said he'd let Spencer and Zack know as well. I then asked them how their little plan was going. Dallon responded with, "Its... going."

"Okay..." I nod. "Well, I better go before she gets out of the shower."

"Okay, I'll text you."


We parted ways and I made my way to the ice bucket machine, taking my time so when Andi's done I'll just be getting back.

I open the door to Andi's room, gasping at the horrifying sight. There were large stains of blood on the carpet that lead to the bathroom. The bathroom door was closed but I pushed it open, my heart beating a million miles an hour. There was glass everywhere, the mirror having been broken.

Did Andi break the mirror? And then accidentally cut herself? Or on purpose? Is she okay? What the hell happened?!

My head is spinning as I set the ice bucket down on the counter, my eyes finding their way to stare at the blood again. And Andi is nowhere to be found. I take out my phone and quickly try calling her and each seven times I tried, she doesn't pick up.

Worry was taking over my body and I thought I was going to throw up. And then my wonderful mind that only seems to work in horrible situations, remembers something.

If she has her phone, than I can find her. I take out my phone and go to the Find My IPhone app and log out of my account. The only reason why I know Andi's password is because she told the band and I one night when we were all drunk that her password for everything is: AndEye1

Not the best password, and very easy for anyone to guess, but right now it was saving my life, and maybe hers too. The password works and I track Andi down. She's not too far away, being at the Colorado Barnes Ice Skating Rink.

"Why the hell would she go there?" I think aloud. But I then decide that questioning what she was doing was beyond logical, so I quickly made my way out of her room and out the hotel.

(Andi's POV)

>Me: Hey Brad, it's Andera Wentz. I'm in town and I know the rink is closed today, but I was wondering if I could let myself in? Just for some old memories. I still have my own key LOL

>Brad: Hyia Andi! It's so good to hear from you again. By all means, let yourself in! I'm glad you're getting back on the ice

>Me: Thanks, Brad! This means the world

Little does Bard know, this isn't my first time getting back on the ice since my accident. I have maybe once or twice, but I'll never go back to the way I did it before.

What a Catch, Andi|| Brendon UrieWhere stories live. Discover now