Chapter 37

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After spending thirty seven weeks traveling to each of the field offices under my command and an additional four weeks in Washington DC at FBI headquarters I flew to Atlanta, Georgia where Conrad worked at Chastain Park Memorial Hospital about to enter his third year residency to spend the holidays.
Conrad and I agreed that spending some extra time in Atlanta would be good for me. Jonathan and I hadn't spoken since he walked out of my home that morning at the end of February, although Cameron and I spoke regularly.
Conrad had to work the night I flew in and wouldn't be off in time to pick me up so I rented a dark blue Chevrolet Cruze and drove from the airport to the hospital.
A cheerful young blonde woman sat behind the desk when I walked in.
"Welcome to Chastain Park Memorial. How can I help you?" She smiled at me.
"Hi. I'm looking for Dr. Conrad Hawkins?" I said glancing around the lobby.
"Is he expecting you?" She asked.
"Yeah. I'm visiting for the holidays." I smiled at her.
"Kaitlyn!" Conrad's voice came from my left.
"Found him. Thank you." I smiled again and turned to look at him.
"There you are, stranger. I was starting to worry you'd gotten lost." He teased hugging me.
"Me? Lost? Never." I laughed breathing him in.
"Are you ready to go?" He asked keeping his arm around me.
"Of course." I smiled as he lead me out of the hospital.
"I don't live far from here so I don't drive often." He explained as he walked to the driver's side door and opened it for me.
"Thank you." I smiled and looked over my shoulder into his eyes for the first time in ten months.
Something about them spoke to my soul and I couldn't help but lean towards  him still looking in his eyes asking permission before he closed the distance between us and pressed his lips to mine.
I leaned against his shoulder as I deepened our kiss until he turned me enough to press my back against the door frame wrapping his hand around my neck holding me tightly to him. I slid my arms around his waist pulling myself tighter against him.
I pressed my forehead against his after our kiss broke.
"I missed you." He admitted breathing heavily.
"I missed you too. So much." I sighed.
We were kissing again before he got his apartment door open pulling me inside as I pushed his jacket from his shoulders. He picked me up and pressed my back against the front door as he locked it behind us before carrying me to his bedroom.
I woke peacefully in Conrad's arms Christmas morning and pushed my forehead into the crook of his neck trying to get closer to him.
"Good morning, baby." He sighed wrapping his arm around me.
"I forgot how good it feels when you call me that." I said gently moving to sit up on my forearm and look at him resting my hand on his bare chest covering his Marine corps tattoo.
Conrad reached up and covered my hand with his.
"Do you want to come with me to Chastain's Christmas party?" He asked moving to move my hair off my forehead.
"I came here to be with you. I want to be where you are." I told him as he cupped my face.
I wore a red floor length aline off the shoulder dress with my hair in an elegant bun and red strappy stiletto heels.

I wore a red floor length aline off the shoulder dress with my hair in an elegant bun and red strappy stiletto heels

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"You look stunning." Conrad smiled at me twirling me around playfully.
"Thank you." I smiled at him.
"You look perfect, yourself."
"Why, thank you." He smiled at me offering me his arm as we walked out to the car I rented.
We walked into Chastain's ballroom less than ten minutes later running almost directly into Nicolette Nevin. Conrad's best friend and former lover. I glanced over at Conrad and saw how he looked at her and it calmed any jealousy I might have had. He didn't look at her the way he looked at me. Even when our eyes met for the first time in three years I saw his love and passion in his eyes.
"Nic! He exclaimed happily.
"This is my girlfriend, Kaitlyn Stone. Kaitlyn, this is Nicolette Nevin." He beamed with pride as he squeezed my waist.
"Ah. I've heard so much about you." She smiled genuinely at me.
"And I, you. It's wonderful to finally meet you."
I could have leaned into him, asserting my claim over him but I didn't feel the need to. Instead I leaned forward and shook her hand.
"I'm going to go get us a drink, will you be okay here?" Conrad asked kissing my temple.
"Of course. I'm eager to get to know, Nic." I smiled at him before he kissed me.
"I'm glad he's finally reconnected with you. Even when we were together I could tell something was missing for him. He belongs with you." Nic smiled at me.
"We met at a very hard time in each of our lives. I think the break was good for us. We both needed to figure out who we were outside of our relationship after our losses."
"I can understand that. Being too dependent on one another is not healthy."
"Are you two talking about me?" Conrad asked handing me a pink mixed drink.
"Always." I smiled as he wrapped his arm back around me.
Over Nic's shoulder I caught sight of an older man with grey hair and ice blue eyes watching us.
"Who's that?" I asked pointing him out to Conrad.
"Oh, that's Dr. Randolph Bell, Chief of Surgery." He sighed tightening his grip on me.
I leaned back into him instinctively calming him.
"You still know me so well." He whispered in my ear.
"Always." I smiled at him.
"You two don't get along, do you?" I asked earning a laugh from Nic.
"She's not here ten minutes and she can read the tension between you two across a room." She poked his shoulder playfully.
"No. We don't. I'm outspoken and he doesn't like it." He sighed.
"I'm was a First Sergeant in the Marines and I'm now director of the FBI so observation comes naturally to me." I told her taking a sip of my drink.
Conrad and I spent most of the night with Nic and I'd occasionally catch Bell's eye and he'd look away from me.
We decided to spend most of the rest of the two weeks in his apartment. When he had to work I'd wander the city of Atlanta taking in the sights and sounds of his home.
The relatively small city was rubbing off on me. The night before I was scheduled to return to New York Conrad was making dinner while I sat on the couch watching him.
"Babe. I've been thinking..." I started.
"Uh oh." He teased earning him a glare.
"What if I move to Atlanta?"
He stopped what he was doing and turned to look at me.
"You want to move to Atlanta?"
"I don't see the point of living fourteen hours away from you. I'm not meaning that I want to move in with you right now but in the future I'd think it'd be something we'd want to do."
"I'm not against us moving in together. We've known each other for, what, seven years and we were together for three before my idiocy ruined us?"
"I just don't want you to think I'm rushing you. I'd need to buy a house. I have entirely too much stuff to fit in this apartment."
He laughed and smiled at me.
"Then we'll buy a house."
The phone rang rousing me from my deep sleep. Conrad's arm wrapped around me as it had every night for the two weeks I'd been staying with him.
"Stone." I answered groggily.
"Kaitlyn? It's Cameron. I need you to come home." Cameron's voice said over the phone.
"Cameron? What's wrong?" I asked gently pulling myself out of Conrad's arms and sitting up.
"Jonathan's been arrested."

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