Chapter 1

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"Stone." I answered my ringing cellphone still laying in bed half asleep.
"We need you again." Scott's voice said.
"I wonder if you ever get tired of saying that." I sighed.
"I get tired of hearing it. What is it?" I sat up in bed and looked at the clock.
Two twenty five in the morning.
"Someone is planning to assassinate the president." He said.
"Do we have any details?" I asked.
"I sent a picture to your phone just now. We have reason to believe that he's staying at the Ritz Carlton in New York awaiting the President's arrival." He said as I brought the picture up on my phone.
"I'll handle it." I said getting out of my bed.
"I know you will. You're the best at what you do."
"Thanks, Scott."
"Be careful, Kaitlyn."
"I always am."
I hung up the phone and got dressed. I wore a sexy white halter dress and strappy silver sandals.

After my eight hour drive I spent some time in the bar of the Ritz Carlton watching my mark

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After my eight hour drive I spent some time in the bar of the Ritz Carlton watching my mark.
Jared Waller, known domestic terrorist that leaves little or no evidence. No way the FBI would never get a conviction let alone make the arrest. My unit had been watching him for some time and now with him in New York ahead of the presidential debate there was just a coincidence we couldn't ignore.
Waller caught sight of me and wandered over.
"You here all by yourself?" He asked looking me up and down.
"For now." I winked at him.
"How about I buy you a drink?" He asked sitting down in front of me.
"I'd like that." I smiled.
"What can I get you?" He asked.
"Dark 'N Stormy."
"Sounds perfect."
He ordered two drinks to be brought to the table. He's a particularly rude individual to our waitress but I just sat back and watched.
"So what brings you to New York?" I asked while we waited for the drinks.
"Business." He smiled at me.
"Me too. Do you have a room in the hotel?"
"I do."
"What do you think about taking these drinks to go and going back to your room for a little fun?" I looked up at him from beneath my eyelashes.
"I think that sounds like a wonderful idea." He smiled as the waitress brought our drinks and I could see he ordered the same drink that I did which made my skin crawl.
We walked together to the elevator and he led me to his hotel room. I started feeling the weight of the gun and silencer in my purse.
"Why don't you let me freshen up and I'll be right out?" I asked as we walked into the room.
"Of course. Right through there." He said pointing down the hallway.
"Thank you." I smiled at him as he took off his suit jacket.
I sat my drink on the table and walked into the bathroom where I pulled the gun out of my purse and fastened the silencer to the muzzle.
When I walked out of the bathroom I saw Jared Waller putting some kind of powder in my drink.
At the minimum I had proof that he was planning to date rape me. I snuck out of the hallway and up behind him raising the gun to the back of his head and pulled the trigger twice.
Waller fell face down on the table knocking over the glass he spiked. I took the silencer off the gun, set the safety, and returned it to my purse before walking out of the room.
Once I returned to my twenty eighteen blue Mercedes Benz I pulled out my phone.
"Yeah." Scott answered.
"It's done. Time for clean up." I said before hanging up the phone and driving away.
I got home around six in the morning in time to get dressed and head to the office for my daily work in Maine's FBI field office as an entry level Special Agent for the Criminal Investigative Division where I kept my head down and simply did my job until Scott called again.
"Agent Stone?" Drake Blair said my name as I walked in.
"Yes, sir." I said turning around.
Drake Blair was my boss underneath Scott Walker but no one knew about my work with Scott. Ninety nine percent of my marks ended up like Jared Waller.
"Maine PD is requesting back up at a crime scene in South Portland. I need you to go our there and see what they need."
"Of course, sir." I answered turning around and walking back out to my car to drive to South Portland.
"Special Agent Kaitlyn Stone of the FBI's Criminal Investigative Division out of Maine." I introduced myself to the officer that stood over the body of a young woman who appeared to have been stabbed to death.
"Detective Thomas Lynch." He reached out and shook my hand.
"She's the fifth victim this week. We don't know what to make of it."
"I can help as much as I can until Behavioral Analysis arrives." I answered.
"We just really need the bodies to help us with the evidence collection and photographs."
"Of course. Whatever you need."
After taking a number of photographs of the body and the crime scene and collecting a barrage of evidence I was released and allowed to return to the office so I could work on typing out the paperwork of the higher agents didn't have time for.
How I was ever going to move up the ladder was beyond me but I did my job and went home to finally sleep. I knew I was saving the world one assassination at a time.
I got home and managed to make myself something to eat before collapsing in my bed for another sleepless night.
Laying in bed I found myself thinking about Jonathan Black again. He was the one mark I've had in my vast eight year career as the FBI's secret assassin that I wasn't required to kill. I couldn't help wonder after every assassination I'd completed in the last year, where he was and if he was alright. I pictured his face in my mind as exhaustion pulled me into a restless sleep once again.

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