The One Where They Go Shopping At Walmart

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We've got a week left of touring and I can't believe it's already almost over. Panic! plays their last show in L.A. and afterwards I'll have to go home.

Good thing Meredith will be there so I don't have to go home to a depressed, empty apartment. The guys are back from Europe as well, so I'm assuming they'll be there too.

"You ready, babe?" Brendon asks me, looking over in my direction.

"Whenever you are, love." I respond, staring up at him. I liked using that nickname with him because each time I did, a huge smile would spread across his face. It made my heart flutter knowing I was the one that put that grin on his beautiful face.

"Come on." He holds out his hand for me to take, which I do. He helps me to my feet, leaving Ringo behind on my bunk.

Since our first date was such a flop, with my heart almost stopping and such, Brendon wanted to make it up to me. Even though I told him that I actually had fun on our first date(before I couldn't breathe), he still felt the need to do a re-do. So, we rented a car and went for a drive.

I was driving, because I really enjoyed it for some reason and it made me really calm. Anyways, I drove us to a nearby neighborhood, knowing exactly where we were. "Where are we going?" Brendon asked, gazing around at our surroundings.

"There." I pointed forwards to a house at the end of the street. "See that house there?"

Brendon squints his eyes, looking out the windshield. "Yes." I drive up to it and slowly drive past it, both Brendon and I studying it. "It's beautiful."

The house was small, made of gray stone. There was a wall of leaves growing up the side and old, tall trees surrounding it. "I know."

"Who's is it?" He asked, turning his head to look at me.

I shrug, looking back at the road to get back on track of going out for lunch. "Don't know. But everyday when I first moved here, I'd take the long way home from work just to come look at it."

"Aw." Brendon grins, finding what I said to be cute. "That's adorable."

I playfully roll my eyes, never taking my eyes off the road. "Shut up."

"It is beautiful, though." Brendon nods.

"I know right." I squeal, not being able to help it. "It reminds me of an old fairytale cottage. Like something out of Snow White."

"You always say such cute things." He comments, and I'm almost certain it was a compliment.

"I'm just telling you how I feel. Sharing my life with you." I tell him, glaring at him jokingly.

"And I love it. I want to become part of that life forever."

And I'm pretty sure my heart almost stopped again when he said that to me.


"Ugh, I can't believe I have to go back to work." I complain, flopping down on the couch, lying on my back.

"What? Did you think after tour that was it? Life was just over?" Spencer teases me, sitting at the table, sipping his coffee.

"Yes." I play along, groaning in annoyance.

"Hey, come live with me and you'll never have to work again." Brendon keeps the joke going, him leaning against the counter where the coffee machine sat.

"It's not that I don't want to work." I say, staring up at the bus ceiling. "It's that I haven't for two months, so now I gotta get used to going back. Ugh, and I have to go grocery shopping and do languery and do a collab with Shane." Now I'm just thinking aloud my schedule and what chores I had to do when I get home. I rest my hands over my face just as Ringo, my cat, jumps up onto me and lays on my stomach.

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