Chapter 18

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Watching her break like that broke my heart. Knowing that she was constantly being emotionally tortured by this man infuriated me. It also made me admire her. Her strength. I couldn't lose everything she has and continue on. I couldn't help think about Cameron. What would I do if I lost him?
I watched her sleep as I ran my fingers through her hair trying my best to soothe her as the tears continued to fall from her eyes in her sleep. I thought about all the pain, anger, and hurt she must have experienced in the last eight years of her life that seemed to be ripping her apart as we laid in the bed.
Gently, I kissed her forehead and pulled her closer to me offering her my support as she continued to reel from the loss.
I knew when she walked out of this room to face what the rest of the team discovered that she would be a different person than she was here with me. I'd seen it in the hospital after she'd found me. I could see the pain in her eyes and how she shut it off when anyone else was in the room. I even saw it downstairs as she ordered the team in the strongest voice but broke the minute she was alone in that gym.
I also knew that she would have to leave to find him and that thought terrified me. Not that I didn't think she could kill him. I knew she could but I also knew that she probably wouldn't come back unscathed.
I wondered if she'd be satisfied just shooting him but something inside of me knew she wouldn't be. He tortured and killed her husband. Tortured me and killed her stepfather. While I knew that it wasn't how she normally operated this one was personal and rightly so.
I felt her snuggle closer to me and looked down into her sleeping face. I needed to be okay with her being gone as long as she needed to be to get this done in a way that satisfied her but being away from her worried me.
I touched my chin to the top of her head and let my breathing fall into rhythm with hers as my heartbeat slowed and I drifted into a somewhat peaceful sleep.
I watched Jonathan lead Kaitlyn up the stairs and my heart ached for her. She'd lost so much and she was only twenty six. I knew I was needed here but the technological searches weren't my forte. I walked over to Kay who was plotting points on a map which seemed much more in my skillset.
"What are you doing?" I asked looking at the map.
"It's called a geographical profile. I'm taking all of the places he's been and trying to figure out where he'll be to give Kaitlyn a place to start looking for him. We're all trained agents but she's the professional killer."
"She doesn't seem like a professional killer when you meet her." I muttered.
"That's what makes her so good at it. No one expects her to be able to end a life without blinking an eye." She answered with a sigh.
"Two points in New York; the prison with Jonathan and Scott's house. The warehouse in Florida City and the FBI field office in Maine."
"I'd go to Maine." I said looking at the map.
"Why?" She asked seemingly intrigued.
"Kaitlyn said she was born in Maine. He's been attacking her personally for years. Where else would he want to try to lead her to try to kill her?" I explained.
"There's a house in Maine where she grew up. It's where she lived when she met both Scott and Chase." Kay said pulling up a map of the city of Calais, Maine.
"It's right here." She pointed to an area on the map.
"That's where I would start." I said looking at it.
"You don't want her to go?" She asked me.
"I know it's important for her to do this and from what I've heard she's very good at what she does so I'm not worried she won't come back but I know Jonathan worries about her and rightfully so. He cares about her. He doesn't want her to hurt and he's going to support her unconditionally but it's going to be hard for him to know she's gone and she could get hurt." I rambled.
"Of course she could but you're right, she is the best at what she does. She probably won't come out of it unscathed but she's coming back." She assured me.
I looked over at her and was surprised by her beauty as she watched me think about what she said. I smiled at her wistfully.
I was surprised by how close I was to Jonathan when I woke up. I was pressed tightly against his chest with his chin rested on the top of my head. I gently pulled away from him and sat up on the bed.
"Hey." He whispered touching my back.
"Hey. Thank you for what you did last night. I appreciate it more than you know." I sighed looking back at him.
"I want to be here for you." He said smiling at me.
"I know. It's been a long time since someone has really just wanted to be there for me."
He nodded watching me.
"Are you ready to go out there?" He asked.
"Almost." I looked at the bedroom door.
It seemed more like a portal back to who I've always been. Part of me was the vulnerable woman with emotions that laid in bed with him that night but there was another part of me that was hard and violently protective and that door was the portal between those two parts of me.
"My father was a vicious man but it affected me immensely when he died."
"Scott was loving. More so than my mother ever was and my father was dead before my mother even knew I existed. He was the first person in my life to actually care about me. It's hard but I'm ready to go out there and find Blair." I finally sighed.
Turning off my emotions was much easier after talking to Jonathan about it.
I was an assassin. My job was to rid the world of the evils of people who even death row was too good for. Drake Blair qualified as a man who didn't even deserve a trial of his peers.
"We think we know where he's hiding out?" Kay said as I hit the base of the stairs.
I looked at her.
"Your family home in Maine." Cameron said from beside her.

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