Chapter 20

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I couldn't watch her leave. My heart already raced at the thought of what she was doing.
I was still laying in the bed when Cameron walked upstairs to find me.
"How are you doing, Jonny?" He asked sitting on the edge of the bed.
"Has she left yet?"
"Yeah, she just left. She'll be back soon." He answered.
"Yeah, I know." I sighed staring up at the ceiling.
"You have to trust her, John."
"I do trust her, Cam. I just can't help but worry about her."
"Of course you worry about her but she took out twenty two trained Russian guards just last week. One man isn't going to be able to take her out."
"It's not that I'm worried about. I know she'll come home but what if this changes her? What if killing him turns her into someone else?"
"I don't think you have to worry about that. She kills people for a living."
"I know that but you know as well as I do that this if different."
"The only difference is that she's defending her home; her family instead of her country." Cameron insisted.
"I guess so. It just seems so different. He's been tormenting her for almost a decade."
"Do you remember when you had that accident with the sword on stage?" He asked.
"Yeah, what does that have to do with this?" I finally looked back at my twin.
"I could never shake the feeling that it wasn't actually an accident. I still can't. When our father died I thought I'd just forget about it but the way he was with you... the way he treated you... it wouldn't surprise me if he'd planned to kill you that night and I screwed it up. Didn't you notice how cold he was to me afterwards?" He explained.
"I was a little busy trying not to bleed out but now that you mention it, yeah. It was clearly different after that." I answered.
"I'm still not sure about the correlation."
"I'm actually not either but I've been thinking about it off and  on since you went missing. Do you think she would have killed him if she'd known us then?"
"Probably. She's clearly very protective. I mean she and I have only actually been together for like a week but watching her, it's obvious that she'd go to the ends of the earth for me; for us."
"The way we grew up was horrible but I think it pales in comparison to the way her mother raised her."
"Despite that we grew up to be the people we are now and that's nothing to be ashamed of."
"We are a little arrogant." Cameron teased.
"I think a little is an understatement." I laughed.
"Maybe." He conceded.
"She makes me want to be better. She's selfless in a way we've never been. She may be a little arrogant but she's certainly earned the right to be."
"Of course she has." He sighed.
"She is clearly the best at what she does."
"She has all of those best qualities of someone amazing at their job and almost none of the worst ones."
"I would guess that's how she was raised. We were raised by a vicious arrogant man who taught us that we were beyond reproach compared to the others in our field. She was likely taught to be the best and not care what anyone thought of her skills." He sighed.
"She sent you up here to distract me, didn't she?"
"She asked me to keep you occupied, yes. She doesn't want you to worry excessively about her." He said looking at me with a smile.
"I'm going to worry no matter what you do, Cameron." I sighed.
"I know that, Jonathan. She just doesn't want to come back to find that you've aged twenty years in two days."
Playfully I reached out and punched him in the arm.
"If you weren't already injured I'd take you on." He smiled at me again.
"Even injured I'd beat your ass." I teased.
"Why don't we get up and go see what we can get going for breakfast?" He suggested.
"Okay, Cameron. Okay." I sighed.
He wasn't going to let me wallow in my own thoughts. Not that I blamed him. Kaitlyn was insanely terrifying. I knew she'd never hurt me or Cameron but I definitely knew I didn't want to get on her bad side either.
I started to worry about our first argument. It was inevitable in a relationship to have disagreements but when you're dating an assassin? I'd be sleeping with one eye open.
I chuckled out loud at the thought.
"What?" Cameron asked looking up from the eggs he was scrambling.
"I was just thinking about how the first disagreement with Kaitlyn will go." I laughed again.
"If it were me, I'd give her anything she wanted whenever she wanted to avoid a slow methodical death." He laughed too.
"That might be exactly how it goes but why do I feel like that might be worse for me?" I asked raising an eyebrow.
"You might be right. Kaitlyn doesn't seem like someone who enjoys fake happiness. Ask her." He shrugged.
"When she gets back, ask her how she wants the relationship to be."
"Surprisingly, I never actually thought of that. It's a good idea. We need to be upfront with each other."
"I think that'll be refreshing for her and for you."
"Even with Dina things weren't like this. I know I loved her but it wasn't this easy. She knew who I was in New York but didn't say a thing. We were just two people spending a night together."
"She's good for you, Jonathan. She'll bring you out of yourself. I can't help but feel responsible for how introverted you are."
"If anyone's to blame it's our father."
"It's not like I put a stop to it. Even after he died we lived the same life for over ten years after his death. I didn't fight for you like I should have."
"You shouldn't have had to fight him for me. I didn't even fight him for me."
"No, you fought him for me. Don't think I forgot the way you protected me, but I didn't protect you. Even when you told me you wanted out I tried to fight you."
"We came to a consensus. We made it work."
"I just think she'll be the one to help you live the life you were always meant to."
"I don't regret our life, Cameron." I assured him.
"I do." He admitted.
I stared at my twin for a long moment not knowing what to say.
"There's nothing to say, Jonny. It never should have been the way it was for you." He smiled over at me with a sigh.
"I love you, Cameron." I told him.
"I love you too, Jonny."

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