The One Where They All Go Home

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That night at mine and Meredith's apartment, we all watched a movie while we ate our pizza, but didn't really pay attention to it and instead, talked the whole time.

The guys told us about their week in Europe, how they did the usual, performed some shows and went sightseeing. My Nonna talked about her bizarre story at the dry cleaners where some dude thought she was Betty White. And the Panic! guys, where only Zack, Spencer, and Brendon came, Dallon went home to Breezy, told the whole story of how I brought home Ringo(who was sleeping in my lap). And that's when I remembered our shopping cart story.

"The shopping cart!" I exclaim, looking back at Brendon. We were sitting on the far end of the couch, me tucked under his arm and my back against his chest. "We forgot about the shopping cart."

"Actually, it's in the back of Zack's car." Brendon informs me. "Don't worry, I got you, babe."

"Wait." Meredith stops the conversation. "Why is there a shopping cart in the back of Zack's car?"

And then of course that story had to be told. And no, I wasn't shaking anymore and I was much more calm. Mainly because I popped an anxiety pill earlier and was now much more chill.

But soon, I was getting the impression that Nonna was getting tired and wanted to go home. So, I sent Pete a quick text letting him know since he was her ride. Luckily, my brother answers his phone immediately. He looks up at me and nods. "Alright," He begins, standing from his chair. "It's past my bedtime. Ready, Nonna?"

Nonna nods vigorously, quickly jumping to her feet. "Hells, yeah."

"Joe?" Pete looks over at the curly haired man. He was also Joe's ride.

"Sleep sounds stupendous." Joe announces, also standing as well.

So naturally, me and being the host, I stand up too and I rest Ringo on the couch where he fails to even stir. He just purrs about whatever he was dreaming about. I walk my family to the door and Pete opens it.

"I'll talk you tomorrow, okay?" My brother looks over in my direction.

I nod in understandment. "Sounds good." And he gives me a hug.

"I will also call you tomorrow." Nonna states, going to give me a hug as well.

"Alright." I nod. "Tell me how things go with Jeffrey."

"Oh you bet." She winks at me, smirking.

"Alright, alright. You two can talk about boys later." Pete says, stopping the conversation from going any further.

"See you later, AndEye." Joe then traps me in a hug.

"See ya, Moe Joe."

And then they're out the door and gone. I close the door and turn around to see Patrick and Andy are standing right behind me, jackets in hand. "We better get going too." Pat informs me.

"Okay." I nod. No offense to them, but I was glad everyone was leaving. I'm tired as fuck.

"If you have time on Monday, can you come down to the studio?" He asks, giving me a begging grin.

I sigh, grinning back. "Yeah, I can come after work."

"Thank you!" Patrick exclamins.

"Speaking of work," Andy begins. "I need a haircut. Got any openings on Monday?"

It takes a minute for me to think about it but I surprisingly know my schedule. "No, not monday. Or Tuesday... I have one on Wednesday because of a cancellation at 2:15... I think?"

"Okay." Andy nods, not even bothering to think about if he's free or not. "I'll take it."

"I'll make you an appointment then." I confirm, grinning at him.

"Aren't you booked for the like the next two months or so?" Meredith asks from her spot on the couch, her and Brendon having not moved whatsoever.


"And who can blame your clients? You're amazing at your job and have to make up the time you missed." Andy compliments me.

"Aw, thank you!" I say before turning my head to look at Meredith. "See, I am good at my job!"

"I never said you weren't!" She argues, a joking smirk on her face.

"What just happened?" Brendon questions, shaking his head.

"Old, inside joke." Meredith responds. "Kinda..."

"Anyways..." Patrick looks back at me. "See you Monday!" He gives me a hug.

"Okay. Monday." I nod.

"Ready to start getting back to the gym?" Andy asks excitedly as I go in for my hug with him.

"Not even a little bit." I inform him. Twice a week, Andy takes me to the gym with him and is sort of like a trainer to help me build some muscles. His idea, not mine. But it was an excuse to do something and an attempt at getting somewhat strong.

In mine and Andy's hug, I press my head against his chest and literally almost fall asleep. "Don't worry," He assures me, patting my back. "I'll be easy to get back into the swing of things."

I hum in response, my eyes closed, desperately wanting to just fall asleep right then and there. Andy was big, soft, and warm. Like a giant pillow.

"AndEye?" Patrick pats my shoulder, but I don't respond. "I think she fell asleep." He laughs.

"Brendon, come get your girlfriend!" Andy shouts over to Bren who I assumed still hasn't moved from the couch.

I hear Brendon laugh and soon I'm being transferred from Andy's grip to Brendon's. "It's too early..." I complain, trying to keep my eyes open.

"Put her to bed, Bren." Patrick tells Brendon. "She needs it."

"Well, she did wake up early this morning." Brendon explains, wrapping his arms around me so I don't fall over.

"I never thought I'd hear early and Andi in the same sentence." Meredith comments from the couch, causing all of us to laugh.

"Okay, bye guys!" Patrick calls out.

"Bye!" And soon they're gone as well.

"Alright, I'm going to bed too." Meredith says, finally standing up from her sitting position. "Night, guys."

"Night." I manage to mumble out before my best friend disappears into her room.

Brendon laughs at me before picking me up, totally catching me off guard that woke me up instantly. "Brendon!" I squeal.

"I'm carrying you to bed, Red." He tells me, marching down the hall and to my room.

"God, just... don't drop me." I warn him. He laughs again and thankfully doesn't drop me. He lays me down in my bed and gets in next to me. I always slept on the right, him on the left. We never planned it and never talked about it. It just sort of happened.

I quickly pull the covers over our bodies and Brendon snuggled close to me, keeping one arm wrapped tightly around my waist.

"This is the first time we're sleeping in an actual bed together." Brendon comments. "There's so much more space!"

I laugh at that, keeping my eyes closed, not entirely sure if I had enough energy to open them. "I hate bunks."

"Me too." Brendon sighs before placing a soft kiss on my lips and lying back down. "Goodnight, Andi."

"Goodnight, love."

What a Catch, Andi|| Brendon UrieWhere stories live. Discover now