Chapter 24

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"I need to run into the New York field office. Acting director David Brooks says he needs to see me." I told Jonathan the next morning.
"Is that safe?" He asked looking over at me.
"Yes. No one in the FBI put much thought into Blair's accusations after Scott exposed him as a traitor." I answered walking over to him.
Jonathan wrapped his arms around me.
"As long as you're safe." He whispered kissing my head.
"Don't worry, Jonny. When I get back we can take a walk around the backyard and get to know each other better."
"That sounds perfect." He leaned down to kiss me.
"I won't be long." I kissed him again before I left.
I walked into the FBI field office about an hour later and was greeted by a young blonde woman.
"Mr. Brooks will see you now, Ms. Stone." She lead me to an office in the back of the office.
"Mr. Brooks? Ms. Stone is here." She said as we walked through the door.
"An entry level agent, I expected you to be more timid." He said standing up behind the desk.
"I served for six years in the Marines. I'm anything but timid." I answered respectfully.
"Fair enough, Ms. Stone. Please sit." He motioned to the chair across from him.
"Thank you." I said sitting down.
"I would like to start by saying that I am truly sorry for the loss of yout stepfather. We are searching tirelessly for his killer."
"I appreciate that."
"Director Walker left specific instructions for what is to happen in the event of his death. The first and most important was who should take over as director of the FBI. He named you, Ms. Stone."
"Me? I'm hardly qualified to lead the entire agency." I stared hard at him.
"I'm inclined to agree but he was the director at the time and he seemed to think you are. You start a week after the funeral." He said.
I nodded bewildered.
It was a common practice in the federal law enforcement agencies for the director to name a replacement in the event they are killed. It did surprise me that he would name me as his successor.
"Anything you need for his funeral we'll provide, Madame Director." He said standing up.
"Thank you." I stood up as well.
I walked in a daze out to my car before calling Kay to tell her what happened.
"He said he wanted to make sure we retained the power in the FBI but I didn't think this was what he meant. You know that Mike, Wyatt and I are behind you one hundred percent."
"I do know that. Thank you. I just wanted to update you on what I learned." I sighed.
"Of course. I appreciate it."
When I got home Jonathan was waiting for me.
"Are you okay?" He asked looking at me.
"Scott named me as his successor for director of the FBI." I answered.
"That seems like a job that is much more in the spotlight than you're used to."
"It is. There are fundraisers and other black tie events that I'll have to attend."
"We'll have to attend. I'm in this with you." He assured me.
"You're going to be bored out of your mind at these functions."
"Maybe, but I'll be there with you."
"I'm telling you, I don't deserve you." I sighed.
"I don't deserve you either." He smiled at me.
"Let me change my shoes and we can take that walk."
"Why don't we watch a movie instead? It seems to me that you need to relax."
"That sounds incredible."
"Good. I think so too."
He walked over to the wall of DVDs in my living room to pick one out. He brought me over 'The Beyond'.
"Sure, okay." I smiled up at him.
"Ouija boards are tricky contraptions. Even the most seasoned demonologist will tell you to treat them with extreme caution. As the salesman was going over the finer points of using the device, all Karen could think about was why someone would bother to create one using human bones. She would later regret not learning why." He read.
"Sounds interesting." I chuckled.
"Yeah. It does." He wrapped his arms around me as I put the DVD in.
We walked over to the couch where he pulled me down into his lap so I could wrap my arms around his neck and lay my head on his shoulder.
"Whatever this 'promotion' brings us, I'm by your side." He kissed my forehead.
I looked up at him for a long moment before gently pulling on his neck so I could kiss him. He kissed me hard moving his lips against mine. I sat up a little taller and moved one of my hands to cup his face. I ran my tounge along his bottom lip until he opened his mouth a little so our tounges could dance together as we continued to kiss on the couch.
I moved so I could straddle his lap kissing him harder as his hands grabbed my hips before sliding up my back.
"Are we alone?" I asked breaking our kiss and looking into his eyes.
He nodded and I kissed him again moving my hips against his body pulling him closer to me.
"What about the movie?" He muttered against my skin.
"What movie?" I breathed as he laid me down on the couch before he started kissing me again.
I pulled his tshirt over his head as he moved his hips pressing me down into the cushions.
After removing all of the layers between us and having sex on the couch we gathered our clothes and made our way up to the bedroom so we didn't have to worry about Cameron finding us cuddling naked on the couch.
With the bedroom door closed Jonathan picked me up and pressed me against the wall kissing my neck.
"I don't want to hurt you." I gasped.
"I'm fine." He pulled back slightly to look at me.
He carried me over to the bed and laid down so I was on my knees on top of him.
It was so easy to gey lost in him. All of my worries and cares melted away as we closed the distance between us and spent the rest of the day in bed.

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