Chapter 41

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"Do you want me to make something for breakfast?" I asked looking up from the files on the coffee table when Conrad got home around four in the morning.
"Sure. I don't think I even ate throughout the night." He sighed tossing his keys on the table.
I stood up and kissed him before moving into the kitchen to make breakfast.
"What's all this?" He called from the living room, referring I assumed to the files I had out.
"It's every inquiry done on Dr. Hunter in the last fifteen years." I answered with a sigh.
"Every one of these is a death." He asked walking in holding the files.
"You know I can't let you look through those while the case is open." I said gently as he set the pile on the counter.
"Conrad, tell me about her." I urged.
"I started my residency in oncology but only made it a year under her. She didn't like that I'd question her dosing decisions. They all seemed high to me and when I saw one of the patient charts she flipped out on me and fired me from the internship. I moved to internal medicine and haven't looked back." He answered looking at me.
"What did you see in the file?" I asked stopping what I was doing.
He shook his head and turned away from me.
"Is the patient still alive?" I asked gently.
He shook his head but still wouldn't look at me.
"Conrad, you know that doctor patient confidentiality is nul and void if the patient is deceased and there's an open investigation."
"Is there an open investigation?" He asked spinning to look at me.
"With this many deaths, and these are just the ones reported, yes. There is." I answered.
"The patient didn't have cancer. He shouldn't have been treated at all let alone at the dose she was giving him."
"I need you to make sure you don't tell anyone else what you told me. No one needs to know until I have more evidence." I walled over to him and touched his shoulder.
He turned to fully embrace me.
"I'll figure this out." I assured him.
"Of course you will. You're the best there is." He kissed the top of my head.
After breakfast we were laying in the bed watching TV.
"Chastain hosts a charity ball the last week of July for all major donors. I was just thinking you should go." He said running his fingers through my hair.
"Why is that?" I muttered moving a little to look at him.
"Honestly I'm being selfish and I'm hoping that if you're a major donor to Chastain that Bell will get off my back and let me help people." He admitted.
"I'm in. I'll go." I answered smiling at him.
"You're always so willing to help me." He smiled back at me.
"Of course. I'm a marine first. I'm all about helping people."
"So it's not my dashing good looks?"
"That's a bonus." I smirked at him.
"Fair enough." He conceded moving to lay me on my back in the bed.
Conrad was already at work the night of the charity ball.
I dressed in a floor length dark blue deep v-neck sleeveless dress with my deep brown hair hanging in waves over my shoulders.

I dressed in a floor length dark blue deep v-neck sleeveless dress with my deep brown hair hanging in waves over my shoulders

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I walked into the hospital in a crowd of other benefactors dressed to the nines like myself. I broke away to fine Conrad before making my way into the ballroom.
"Hey there, doctor." I greeted him leaning against the wall.
"My God, you look stunning." He breathed walking up to me.
I wrapped my arms around his waist as he kissed me.
"There's someone I'd like you to meet." He smiled pulling me gently by my hand down the hallway to a hospital room.
"Lily?" He said gently knocking on the door.
"Dr. Hawkins." She smiled at him.
"I'd like you to meet my girlfriend, Kaitlyn." He said pulling me into the room.
"Hi, Kaitlyn." She smiled at me.
"Hi." I smiled back still holding Conrad's hand.
"You're all dressed up." She observed.
"I am. I'm attending the charity ball Chastain is hosting." I answered.
"So, you're a bureaucrat?" She asked.
"No." I laughed.
"I'm the director of the FBI who just happens to be independently wealthy."
"The director of the FBI, Dr. Hawkins?" She giggled teasing him.
"We met while we were in the marines together. I became a doctor, Kaitlyn became a cop." He smiled at her.
"Lily has lung cancer Nic and I have been on her care team for two years. I've been talking about you a lot lately and I figured it'd be good for her to meet you." He explained.
"I'm honored to meet the woman who holds your heart." She smiled looking at his hand in mine.
"The honor is mine." I assured her.
"You have to go, don't you?" Conrad asked looking up at the clock.
"I can come back after I make sure it's known how important my investment in the hospital would be." I nudged him.
Lily laughed.
"So, that's why you're going to the gathering of bureaucracy going on over there."
"Whatever I can do to help him continue to save lives here." I answered.
"That's admirable. I don't know that I could do it." She chuckled.
"Thank you. I'll be back in a couple hours." I gently set my hand on hers before walking out with Conrad.
"Thank you for meeting her." He whispered wrapping his arms around me once we got to the ballroom door.
"I meant it when I said I was honored. The only people you put more of your heart into than me is your patients."
"You have my heart, Kaitlyn. I love you." He said pressing his lips to my collarbone.
"I love you too, Conrad. Forever." I sighed holding him to me another moment.
"Knock 'em dead." He smiled before kissing me.
"Be careful, I might just take you seriously." I teased walking into the ballroom still holding his hand until I was forced to let go.
I glanced back to find him watching me with his hands on his waist.
"Hello, Ms?" A deep male voice said to my left.
"Ms. Stone." I answered turning to find myself face to face with Dr. Randolph Bell.
"Stone isn't a name I'm familiar with." He raised an eyebrow at me.
"Nor should it. I'm new to Atlanta. All you need to know is I could fund this entire hospital on my own, raise a comfortable family in the home my boyfriend and I are closing on this week, and still donate sizable funds to my favorite charities." I looked at him hard.
"I think we'll make great friends, Ms. Stone." He smiled at me.
"That's why I'm here. I've heard amazing things about this hospital."
He lead me over to the bar where we ordered drinks.
Dr. Bell followed me around like a lost puppy most of the night until I wrote a rather large check to the hospital. I watched him deposit it on his mobile phone just before Dr. Lane Hunter walked up to us wearing a deep green dress with her hair in a high bun.
I realized that she didn't recognize me from the interview in her office when her eyes raked over me.
"This is Ms. Stone. She just made a sizable donation to Chastain." He told her.
"It's a pleasure, Ms. Stone. I'm Dr. Lane Hunter, the head of the oncology department. That's doctor lingo for cancer." She said feigning a smile.
"I'm aware. My boyfriend is a doctor." I answered.
"Good choice." Dr. Bell said.
"I certainly think so." I smiled at her.
Dr. Hunter caught sight of Conrad in the doorway at the same time I did.
"I'm sorry. Excuse me." She said before walking over to him.
I could read his face like a book and he was angry.
"Could you point me in the direction of the restroom?" I asked Bell and luckily he pointed me towards the door Conrad and Dr. Hunter walked out of.
"Through the door, to the left." He smiled at me.
"Perfect. Excuse me." I smiled back.
"Let's get on the same page with this treatment plan." I heard Dr. Hunter's voice come from a room to my right.
"You are nothing but an Army Medic with PTSD. I will end you." She threatened Conrad.
"I'd like to see you try." I said strongly walking into the room.
"And you are?" She hissed.
"Don't you recognize me without my gun and badge?" I asked smiling when her eyes widened with recognition.
"If I find out you threatened him again you can be sure that I'll end You. Everyone in that room knows that I'm now a major donor to this hospital. Do you think that Bell will risk losing all of his investors over you? Maybe you think you're special to him. Yes, I can tell you're trying to get in with him. You're not. He will drop you the minute he realizes that you're more trouble than you're worth." I  said stepping between them.
"Oh, and Conrad's a marine. There's a difference." I said taking his hand and pulling him out of the room.
Once we were back in Lily's hallway and far enough away from the ball and Dr. Hunter he pulled me into an empty room pressing my back against the wall.
"Do you have any idea how hot that was?" He murmured against the skin of my neck.
I didn't answer getting lost in him as he moved his lips to mine.
"I love when you stand up for me. You're so strong and powerful." He growled, his lips grazing mine with every word.

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