Chapter 42

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I started my days getting coffee with Conrad before dropping him off at the hospital before spending from roughly eight am till noon working in my office on the fourth floor of the FBI field office. Conrad and I would coordinate our lunches so I could go to the hospital and have lunch with him, mostly to make sure he ate then I'd work on my paperwork in the hospital's offices so I could get it done without the barrage of questions from the agents under my command.
It wasn't that I didn't like having over a hundred agents buzzing around the office practically at my beck and call but I was so accustomed to working alone that the quiet of the offices at the hospital was a welcome comfort.
Monday the second of September started much like any other until I got a call from, Dakota, my second in command, as she liked to call herself.
"Kaitlyn, Catherine Davis is being rushed to Chastain. Something happened with the handler on the way to the drop point. No one will tell me anything." She said in a rush.
"Okay. I'll go over there myself and handle it. Once she's cleared I'll call so you can set me up a new drop point to get her out of here." I answered before hanging up the phone.
I pulled up outside Chastain's emergency room at the same time Catherine Davis' ambulance did.
"Catherine Davis, my name is Director Kaitlyn Stone and I'll be taking over your protective detail. How badly are you hurt?" I asked.
"Just a graze I think." She sighed looking at me.
Conrad met us at the door with Devon to do the examination.
"Can you tell me what happened while Dr. Hawkins and Dr. Pravesh check you out?" I asked glancing at Conrad who wouldn't meet my eye.
"It was like an ambush. It felt like the bullets were flying from everywhere but I couldn't see anyone shooting. Director Stone, what do these people want from me?" She asked.
"I'm not sure Mrs. Davis but I'm going to find out and I'm personally going to do everything in my power to keep you safe until we can get you out of Atlanta permanently." I answered.
"Kaitlyn, can I talk to you?" Conrad asked touching my shoulder.
"Of course." I answered.
"Give us a moment." I told her before we left her with Devon to step into the hallway.
"You know her." I said gently looking into his eyes.
He looked down at his hands before looking back up at me.
"I was engaged to her for a year after high school. We broke up a little over six months before I met you. Are you mad?" He asked.
"I wish you'd told me but I'm not mad. I was married before we met." I sighed.
"I know. I just wanted you to hear about her from me. I should have told you sooner. I'm sorry, Kaitlyn." He wrapped his arms around me.
"We're fine, Conrad. There's nothing to forgive." I reached up and kissed him.
"What's the story anyway?" He asked.
"Her husband is Michael Davis." I sighed.
"The congressman that recieved those death threats last week?" He asked.
"The very same. We released to the public that he was getting the threats but they're actually threatened his wife. We're moving her to an undisclosed location. There's only two of us left who know where she's going. What happened to her handler?" I asked.
"He was DOA. Multiple gunshot wounds. I'm surprised she only got a graze." He sighed looking back into the room at her.
"That was his job. Unfortunately, I'm the one that'll have to tell his wife and daughter that he's not coming home." I sighed looking away from him.
"I'm sorry, Kaitlyn."
"When can I get her out of here?" I asked.
"Devon's going to stitch up her side and we'll send you on your way. I'm not sure about you doing this." He admitted.
"Don't worry about me, Conrad. I'm the best there is, remember?" I smiled at him.
"Yeah. I know. I just want you safe."
"I know. I'll see you tonight, okay? I promise." I kissed him again.
I walked back into the hospital room where Devon was finishing up her stitches.
"Can I talk you into forgetting to file that paperwork until I call?" I asked as Conrad walked up behind me wrapping his arms around me.
"For you? Anything." He said looking at Devon who nodded.
"Conrad, will you get my car and bring it around to the back?" I asked.
"Did you bring the Venom?" He asked and although I couldn't see him I could feel his eyes light up.
"I did. I figured fast is more important than inconspicuous." I sighed handing him my keys.
He kissed my cheek and bounded out the door.
I shook my head before Devon helped me ease Catherine into the wheelchair so I could wheel her out back to my car.
"You wear his dog tags?" She said after Devon left us.
"I do. He wears mine." I answered looking down at my chest noticing that I hadn't tucked them into my shirt like I normally did.
"He wasn't even in the marines when we were together. I see he gave you his mother's ring too." She said looking up at me.
I glanced down at the ruby ring I wore on my right ring finger.

I glanced down at the ruby ring I wore on my right ring finger

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"Yeah. I guess so. He gave it to me on our six month anniversary." I answered.
"You didn't know it was hers? She gave it to him when she got sick; told him to give it to the love of his life." She smiled at me.
"By the time we met his mother had already passed away." I answered looking at the ring again before looking up at the door where Conrad stood watching us.
I eased Catherine into the passenger seat before turning to him.
"You didn't tell me it was your mom's ring." I said showing him the ring I wore.
"She told me to give it to the love of my life. I did." He shrugged.
"Come back to me." He whispered pressing his forehead to mine.
"I will. I'll be back before you know it." I promised kissing him.
"I love you." He called as I opened my car door.
"I love you." I called back before climbing in the car.
I watched him in the rearview mirror until he was out of sight.
"He wasn't like that when we were together." She mused.
"Like what?" I asked as I drove towards the Georgia/Florida border.
"Happy." She said looking at me.
"His mother was sick before the diagnosis and his father practically abandoned him. His parents were divorced before high school and his father was never there. Some kind of business man I think."
"I've met him. Wasn't impressed." I answered.
"You'd have liked his mom. She was an inspiration." She said smiling.
"We've talked about her. She sounds like an amazing woman." I muttered staring in my rearview mirror at a perfectly inconspicuous silver four door sedan that had been following us since we left Chastain.
"What's wrong?" She asked.
"I'm not sure. It might be nothing. Hold on tight for a moment." I told her stepping down on the gas pedal hard.
The Venom lurched forward tripling its speed in less than five seconds shooting us far ahead of the silver car and every other car in the pack we'd been driving with.
I glanced up and watched the silver car whip and wind around the cars now between us.
"Shit." I muttered.
I slammed my foot back on the gas pedal and we shot forward again as I weaved through the sporadic cars scattered along the highway.
The silver sedan faded in the distance but I didn't let up off the gas.
"Is it necessary to continue to drive at this speed?" She exclaimed.
"Close your eyes and hold on tight. We don't know how many are following us. I'm not about to let them catch up."
An hour later we pulled into the Official Florida Welcome Center on I-95 where Agent Adems waited for us.
"Get her in your car and go!" I exclaimed pulling my pistol from my holster hearing tires squeal behind me.
I slammed the passenger door spinning to look in the direction of the squealing.
Gunfire exploded from a black SUV in front of me. I managed to dive behind the Venom without getting hit.
It was clear the people in the SUV believed that Catherine was still in my car. The Venom was bullet proof all I needed to do was get inside.
I managed to stay low enough to get my driver side door open and slide into the driver's seat. I slammed the car back into drive and sped off leaving my attacker in my wake.
My breathing finally slowed just before I pulled back into Chastain's parking lot.
"Kaitlyn! Kaitlyn, come quick!" Devon's voice flew to me as I climbed out of the car.
"What happened?" I asked meeting him on the stairs leading into the hospital.
"Lily coded tonight. Conrad ran it. He couldn't save her." He looked near tears
"Where is he?" I asked.
"He's still in her room. He won't let anyone back in since they took her body."
"I'll talk to him. He'll be okay, Devon." I touched his shoulder.
I ran up to Lily's room and found the door shut.
"Go away!" Conrad yelled when I tried to open the door.
"Conrad, baby. It's me." I said softly.
I heard him force himself to his feet. When he opened the door he collapsed in my arms.
"I tried Kaitlyn. I tried so hard." He cried into my chest.
"I know, sweetheart. I know. I'm here, Conrad. I've got you." I tried to soothe him.

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