The One Where He Gets His Hair Cut

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(Andi's POV)

Damnit, Opal..." Meredith frantically shakes her head, obviously frustrated. "Just get in the car, we're going to be late!"

"Jeez, alright, alright!" I respond, deciding to just put on my gym shoes. I was taking extra slow this morning, and Meredith and I now had exactly five minutes to get to work.

"I will leave without you!" She dared right before I asked her what shoes I should wear.

Eventually, we both got into the car, Meredith driving because she drives like a madman and will get us to work on time. "Your first day back and I can't believe you're late." She kept scolding me.

"In my defense," I begin, but then came to a stop. "Yeah, I got nothing."

Meredith rolls her eyes, taking a sharp right turn, the seat belt digging into my neck. "Slow down!" I exclaim.

"We're here!" She announces before exiting the car and quickly making her way into the building. I slowly followed behind and to my surprise, we were only a minute late.

"Opal! Mere! My girls!" Sandy, the older lady that works the desk, greets us with a huge smile.

"Hey, Sandy." I smile back.

"Sorry we're late." Is the first thing Meredith says.

"Honey, you're right on time. I know how you are: Meredith is always on time." Sandy assures her. "It's this one over here that's a minute late." Sandy makes direct eye contact with me.

"Hey, it could have been worse!" I argue.

"I know, honey, I'm just teasing you!" Sandy stands from her chair and moves to give me a hug.

"That was mean." I joke.

"That was payback for being gone for so long. Things were crazy without you." She responds, taking a step back to look at my face.

"They couldn't have been that bad." I tell her with a smile.

Both Meredith and Sandy look at me with wide eyes, shaking their heads. "I'm just gonna say it..." Sandy begins.

"We're not aloud-" Meredith tries to tell her but Sandy doesn't care what she was aloud to do or not.

"Mary accidentally used purple dye instead of brown." Sandy whispers. She knows all the gossip around the salon. But, this was a big deal. Mary usually asks me for help and guidance, and I wasn't there to guide her along. "Needless to say, we lost a customer."

"Shit..." I shake my head, opening my mouth to say more before I'm cut off.

"Andera Opal Wentz, you better get your ass in here. You've got clients booked to your death."  I look over at Maggie, who's standing in the doorway to the waiting room.

"Can't wait." I nod, walking up to Maggie who then swallows me in a hug.

"Oh, Opal, I've missed you! We've all missed you!"

I giggle, hugging her back. "I've missed you too. And everybody else as well."

She breaks away and grabs my shoulders, staring into my eyes. "So, is it true?"

I raise my eyebrows at her in confusion. "Is what true?"

"Oh my god, it's all over the salon. It's literally all we've been talking about for the past few days." Maggie explains, as if the answers were written across her forehead.

"What are you on about?" I rest my hands on my hips, staring at her.

She rolls her eyes, frustrated that I'm so blind to her obvious question. "Are you dating that guy you went traveling with?"

What a Catch, Andi|| Brendon UrieWhere stories live. Discover now