Chapter 21

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Anger filled me as I looked up at him standing in my house like he owned the place.
"Why don't you come down here so we can get this done?" I growled.
"You're so anxious to lose?" He shot at me.
"I have no intention on losing today."
I leapt up and grabbed the base of the railing off the banister, flipping myself over to kick him knocking him into the wall. I landed on my feet as he bounced back lashing out at me. I barely dodged his fist before kicking him hard in the chest. He struck me in the face knocking me back onto the banister. I grabbed ahold of him as I tumbled over the railing. We flipped end over end before we both landed on our backs on the floor of the foyer.
I recovered faster than he did slamming my foot down on his chest. He grabbed my foot flipping me back onto my back. He stood up and tried to kick me but I rolled away from him leaping back to my feet. When he kicked at me again I grabbed his ankle and threw him into the wall knocking him out cold.
"I told you. I don't plan to lose today."
I dragged him down the stairs by his ankles into my mother's 'torture chamber'. She never actually tortured anyone there but she kept all of her instruments of torture there. I never thought I'd be in a position to use them.
I hoisted Blair up into a chair, tying him down tightly and securing a piece of duct tape to his mouth. I pulled a chair up in front of him and waited.
I heard him groan as he pulled at the ropes around his wrists.
"Good morning sunshine." I chuckled then sighed.
"You know this isn't normally my style. I typically like a hands off approach with pistols or poison but you bring out the crazy in me. Only someone who wanted to seriously suffer would provoke a master assassin by killing her husband, torturing her new boyfriend and killing her stepfather." I shook my head as I watched him watch me speak.
"Why don't we have some fun? We have almost twelve hours until nightfall. You know, when my mother had this house built she was pregnant with me. Under the pretenses of building a crematorium for her funeral home business, she had a furnace built down here that I've had turned on every month since Chase was murdered for just this occasion. No one will bat an eye when I turn it on to dispose of your corpse later." I smiled slyly at him.
"Let's see if I remember your process from those videos you were so kind to send me."
I picked up a large hammer testing it's weight in my hand thinking about if I should really torture him.
I could just as easily end this with a single gunshot wound to the back of his head. It would still end his life but part of me couldn't shake what he did to Chase and Jonathan.
I raised the hammer and slammed it down on his forearm breaking the bones. I knew this wasn't who I was but I couldn't stop myself. I knew he deserved what I was giving him and it wasn't changing who I was.
I didn't take any pleasure out of his pain and it didn't ease mine. Nothing I did to him would change what he'd taken from me.
After breaking a majority of his ribs and his other forearm I picked up one of the knives as he watched me.
"You know, I actually hate this. I hate every part of it. I wish I could ask you what you get out of it but you'd just give me some bullshit answer I wouldn't believe anyway." I sighed driving the knife through his thigh.
His muffled scream tore through me, grating at what was left of my soul.
"You tormented them for days, weeks. What I'm going to do to you is going to pale in comparison to what you did to them because I'm an assassin not a sadistic psychopath." I sliced into the skin of his chest.
I got up and walked away from him simply covered in his blood to turn on the cremation furnace so he could hear it heat up.
I sat back down in front of him and watched him for a moment as he writhed in pain.
I sighed again.
"Why in the world would you come after a family of assassins?" I shook my head.
Deciding there was no harm in it I ripped the duct tape from his mouth.
"Your mother killed my father." He almost spit at me.
"Revenge. Oldest motive in the book. Still, why not stop after Chase? We still would have ended up here but I just don't understand. Why go after Jonathan? Scott? One for one I could understand but you just wouldn't stop." I looked hard at him.
"I don't have a good answer. I'm just a sadistic psychopath, and now you are too."
"I am nothing like you. I came straight for you. I didn't do any research into your family to use them to hurt you. You were too cowardly to come staight for me. I get it. I'm the best. I'm sure it's intimidating to be facing the best assassin in the world."
"You think you're better than me?" He asked.
"No. I know I am. I'm the one standing here in front of you watching you suffer. If you'd come straight for me I'd at least have some respect for you. The best don't run from a challenge."
Carefully I walked around him raising my pistol to the back of his head. I didn't want to hear anymore excuses or anymore rambling. I wouldn't dismember him alive like he did to Chase. I wasn't interested in any of that. Even this was outside what I wanted. I didn't often torture people. It didn't bring me any joy like it did for others. I pulled the trigger once ending his life.
I'd barely spent four hours with him and couldn't stand another second.
Dead weight was a real thing but I was prepared for it. I dragged the chair itself over to the incinerator and shoved the body and the chair inside. I sighed leaning against the wall. I cleaned up the blood exactly as my mother taught me before going upstairs to shower and change out of my blood soaked clothing.
Once my clothing and Blair's body was properly incinerated I shut off the machine and left my house again to take the twelve hour drive back home to Jonathan.

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