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After a few days of Awsten constantly talking about wanting to go back over to my moms house, I finally cave in. I ask everyone when a good day for all of them is, to which they all agree on tomorrow. My mom gets really excited when I tell her that they want to come over for dinner tomorrow. For the rest of the day, all Awsten would talk about was Geoff and Otto getting to meet my mom and how much they would love her.

The next day, I help my mom get everything ready for dinner. I figured since they were my friends that I should help out with dinner. Around five, the doorbell goes off. "Go get the door. I'll finish up dinner. Thank you for helping me, hun." My mom tells me.

Giving my mom a quick hug and washing my hands, I go answer the door and let Awsten, Jawn, Otto, Geoff, and Chloe in. "Thanks for inviting me. I hope it's not too much trouble." Chloe says as a hug her.

I let out a small laugh as I shake my head. "It's okay, Chloe. You are welcome at anytime. And it wasn't any trouble at all. Avery, my little sister, is also vegan."

Jawn looks around for a second when I mention Avery. "Speaking of Avery, where is she?"

Instead of answering him, I yell up the stairs. "Avery! Get your ass down here and be social!" This causes everyone to laugh.

"Watch your mouth, Remilynn." My mom yells from the kitchen. She then appears in the doorway with a dish towel thrown over her shoulder. "Dinner is ready, by the way."

Avery then comes down the stairs, looking at her phone in her hand. "Why am I being forced to be social?"

My mom gives Avery a stern look. "Avery Rosemary, you behave." She then smiles over at everyone else.

Before she can say anything else, the doorbell goes off again. I look over at my mom confused because everyone is here already and she just shrugs her shoulders, also confused, so I go over and answer the door.

As soon as I open the door, I'm greeted by the sight of my brother Jasper, his wife Sara, and their daughter Jessie. "Aunty Rem!" Jessie yells as she runs towards me and hugs my legs, causing Jasper and Sara to laugh.

I pick up Jessie and move out of the way so that Jasper and Sara can come inside. Shutting the door, I look at Jasper. "I thought you said you guys wouldn't be able to make it?"

Jasper just shrugs his shoulders, a smirk on his lips. Sara lightly hits his arm and answers for him. "At first we didn't think we would be able to, but I found a way for us to make it. It's been awhile since we last got to see you and talk and Jessie has been wanting to visit you."

My mom goes over to where Jasper is and hits him with the dish towel. "You told me you weren't coming. You're lucky we made extra." She then smiles at Sara and gives her a hug. "It's so good to see you dear." After that, she goes back over to where she was, near the door to the kitchen and near Avery.

Jessie smiles up at me in my arms. "I missed you, Aunty Rem." She then looks around at everyone else and moves closer to me as a way to try and hide. "Who are all these people?"

Smiling down at her, I shift her in my arms so that she is on my hip and I am holding her with one arm. "These are my friends." I look over at my mom and Avery and then over at Jasper and Sara before going over to where my friends are.

Once I get to my friends, Jessie points at Chloe. "She's really pretty."

Everyone aw's at how adorable Jessie is. "That's Chloe. She is really pretty, isn't she." I then point at Geoff. "That's Geoff. They're together kind of like how mommy and daddy are." Geoff and Chloe both wave at her and she waves back before I go onto Otto. "The one with the curly hair there is Otto."

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