Chapter 19

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Jonathan and I made our way back to the bedroom after finalizing my itinerary for my trip to Calais, Maine.
"Are you sure about this?" He asked.
"Of course I'm sure. He's taken almost everything from me. He hurt you. It won't end until I end it." I sighed.
"You're coming back, right?" He sat down on the edge of the bed.
"Of course I'm coming back." I walked over to him resting my hands on his shoulders.
He looked up at me and I leaned down to kiss him. He grabbed my hips lifting me up so he could lay me on the bed. His lips didn't leave mine as he ripped my button up shirt open. I gasped as he moved his lips to my throat before trailing hot kisses down my chest.
"Don't pop your stitches." I breathed as he undid my jeans.
"I don't care about the stitches right now." He breathed against me.
"I just need you."
I finished taking off my shirt as he pulled his tshirt over his head before covering me with his body, pressing me down into the mattress.
I'd thought about the last time we'd been together for the entire year we were apart and this time was no different. He was a God. He knew exactly how to touch me. There was much more care taken by the both of us; closer to sex than just fucking like the first time.
After, I checked his stitches to insure we didn't rip them open before I rested on his chest.
"When are you leaving?" He asked tracing his fingers over my shoulder and down my back.
"Soon. It's roughly a twelve hour drive and I want to get there close to dusk." I sighed picking at the corner of one of his dressings.
"I want to go with you."
I was shaking my head before he finished his sentence.
"No, Jonny."
"Kaitlyn. I don't want to be away from you."
"I know, but I'll be back before you know it." I assured him running my fingernails down the stubble along his jawline.
"I just hate this." He admitted.
"I know. This isn't how our relationship should have started. It'll be over soon."
"How do we say goodbye?" He asked.
"It's not goodbye. If he's there I'll be on my way back tomorrow night. If he isn't I'll be back sooner. The longest I'll be gone is forty eight hours."
He sighed underneath me.
"Have some faith in me, Jonny."
"I do have faith in you, Kaitlyn. I just worry too."
"I know you do but I can't keep putting you at risk and at this point even if I leave he'll still come after you."
"I don't want you to leave."
"I know. Two days, Jonny. Give me two days."
"I support you. No matter what you need. Please just be careful."
"I will." I assured him.
"Please just stay here and wait for me. You and Cameron. I need him here to help you with your dressings."
"I'm not going anywhere. If I'm sleeping when you get back will you wake me?" He asked looking down at me.
"Of course I will." I reached up and kissed him.
He watched me get dressed with a look I could only describe as anxiety.
"I'm going to be fine." I assured him again climbing back up to kneel on the bed.
"I know." He smiled cautiously at me.
I pressed my forehead to his before gently kissing him.
"I'll be home before you know it."
I pulled away from him and hopped off the bed before walking out of the room.
If I looked back at him laying in that bed I never would have left. It tore me in two to leave him but I knew that this was necessary. We could never live a real life if Drake Blair was still after us.
Cameron met me in the living room.
"He's going to hate that you're gone."
"I know, Cameron." I sighed walking passed him.
"Are you sure this is the only way?" He asked following behind me.
"If I don't go to him, he'll come after Wyatt, Mike, Kay, you and Jonathan, until I have no one left." I sighed looking at him.
"This is the option that keeps everyone alive."
"Including you?" He shot at me.
"Including me. I'm going to be back in a couple of days and when I come back this'll be over."
Cameron just looked at me.
"He cares about you." He whispered.
"I know. I care about him too. I'm coming home. He's not stronger than me." I gently touched his shoulder.
"Cameron. I need you to stay here with Jonathan. No stowaways. Not this time. He needs you more than I ever could. Keep an eye on his dressings. Make sure his stitches stay clean and keep him busy until I can get back. The drive itself is twelve hours so at a minimum I'll be gone twenty five."
"Can you manage a twenty four hour drive with no sleep?"
"Of course I can. I'm multitalented." I smiled at him.
"Please, just this one time, do as I ask?"
"Why do I get a feeling that you're going to say that a lot?"
"It's highly likely." I smiled at him.
I turned away from him and walked out to the car to start my drive.
Driving away from him felt like leaving half of myself behind. I knew logically that even though we'd met a year earlier we'd only been together about a week but the connection I felt to him was indescribable. I knew I'd kill for him; I'd die for him. Whatever he needed I'd give it to him.
I pulled up to the gate that separated my mother's driveway from the main stretch of road twelve hours later.
My heart raced as I stared at the house looming above me. I knew that the house still belonged to me so the gate code was the same.
I hadn't been back here since my mother's suicide. Scott decided it wasn't a good idea to stay in the house where I'd found my mother's body.
I drove up the driveway and found a black SUV in the driveway. Neither one of us was interested in hiding our presence from the other.
I walked up the stairs slamming the front door open. I wanted there to be no doubt I'd come ready for a fight.
"Kaitlyn Stone." Drake Blair's voice came from the banister above me.
"I'm so glad you could make it."

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