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The next day, I wake up in Awstens arms. I ended up passing out not long after he asked me to be his girlfriend, completely forgetting about my nightmare. Smiling to myself, I do my best to maneuver out of Awstens arms and out of his bunk without waking him up, and also without staring at him shirtless.

Somehow, I am successful in not waking him up, I may have stared just a little, but who wouldn't, and my feet are on the ground. I go over to my bunk and grab my phone that I had left there before going out into the lounge, where Geoff and Otto are playing video games.

Today we are in Indianapolis and there is only a little less than two weeks of tour left. I'm actually kind of sad that tour is almost over. I have had so much fun with the guys, and after this, our lives are probably going to be going back to being busy. That is something I am not looking forward to. Before tour, I was never able to meet the guys because of how busy we all were. And it's probably going to go back to that after tour.

I get snapped out of my thoughts by Awsten getting out of his bunk. "Goodmorning, girlfriend."

This catches Geoff and Otto's attention. "You guys finally made it official." Geoff says like a proud dad before holding out his hand to Otto. Glaring at Geoff, Otto gets out five dollars and hands it to Geoff, making me roll my eyes.

Awsten sits down next to me on the couch, laying his head on my shoulder. "You weren't there when I woke up." He pouts.

"I'm sorry. I woke up and I didn't want to wake you up and I didn't have my phone." I explain, laying my head on his.

He then suddenly gets up and holds his hands out for me to take. "How about a coffee date and you are forgiven."

Rolling my eyes at his childish behavior, I take his hands. "I guess." He pulls me up and gives me a hug before going to find clothes. I follow after him and get my own clothes before changing when he goes back out into the lounge. Some black high waisted shorts and a Waterparks hoodie.

I walk back into the lounge and see that Awsten is all ready. Sitting down, I put on my black and white checkered vans. "Nice hoodie. I hear they're pretty good." Awsten comments as I stand up.

"They're okay, I guess." I joke, causing Awsten to give me a look of mock hurt. "But I hear that the lead singer is really cute." This causes him to smile in an adorable way.

We then head out and walk to the nearest place that sells decent coffee. Awsten orders while I find us a table. Once our orders are ready, Awsten brings them over to the table and sits down. "Okay, question. What has been your favorite band to tour with? Besides us." Awsten asks as I take a drink of my coffee.

I slightly roll my eyes at the last part before setting my coffee down. "My favorite would definitely have to be Palaye Royale. Although, touring with you guys comes in at a close second."

Awsten raises an eyebrow at me, a slightly offended look on his face. "That was quick. You didn't even think about it."

Smiling, I shake my head. "What can I say, they're a fun group to tour with. Stressful, but fun. Sebastian can be dick sometimes, but it's only because he cares about his little brothers. Remington is just a nerd and goofball. And Emerson is adorable."

He just looks down at the table and shakes his head. I can see the smile on his face though. "I can't argue with you on that."

After spending probably two hours there, just drinking our coffee, talking about different things, and messing with each other, we go back to the bus. The guys put a movie in, but I go over to my bunk. "I'm gonna go call my brother. I'll be out in a little bit." I tell the guys before getting into my bunk.

Pulling my phone out of my pocket, I dial my brothers number. After a few rings, Jasper answers. "Hey, sis. What's going on?"

I let out a sigh. "I had the nightmare last night." Jasper knows about them. He used to always be the one I would go to when they happened. And when he moved out, I would call him when they happened. Even when I told him I was okay, he would stay up with me all night so I wasn't alone.

"Are you okay? When was the last time you had it? Why didn't you call me? I would have answered. I told you to call me anytime, no matter the time." I can hear the panic in his voice. He cares about me so much. I'm lucky to have a brother like him.

Before he can freak out anymore, I calm him down. "Jas, I'm okay. I promise. Everything is okay. I am okay."

He takes a breath. "Alright, but why didn't you call me after?" I smile as I remember last night. "Remi, why didn't you call me?"

"I was able to go back to sleep after it this time, Jasper. I actually fell back asleep. It didn't happen right away, but I still went to sleep after it." I tell him. I've never been able to go back to sleep after having the nightmare.

It's quiet for a few seconds as Jasper processes what I just said. "That's great, Remi. But I'm still not seeing why you didn't call me." He won't let that go.

I roll my eyes, even though he can't see me, he knows damn well that I am. "Well, you see, I am a grown woman who is trying to be independent." I can picture the unamused look he is giving me right now. "And I may have went over to Awstens bunk and talked to him."

"Wait, you told Awsten about your nightmares?" He ask, surprised.

I nod my head, actually forgetting that he can't see me. "Uh, yeah. He also knows about dad. He was actually really chill about it and was able to calm me down. We then talked for a little bit and I ended up falling asleep in his bunk."

"I'm glad that he was able to calm you down enough that you went back to sleep. And I am really proud of you for letting someone in and for telling someone about it. What did you guys talk about?" He's acting like a proud dad.

I can't stop smiling. "He said a bunch of really cute stuff, that I know you don't want to hear about, you unromantic piece of shit, but it's making me smile right now just thinking about it, and then he asked me to be his girlfriend."

He scoffs. "You say that like I don't have a wife and a three year old daughter. But, I am really happy for you, Remi. You deserve to be happy, and he makes you happy. Although, when he comes to meet mom, you can bet that I will be giving him the brother talk."

We then continue to talk for a little bit longer before he has to go. I tell him to say hi to Sara and Jessie, his wife and daughter, for me. Once we hang up, I go out into the lounge and lay across Awsten's lap on the couch to watch the movie.

A Photographers Love (Awsten Knight)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora