Chapter 3

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"Stone." I sighed breathlessly answering the phone as I finished my five mile run.
"We need you..."
"Again." I sighed.
"You know me so well." Scott answered.
"What do you have?" I asked.
"Duane Alexander. He's a convicted cop killer out of Boston that was released an hour ago on a technicality. The judge didn't sign the warrant in the right place."
"And we're worried he's going to kill another cop. Okay. I can be in Boston in a few hours."
"I'll send a picture. How's your sniper training?" He asked.
"You know that answer." I laughed.
"This is dangerous Scott."
"Yeah I know but you're an expert shot. You'll hit your target."
"Okay. Okay. Give me five hours." I sighed.
I hung up and took a shower and dressed in skintight black pants and a black sweater, pulled my hair up into a high bun and pulled on a bald cap and a blonde shoulder length wig before climbing into my car.
After my theee hour drive I found myself on the roof of a safe house near the mark's location that was owned by the FBI waiting for Duane Alexander to cross my sights.
"He's approaching your location now." Scott's voice said over the communication device in my ear.
"You know I hate this." I whispered still watching in the scope.
"Hush. I see him."
I watched him for a moment until he had isolated himself from the group he was with. I took a deep breath and as I exhaled I pulled the trigger on my sniper rifle and watched as my bullet struck him in the forehead.
"It's done. I don't like you in my ear." I sighed.
I packed up my rifle and walked back to my car. On the way back to Maine I dropped the wig out my window in New Hampshire.
Monday I walked into the office and was immediately greeted by my boss Drake Blair.
"In my office, now."
I followed him into the office and he closed the door behind me.
"I know what you've been doing." He accused sitting in his chair.
"I don't know what you mean." I shook my head.
"Calls from Scott Walker, road trips out of state. You're the one killing those criminals."
"I have no idea what you're talking about. Are you having me followed?" I asked stepping back towards the door.
"I keep a close eye on all of my agents."
"By tracking their movements and wiretapping their phone?" I shook my head again.
"So, you admit it?" He shot at me.
"Admit what? That I talked to Scott Walker? Yes. I talked to the man that recruited me into the Bureau."
"You really think you can deny that you've been killing people?"
"I have not been killing people. This is ridiculous." I stormed out of his office and back out to my car.
I could hear him calling after me but didn't stop. I knew this could happen and it was time to get out of Maine. I raced home and packed a bag with my most sentimental items and crushed my cell phone under my shoe before driving out to a car dealership and traded in my Mercedes Benz for a Toyota Camry XSE and drove out of the state of Maine and started to drive around for nearly a full week to make sure no one was following me before I drove down to New York where I had a safe house.
Being an assassin for the FBI and the federal government was a lucrative business and I could live comfortably for the rest of my life without working another day.
"Kaitlyn?" Scott answered.
"What happened?"
"Blair called me out. He's been tracking me. Tapping my calls. I crushed the phone and traded in my car."
"Dammit. I think he's working for the woman that was after Jonathan Black last year. He arrested him an hour ago."
"What? No." I sighed.
"We need to get him away from him."
"I'm working on it. You need to lay low until I call back."
"Scott, you know I can't do that. Where are they taking him?"
"It looks like they're driving to Attica Correctional."
"We can't leave him in Attica." I insisted.
"I know Katie." He sighed.
"Give me some time."
"This isn't right. If he is working for her they know I slept with him. They'll use him not only to get to Cameron but to get to me."
"Kaitlyn, I know all of this. I'm working on it."
"I need to see him." I insisted again.
"That's exactly what they want you to do, Kaitlyn."
"I can't just let him sit in there wondering what's going on. I can't, Scott."
"Give me one day. I'll get Mike and Kay to send them on a wild goose chase for you in rural New York. I'll let you know when you can drive up there. Make sure you use a fake name."
"I'm not an amateur, Scott." I sighed hanging up the phone and I walked out onto the porch.
I couldn't believe that they were dragging him into this. As an assassin I should at least be able to protect him.
I sighed leaning against my sliding glass door.
The next day my phone rang.
"Scott?" I answered.
"Go. Now." He said and hung up.
I jumped in the car and drove out to Attica Correctional Facility.
"How can I help you, Ms?" A male guard asked me as I walked into the room.
"My name is Kelly Shepherd and I'm a defense attorney hired by Mr. Jonathan Black's family to defend him." I answered.
"Come with me and I'll bring him to see you in a private visiting room." He said before he led me to a private room with a table in the center and two metal chairs.
I was too wired to sit in the chair and instead leaned against the wall with my arms crossed in front of me.
The door opened and Jonathan walked in looking at his hands and feet that were shackled together.
I sighed looking at him as he sat in the chair across from where I stood.
Finally he looked up at me and his eyes widened as he took in my appearance.
"Hello, Jonathan Black. I'm Kaitlyn Stone." I said taking a step towards him and fully into the light.

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