Chapter 8

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Watching that video was the hardest thing I've done in many years. Watching Cameron watch the video was the second hardest thing I've ever done. The pain on his face broke me. Jonathan was his twin and seeing him hurting like that clearly upset him.
"I was with a man years ago. Chase Stone. We got married after we turned eighteen. This video is an exact mirror of the first video they sent me when they took and tortured my husband eight years ago." I told him.
"What happened to him?" He asked clearly fearing he knew the answer.
"After weeks of videos of the torture they inflicted on him they started shipping him to me in pieces." I sighed.
Cameron's phone rang in my hand.
"Yeah." I answered.
"Kaitlyn. I'm here." Wyatt Turner said.
"Okay. There's a pick up in the garage so put it in front of the second door. I'll be right there."
I stood up and didn't look at Cameron as I walked out of the room. He follow me into the garage where I opened the door and in drove a straight black Hennessey Venom. A middle aged man climbed out of the car with pale blond/grey hair and blue eyes.
"Who's he?" He asked glaring at Cameron.
"Wyatt Turner, this is Cameron Black." I introduced them.
"You trust him?"
"He's the reason I didn't bleed out from the gunshot wound so yeah. I trust him."
"Fair enough. You're the boss." He said smiling at me.
"You have a way home?" I  asked as he threw the keys to the car to me.
"Of course but I don't think you should go alone."
"I'll manage. This is because of me." I answered.
"You don't have to be on your own, Kaitlyn. We're a unit."
"Yeah we are but under Scott I'm the lead."
"Are you sure you can kill him?"
"No, but that just makes it more interesting. My first priority is to get him out alive."
"Of course it is. I hope this helps." He motioned to the car.
"You know it does. Does the trunk do that thing I like?" I asked walking over to it.
"Of course it does. Be careful, Kaitlyn."
"I will be. We'll both come home even if I have to go back."
Wyatt shook his head before turning away and walking back into the night before I closed the garage door.
"What does the trunk do?" Cameron asked walking up beside me.
I glanced at him before pushing the button on the remote that opened the trunk and out popped a small armory. He raised his eyebrow at me.
"You really need all that?" He asked.
"You really want him to come home alive?" I shot back.
The phone rang again.
"Scott?" I answered.
"You didn't call me back."
"I know. I'm sorry. They sent a video."
"Like with Chase?"
"Yeah. Identical. How could he know if it wasn't him?" I asked.
"I don't know. It sounds like it was."
"If something happens to him because I don't get there in time..."
"It won't. I've got a lock on a location. They're all the way down in Florida City, Florida."
"That's a thirty hour drive from the prison."
"I know you can squeeze it into less than a day." He said.
"If you can keep the cops off my ass." I sighed.
"You know I will."
"Without alerting Drake Blair?"
"Of course."
"It's, what? Fifteen hundred miles? If I push it to two hundered to two hundred and fifty miles an hour I can get there in less than ten hours. Can you clear me a path?" I asked.
"I can. Kaitlyn, get in, get Jonathan, get out. That's an order."
I sighed.
"We will regroup and come back at him. You're emotionally compromised."
"So what? I'm an assassin. My job is to kill people. Whether I'm emotionally compromised or not my job is still the same."
"Right now your job is to get both Jonathan Black and yourself out of there alive." He insisted.
"Fine." I growled.
"Kaitlyn, the five of us are going to make a plan and go after him together. I promise you that you will be the one to take him out. I promise you that. First, Chase and now Jonathan. I cannot imagine what you're feeling but I don't want you risking your life to kill him now. Take out who you have to in order to get him out then get out. He knows who you are. He'll be ready for you." He paused.
"Kay and Mike are at the house." He told me.
"Fine. I'll call when it's done." I sighed.
I hung up on him and walked out of the garage to the front door with Cameron following me.
"Cameron Black this is Special Agent Kay Daniels and Special Agent Mike Alvarez. They work with me, Wyatt and Scott."
"Kaitlyn." Kay said.
"Please don't start." I begged.
"I'm going to get him and I'm going alone and that's it."
"Alone?" Cameron looked at me incredulously.
"Yes. Alone. Anyone else will just slow me down and risk not only my life but their own and Jonathan's as well." I insisted looking right at him.
"Unfortunately, she's right." Kay said.
"Mike and I are here to ask for your help, Mr. Black."
"With what? My brother is being tortured."
"Kaitlyn will bring him home. We need your help to uncover the identity of the woman with different colored eyes. She came after Jonathan in New York last year."
He sighed and looked at me.
"Are you sure you can bring him home?"
"Without a doubt. I will bring him home alive." I answered.
"Fine. What do you need from me?"
Gunter looked infuriated standing in the doorway.
"Come with me." I said walking passed him into another room while Kay and Mike talked to Cameron.
"I don't need you following me." I sighed turning on him.
"Jonathan is important to us." He glared at me.
"I know it's hard for you to believe but he's important to me too."
"I watched you watch that video. It isn't hard for me to believe that you care for him." He said.
"I desperately need you to stay here and look after him." I looked over my shoulder back at Cameron.
"Unfortunately he does need that."
"I will bring him home."
Gunter examined my face.
"Hurry now. The sooner you get there the sooner he's out of harms way."
I walked away from him and out to the Hennessey Venom.
"Clear the path. I'm leaving now."

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