Chapter 10

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Pulling up outside the back of the abandoned warehouse in Florida City sent chills down my spine.
"You drive like a maniac. Is that where they're keeping him?" Cameron asked from the floorboards of the backseat.
"I wish it surprised me that you're here." I sighed looking up at the building.
"He's my brother, Kaitlyn."
"I understand that. Will it help if I beg you to wait in the car?"
"Maybe." He sighed.
"I will bring him out of there but I desperately need you to wait here. I can't be worried about you while trying to find him."
"It would put him at risk?"
"It would." I sighed.
"Okay. I just needed to be here."
"I understand that. I'm damn good at what I do. I'll bring him to you alive."
I left Cameron in the car walking around to the trunk of the car. I pulled out three handguns, two knives and a dozen back up clips. With another sigh I pulled another gun out of the trunk. I opened the back door and handed it to Cameron.
"Only use it if you have to."
He nodded and took the gun gingerly from me.
"I know how to use it. Don't worry." He looked up at me.
"Please just wait here."
I shut the door again and snuck my way around the building to the front. There were two guards at the front door. I crouched down and slunk along the foundation of the building closer to them before raising my gun and firing one shot into each of their heads. I knew it was risky to draw attention to myself that early in the mission but I also knew that if I could draw all of the guards and Drake Blair away from Jonathan it would be easier to get him out.
Inside the front door I was confronted by two more guards. The one on my right swung at me while the one on the left raised a pistol. I spun away from the man on my right and knocked the gun away from the man on the left. I fired quickly killing both men with a single shot a piece.
I ran as silently as I could through the warehouse clearing each room as I passed so I knew where the guards could come from. At the back of the warehouse was a staircase. I fired a round into the floor at the base of the stairs before crouching behind them. One by one five more guards came down the stairs with pistols drawn. I stepped out from behind the stairs and began firing. I took four out easily before one came around behind me and knocked the gun from my hands. I spun around to face him pulling a knife from its sheath driving it up through his chin killing him.
I pulled another pistol from its holster and began climbing the stairs cautiously. As I reached the top of the stairs someone fired a gun in my direction. I spun towards the sound of the gunshots as a bullet grazed my side. I fired once and the man fell. I managed to duck into an empty room before more guards rounded the corner. I peaked around the corner and fired precise shots taking out each of the four guards surrounding the body before a gun was pressed into my back as an arm wrapped around my throat.
"You're coming with me." A male voice said in my ear.
"Unlikely." I said firing a single shot behind me into his chest.
He fell to the ground drawing in his last breath.
I took a moment to pause and just listen for the sounds of guards moving around or Jonathan's voice. The entirety of the warehouse was deadly silent.
I emerged from the room and made my way down the hallway to yet another set of stairs and took a chance to fire another round into the floor. As if on cue another wave of guards rushed down the stairs. This group holding assault rifles.
"Son of a bitch." I muttered ducking behind the stairs.
"Fan out. Find her." I heard a male voice say.
I bided my time taking a few deep breaths before emerging from my hiding place and firing. One. Two. Three shots in quick succession taking out the three guards closest to me. As the other two spun around I fired two more shots. One of the guards got off a single shot striking me in the shoulder again.
Ignoring my pain I rushed up the stairs and found two more guards outside a closed door. Raising my left hand I shot and killed them both.
I tried the doorknob and found it locked. I turned my back to the door and kicked backwards breaking the doorjamb forcing the door open. Inside the room was completely empty aside from a figure in a chair in the center of a circle of light facing away from me. Cautiously I cleared the room but didn't find anyone else there which frankly surprised me.
I ran up to the chair and took in Jonathan's appearance. His shirt was off and he was covered in his own blood. I could make out slashes in his chest along with stab wounds in his arms, thigh and torso. As I sliced the ropes from his wrists I noticed that every one of his fingernails was forcibly removed.
"Jonny. Jonathan." I said his name loudly tapping on his cheek.
"Why are you hitting me?" He muttered.
"I need you to help me get you out of here." I told him as I cut the ropes from his legs.
"Do you think you can walk?" I asked.
"Not far. He stabbed me."
"I know, Jonny. I know. I'm going to take you to the doctor, okay? Cameron is waiting in the car."
"Cameron? You found Cameron."
"Yes. I found Cameron. I need you to help me stand you up, okay?"
He nodded weakly.
With minimal help from Jonathan, I managed to stand him up and he leaned heavily on my right shoulder where I'd been shot twice just in the warehouse not to mention at the prison.
With a hand gun out in front of us I led him carefully down the first set of stairs, over the bodies of the guards I'd killed all the way out the front door.
Cameron raced towards us as soon as we came around the side of the building.
"Is he okay?" He asked pulling him off me.
"He will be. Get him to the car. I'm right behind you." I sighed.
I hadn't realized how badly I'd been hurt until that moment.
"Did you see anyone else come out of the building?" I asked Cameron as we walked up to the car.
"No. No one." He answered looking at me seemingly for the first time.
"Have you been shot?" He asked.
"I'll be fine. We need to lay him across the back seat then I'll call Scott and get us to a safe hospital. By now I'm sure he's exposed Drake Blair as a Russian traitor." I answered walking around to the other side of the car.
Cameron passed Jonathan's shoulders to me so we could position him as comfortably as possible in the backseat before seat belting him in.
"You need to drive, Cameron. I've lost too much blood." I handed him the car keys and climbed into the passenger seat.
"Kaitlyn?" Scott answered the phone.
"I've got him. Blair wasn't there. Need a hospital."

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