Chapter 39

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The Venom made the fourteen hour drive from New York to Atlanta in less than seven leaving me sitting in the car in front of Chastain at two in the morning. I knew Conrad was working overnight and every fiber in my being wanted to be in his arms but at the same time he was a doctor and I didn't want to interrupt his work.
"Hey, baby." He answered cheerfully when I called.
"Hey. Are you busy?" I asked.
"No, it's a quiet night. Are you okay?" He asked.
"I'm fine. Where are you right now?"
"I'm doing some paperwork at the nurses station in pathology. You're acting strange. Are you sure you're okay?" He asked.
"Yeah, I'm fine. Let me call you back." I answered.
"Okay." He said before I hung up.
I climbed out of the car and walked into the hospital.
"How may I help you, ma'am?" A large guard asked as I walked up to the reference desk.
"I'm Kaitlyn Stone. I'm here to surprise my boyfriend, Dr. Conrad Hawkins." I answered.
"Director Kaitlyn Stone of the FBI?" He asked.
"Yes?" I asked confused.
"You were all over the news while they covered that magician case in New York. You're practically a celebrity." He explained.
"I didn't do anything in the case." I chuckled.
"That's true but you are the youngest director of the FBI in history. Everyone is watching you." He smiled at me.
"Wonderful." I laughed.
"May I go up and see him now?"
"Oh, of course." He smiled and waved me over to the elevators.
"Thank you."
I sighed after the elevator doors closed. Pathology was on the fifth floor and when the doors opened again I stepped out onto the floor. Conrad sat at the nurses station with his back to me seemingly staring at his phone.
I walked quietly closer to the nurses station.
"How's the paperwork coming?" I asked causing him to spin around to look at me.
"You're here!" He exclaimed leaping out of the chair to embrace me.
"I'm here." I sighed holding onto him.
"Did it not go well?" He asked pulling slightly away from me.
"Well, he didn't get life for murder. He got ten years for involuntary manslaughter." I sighed laying my head on his shoulder.
"Can we fight it?" He asked smoothing down my hair.
"Theoretically, yes. We need the rest of that video."
"They'll find it and you'll get him out." He assured me kissing my head.
"When are you off? I haven't been sleeping well without you." I sighed looking up into his face.
"I'm off at three. What time is it now?"
"Uh, two fifteen ish." I guessed.
"Can you make it forty five minutes?" He asked smiling at me.
"Probably. Can I ask a favor?"
"Whatever you want."
"Kiss me." I breathed.
He leaned down and caught my lips with his. Kissing him felt like home. The way his arms wrapped around me, holding me tight to his chest. The heat from his mouth moving against mine.
Reluctantly I broke our kiss and looked up at him.
"Finish your paperwork so we can go home." I turned him around and gently push him towards the chair.
"Okay, okay." He grumbled playfully.
Waking up in his arms around noon the next day was exactly what I needed. I moved slightly to cuddle against him.
A loud knock at the door startled us. He looked at me a moment before climbing out of bed.
He threw on a pair of loose sweatpants and a tshirt before leaving to answer the door.
I climbed out of bed and put on one of his shirts and a pair of pants before following him.
"What are you doing here?" Conrad's voice was strained.
"I'm opening up a new hospital and I want you to run it." A man said walking into the apartment.
He obviously didn't see me standing in the hallway but Conrad did.
The man was older, sixties or so with very little red hair and green eyes.
"I'm not leaving Chastain." He answered catching my eye as I walked closer to him.
"Conrad?" I said his name feigning sleepiness.
"Kaitlyn." He said walking over to me.
"This is my girlfriend, Kaitlyn Stone." He said putting his arm around me looking at the man standing before us.
"Kaitlyn, this is Marshall Winthrop... my father."
I looked up at the tension in his face. Something about his father truly upset him. Instinctively I moved just slightly so Conrad stood behind me.
"Just think about it." Marshall Winthrop said before looking at me.
"It's a pleasure to meet you, Kaitlyn." He said before turning on his heel and walking out of the apartment.
Conrad walked away from me, back into the bedroom. I locked the door behind his father before following him.
I found Conrad sitting on the edge of the bed with his head in his hands.
"Hey." I said softly.
"Do you want to talk about it?"
"Not really." He shook his head and refused to look at me.
"Okay. Lay back down then."
He finally looked at me inquisitively.
"I'm not anywhere near finished cuddling with you."
He laughed and laid down so I could curl up at his side.
"Tell me about work." I urged running my fingers gently over his chest.
"Not much to tell." He sighed.
"Bell and I don't see eye to eye, ever. He is so much more focused on the bottom line than actually helping people. He reminds me of my father." He admitted.
"I heard your father mention opening a new hospital. Is that what he does?" I asked.
"My father is a business man. He's not a doctor. That's why he needs me. What do you think I should do?" He asked.
"I think you need to do what's best for you. I'll follow you anywhere." I answered.
He sighed again.
Conrad climbed out of bed around two to shower before he had to start his twelve hour shift at three. I considered following him when my phone rang and Cameron's picture flashed across my screen.
"Hello, Cameron." I answered sitting up in the bed.
"Hi, Kaitlyn. I'm just calling to tell you that Jonathan and his attorney are planning to file an appeal." He sighed.
"On what grounds?" I asked resting my head on my fist.
"Honestly, I have no idea."
"They're going to lose. Does he know that if he files the appeal and loses then he has to wait another year to file another even if we find new evidence?" I asked.
"I told him that. He doesn't want to listen to anyone."
"I can't leave right now. Conrad and I are looking for a house and I refuse to constantly put Conrad on the back burner for Jonathan. I'm committed to making this work with him." I sighed.
"Nor should you. Stay with Conrad. I was just letting you know that he's continuing to be a moron." He chuckled.
"I appreciate the update." I laughed as the shower turned off.
"I'll talk to you later, Kaitlyn."
I hung up the phone as Conrad stepped into the room a towel hanging on his hips.
"Who was that?" He asked.
"Cameron. Apparently, Jonathan is going to file an appeal with no new evidence." I sighed.
Conrad walked over to me.
"Do you need to go?" He asked standing with his thighs between my legs.
"No. I'm here with you. We need to find a house." I smiled up at him.
He leaned down to press his lips to mine and I pulled on the towel gently so it would fall off his hips.

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