The One Where They Both Fall Asleep

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I turn my camera towards Brendon, who is scrolling through his phone. "So, where we headed, Beebo?"

He looks up and smiles sheepishly at the camera. "Austin, Texas." It's later at night so Spencer and Dallon were already in their bunks.

I zoom in on his face and he's watching me carefully. I was sitting on the floor while he was sitting at the table. "Give the viewers more details, Blue."

"On what, Red?" Brendon questions, raising his eyebrows, a small smile growing on his face. "Texas?"

"Sure." I shrug, zooming out only a little bit so I could see his whole face and chest.

"Well... Austin is the state capital. And their state basketball team is the Texas Longhorns." Brendon lists some not-so interesting facts.

"Fascinating." I say in a tone to sound like I was actually intrigued. "I've never been to Texas."

"Really?" Brendon furrows his eyebrows, continuing to look at me(and the camera that was right in front of my face).

"Never." I respond. "What am I missing out on? Besides that everything is bigger." I joke. 'Everything's bigger in Texas.'

"Don't worry." He grins. "I'll show you around."

"Sounds like a plan." And after that I turn off the camera. It's been over a week of touring with the guys and I've already gotten pretty used to it.

But Brendon says there is more fun to come when they start having huge parties after the concerts. I'm both excited and nervous about that, but what the hell, I'll get super drunk and not think too much about it.

"You okay?" Brendon asks, pulling me away from my thoughts.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I assure him. "Why?"

"You keep spacing out on me." He informs me. And I'm not gonna act dumb and say I haven't realized, because I have.

My mind wanders sometimes and depending on what I'm thinking about, it could be hard to escape my thoughts. Especially when it's so close to November 7th, my mind runs on its own and I don't have enough power to bring it back to reality.

"Right... sorry." I shake my head, as if I could shake all the bad memories away.

"You sure you're okay?" Brendon slowly stands up and makes his way over to where I sat on the floor.

He sits next to me so that we're shoulder to shoulder and knee to knee. His head is turned towards mine so our faces are really close to one another's. He looks into my eyes and I stare back, both of us wearing our glasses.

I give him a small reassuring smile. "I'm okay..." I nod. "Thanks."

He nods back. "You can always talk to me."

I give him another smile, nodding again so he knows I will one day take him up on his offer to talk. "How about you? Are you okay?"

Brendon raises his eyebrows, seeming to be confused. "Yeah, I'm okay... Why do you ask?"

I shrug, bumping his shoulder, forcing him to give me a smile. "You've just seemed quiet these past few days."

Brendon shrugs too, bumping my shoulder back. "Lots to think about, I guess."

"Like what?" I watch him closely and he hesitates. "You can always talk to me too, just so you know."

Brendon grins at me, nodding. "I know."

I grin back, patting his bare knee because of his ripped jeans. "Good."

So, we ended up watching a movie on my phone instead of having a heart felt talk. We were both too tired for that. We stayed on the floor and I held my phone up in my hand so we could both see, the side of our bodies right up against each other. And about fifteen minutes into The Outsiders, one of my favorites, Brendon had fallen asleep, his head on my shoulder.

I smile, laughing silently as I pause the movie and take a selfie on my phone with a sleeping Brendon on my shoulder. I then turn off my phone deciding to not wake him since he was so tired. I snuggle up closer to him, as if I could get any closer, and I lean my head on top of his head and I drift off to sleep like that.


When I wake up the next morning, I'm just a bit confused at first. I wasn't in my bunk on the tour bus, but on the floor of the bus.

Sometime in the night, Brendon had actually laid down on the floor, pulling me with him. My head was on his chest and his arms were wrapped around me. I had wrapped my arms around his waist and our legs were tangled together. And I didn't know what to do... so I just laid there until Brendon woke up.

But honestly, I kind of liked the way we were now. Laying on the floor, me snuggled against him for his warmth. I felt my face turn a bright shade of pink just thinking about.

And then I reminded myself that I didn't like Brendon that way... but then I looked up at his sleeping face. He was cute when he slept. His eyes closed, his lips parted just slightly, and his hair falling back out of his face.

My mind wandered again as I thought about last night... When we talked, showing me he cared. He cared about how I was feeling, if I was okay...

But I tell myself to not think too much of it. Pete probably told him to say that to me so I could have someone to talk to... Sometimes my brother could be a little too overprotective, so I don't know what he's told Brendon.

I look at his face again and my eyes flicker down to look at his lips. And in that moment I think about kissing him again. But then I quickly look away, trying to erase that from my memory as I lay my head on his chest again.

(Brendon's POV)

I take a deep breath as I slowly open my eyes. My back aches and my neck was cramping. I look down at Andi, only to be reminded of what had happened last night. She kept spacing out, and she's been doing it a lot lately, so I was genuinely concerned.

I wonder what goes on inside that head of hers. And I wonder if there will ever be anyway I could help her.

But last night when she also asked if I was okay, I didn't know why I was so surprised by it. Maybe it was because I was worrying too much about her to realize that she was worrying about me too.

Now, her head was against my chest, her arms wrapped around my middle. I was holding her tightly against me, never wanting to let go. I smiled to myself, stroking her incredibly soft hair. She then lifted her head and looked up at me, having to already been awake to feel my soft touch on her hair.

"Morning." I give her a small smile, noticing how lost she always looked in the morning. Her hair was always a mess, her eyes glossy, and it was adorable.

"Morning." She whispered, not having her voice yet to talk clearly. I noticed her glasses have made their way off her face somewhere in the night because they were now on the floor next to us.

Mine were still stuck on my face, and my nose starting to hurt because of the heaviness of the frames resting on it. I continued to mindlessly stroke her hair, neither of us wanting to move, so she turns her head and rests it on my chest once more.

I wish we could stay like this forever, but of course, as soon as I thought that, Spencer walked into the room, already fully dressed, his hair wet from a morning shower.

"God, you two are finally awake?" Spencer comments, obviously having already found us like this when we were sleeping. "I can't believe you two slept on the floor like that."

I open my mouth to say something, neither Andi or I moving at all, but she beat me to it. "Sh!" She said loudly. "I'm trying to sleep."

Spencer raises his eyebrows, chuckling softly. "God, this is like some sort of cheesy romance movie." He shakes his head, winking at me. "Get a room."

"Get a life." Andi shoots back, but in a tired way, mumbling just a bit.

I laugh at my two friends bickering. Both my really close friends, expect one's my best friend and the other I like more than a friend.

Yes, I'm in love Spencer Smith.

HAHAHAHAHAHA, I'M KIDDING! But that would be a killer plot twist.

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