Chapter 25

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Nearly no one who crossed my path on my first day as director of the FBI was pleased with my jump from entry level FBI special agent to FBI director and if I was being honest I wasn't terribly happy about it either. I was used to living in the shadows so for Scott to think this was a good idea bewildered me.
"How are you doing?" Wyatt asked coming into my office and closing the door behind him.
"I'm okay. Confused as to why he would think I'm the best suited for this job."
"He knows that you are incorruptible. We've all watched you deal with the pain of the last decade and you've done it with poise and grace. You could have spent weeks torturing Blair and it wouldn't have touched the pain you went through. The fact that you only spent four hours with him. You're incorruptible."
"I suppose you need that to lead an entire agency."
"Politicians were constantly trying to pay Scott off to let things slide. He knew that you'd want nothing to do with it. You have never been concerned by money."
"My mother killed people for a living too. Money has never been in short supply for me."
"We'll need to have a meating to discuss that. You, me, Kay, Mike, Jonathan, Cameron and their team."
I nodded and looked at him.
"This is a lot to get used to." I sighed.
"Of course it is but you have all the support in the world. Jonathan is good for you. See? You're smiling at the sound of his name. I've never seen you so happy."
"He does make me happy. Happier than I've been in a long time."
"You can tell. He brings out the light in you. I always knew it was there but I'd never seen it until now."
I smiled at him.
"I just want to help him be his own person. I don't want him to be Kaitlyn Stone's boyfriend or Cameron Black's brother. I want him to be Jonathan Black."
"Then he will be. He seems to be incredibly strong willed."
"He has to be to be with me." I laughed.
"I don't know what you mean. You're a constant delight." He teased.
"Perhaps but I'm also very opinionated."
"That you are, sis." He smiled at me.
"I'm going to leave you to it but we all wanted you to know that you're supported."
"I appreciate that, Wyatt. Thank you."
"What was that about?" Deputy Director Darian Smith walking in after Wyatt left.
"Wyatt worked closely with Scott. He was offering his condolences and support." I answered.
"Understandable. He was in here a little while?"
"I've known Wyatt since I was ten. He was checking up on me. I don't know that I appreciate the questioning."
"I don't mean to be disrespectful, Director. I just noticed he was here awhile and was trying to insure everything is alright."
"Everything is fine. I'm just adjusting. I know that no one is pleased I was appointed. I don't need people questioning me this early."
"I understand, Director. I apologize. It won't happen again."
"Thank you. Was there something you needed?' I asked.
"A Jonathan Black is down in the lobby asking to see you?'
"Will you ask Melissa to show him up on your way out?"
"Of course, Director."
I stood up after Darian left and looked out the window over the city of New York.
"Hey, beautiful." Jonathan said walking into the room.
"Hi there, handsome. To what do I owe the pleasure?" I asked looking at him.
He closed the door and sat down in one of the chairs in front of my desk.
"I was going to ask if you wanted to fuck me on your desk but I figured I should say hi first."
I rolled my eyes, shook my head, and laughed at him.
"Honestly, I wanted to see how your first day was treating you."
"It's going okay. Plently of welcoming glares." I chuckled.
"I'm sorry baby." He sighed.
"I expected it. My six years in the Marines doesn't transfer to the FBI. I've only been in the FBI a year so to jump from entry level agent to director in a year. No one is happy about it."
"Why would Scott name you then?"
"Wyatt said it's because he saw me as incorruptible. I think it's because he knew I could handle the backlash and actually excel."
"There's no doubt you're going to excel." He beamed at me.
"I mentioned something to him that I don't think I've discussed with you."
"What's that?'
"I don't want you to think you have to take a backseat to my career. I want to help you be Jonathan, not just Kaitlyn's boyfriend or Cameron's brother."
"I know that." He smiled at me.
"What do you want to do?" I asked.
"If I'm being honest I've never thought about it. I've only ever been good at magic and illusion."
"I'm sure that's not true. What are your hobbies?"
"I don't really have any. My father never let me explore anything else."
"What about things that interest you?"
"I've always been interested in astronomy; the stars and whatnot. The few times he took me out because Cameron was sick I was facinated by photographers and how they take pictures. I do cook sometimes." He fidgeted with one of the buttons on his shirt.
"It bothers you to talk about what interests you?" I cocked my head to the side looking at him.
"Yeah. I guess it does. For the first twenty years of my life I wasn't allowed to be me and after he died I wouldn't allow myself to change. I was so set in how things were even though I hated him for doing it to me I just continued. I think it made me hate myself."
I nodded a moment.
"We'll work together to change that."
He nodded but didn't look at me.
"You don't hate me, do you?"
"No, Jonny. I don't hate you. I honestly can't imagine anyone hating you."
"Does it bother you that I do?"
"Yes. I just want you to see what I see when I look at you."
"Which is?"
I sighed.
"Jonathan Black. You are strong and compassionate, you put everyone before yourself. You are incredible at what you do and you will be incredible at whatever you put your mind to. You're caring and kind. You make me so incredibly happy in the month that we've been together."
"You forgot sex God." He smiled at me.
I shook my head with a smile.
"In all seriousness, that does help a lot. I don't think I've ever heard someone besides Cam say those things about me."
"You've had other girlfriends."
"Just Dina. We never talked about things like that. She knew our father so we were very 'comfortable' with how things were."
"I see."
"I facilitated it just as much as she did."
"I have no doubt. That won't work with me, you know? I'm going to challenge you to be the best version of you that you can be."
"I do know that and I'm ready for it."
I looked at him from across the room as he smiled at me. This would be good for both of us. We were ready to challenge one another to be the best we could be.

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