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Today is the day I start tour with Waterparks. To say I was excited is an understatement. I am currently waiting for my brother to pick me up to take me to tonight's venue in Dallas.

Soon, Jasper is outside, meaning it's time to leave. Okay, deep breaths. I grab my bag and head outside. Jasper meets me at his car and takes my bag from me before putting it in the back. It doesn't take long before we are off and heading from Houston to Dallas.

I lean my head against the window as the world passes by. "So, are you excited for this tour?" Jasper asks me. I sit up a little and look over at him. He glances at me a few times but keeps his eyes on the road.

"I mean, yeah. Who wouldn't be?" I answer him, shrugging my shoulders.

He gives me a look before his eyes go back to the road. "But?" He knows me too well.

I let out a sigh. "But, I am a little nervous." Jasper goes to say something but I cut him off. "I know, I know. 'I'm going to do great. They are going to love me. There's nothing to worry about.' I know all of this. I already had this conversation with Jawn today. I've been told all of this before. But it doesn't make me any less nervous."

"Okay. I was just gonna say that you can call me anytime." He glances over at me and all I can do is open and close my mouth as I try to find something to say.

Jasper then starts to laugh, causing me to laugh. "What would I do without you, big brother?" He just laughs some more and shakes his head.

We spend the rest of the car ride listening to music and singing along. It doesn't take long before we make it to the venue. Jasper finds a place to park near the tour bus. He gets my bag out of the back for me before giving me a hug. "You be good, little sister. Remember, you can call me at any time for anything."

I pull away from the hug and take my bag. "Thanks, Jas. It means a lot."

Three guys then start to walk towards us from the direction of the bus. One of them has light purple hair, another has straight brown hair, and the third has curly brown hair. Awsten, Geoff, and Otto. "Hey, you must be our replacement Jawn." The one with purple hair, who I know is Awsten, jokes. "I'm Awsten. And this is Geoff and Otto." He holds out his hand.

I look up at him and notice that his eyes are different colors. Ones more of a greenish color, that actually kind of matches my own green eyes, while the other is more blue. They're really pretty. His eyes actually help me to calm down a little bit.

Giving him a smile, I take his hand to shake. "Hey. I'm Remi." We let go and both Geoff and Otto introduce themselves to me and shake my hand. "This is my brother, Jasper. He was just dropping me off." I motion back to Jasper who was behind me and he gives them a little wave and a small smile. I then turn back to the guys. "You guys do realize that I'm friends with Jawn and know who all of you are, right?"

This causes them to all exchange glances with each other, seeming to have a mental conversation. They probably didn't even think about me knowing Jawn already. "Yeah. Yeah, we knew that." Geoff answers for them. I just giggle and shake my head. I don't know what I was so worried about. They are just a bunch of goofs.

I give Jasper one last hug before he takes off, leaving me alone with the guys. They take me over to the bus and give me a small tour of it and show me my bunk for the month, letting me put my bag there, before giving me my pass that allows me into the venue and backstage.

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