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After the wedding, I spent the rest of the night facetiming Awsten. Otto actually had the idea of picking a movie on Netflix so that I could have it playing on my tv at the same time and we could all watch it together while on facetime, seeing as they miss our movie nights. Afterwords, Awsten and I continued to talk to each other until we both ended up passing out.

My alarm goes off the next morning and I quickly shut it off. I'm not quick enough though because Awstens sleepy voice comes through my phone. "Are you heading to the airport yet?"

I smile as I hold up my phone. "I literally just woke up, Aws. You have to give me a minute to wake up and get dressed."

This just causes him to groan and bury his head into his pillow. My smile grows when I notice that it's actually my pillow that he's sleeping on. "Hurry up so you can come back. The guys are being mean."

I just roll my eyes. "Fine. Bye Awsten. I'll see you when I get to Detroit."

"I'll be at the airport waiting for you jellybean. Byeeeeeeeee." He tells me before hanging up.

Quickly, I get dressed in some black leggings and Awstens newspaper sweater that I stole from him before I left. After a quick check to make sure that I have all of my stuff, I put on my usual black and white checkered vans and head out the door to the Uber that I had called.

It doesn't take long to get to the airport and to get through security, seeing as it's still fairly early. Soon I am on the plane and flying to Detroit. The plane lands after a little bit and I'm running off of the plane and through the airport, looking for the familiar purple hair. As soon as I spot it, I run to Awsten.

Awsten sees me right as I get to him and I drop my backpack as he wraps his arms around me, picking me up and spinning us around. I've learned he likes to spin. "I missed you. You are not allowed to leave again." He mumbles into my neck.

"I guess you'll just have to come with me next time." I tell him, smiling.

He sets me down and gives me a smile. "Hey. I was looking for that sweater this morning."

I look down at the sweater I'm wearing before smiling up at Awsten. "I'm keeping it. It's comfy and smells like you."

This causes Awsten to laugh and hug me again. "Alright jellybean. You can keep it. But only because when it stops smelling like me I know you'll give it back and it will smell like you."

We then head back to the bus, but first we stop to get some coffee. Once we get back to the bus, I'm attacked with hugs by Geoff and Otto. We then all sit on the couch and talk and goof around. Soon it's time for sound check and then we go out to eat after. After we eat, it's time for the guys to go on stage. It's like I never even left.

When we get back to the bus after the guys shower, we all go to the couch and watch a movie. They really missed watching movies with me while I was gone. After the first one ends, I say goodnight to the guys and head to my bunk to get some sleep.

I wake up in a cold sweat and breathing heavily. Grabbing my phone I see that it's three in the morning. I put my phone back down and stare up at the top of my bunk, knowing that I won't be able to go back to sleep. It's the same nightmare as it always is.

After laying in my bunk for a couple of minutes, I finally decide to just get up. I don't know what makes me do it, but I go over to Awstens bunk and open the curtain a little bit. "Awsten." I call out softly, not wanting to wake the others.

It takes him a few seconds to wake up a little. "Hm. What's up jellybean?" He asks in a sleepy voice, his eyes still closed. When I don't answer, he looks over at me. "Hey. What's wrong? Why have you been crying?"

I wipe at my face, not knowing that I had been crying. "I had a nightmare and can't go back to sleep." I tell him, my voice barely coming out.

"Get up here." He tells me, moving over in his bunk to make room for me. "And don't even try to protest." Doing as he says, I climb up into his bunk and lay down next to him. We are both laying on our sides so that we can see each other. "Do you wanna talk about? You don't have to, but it might help."

Closing my eyes, I shake my head. "It's stupid." I mumble out.

Awsten grabs my hand and rubs circles on it with his thumb. "Hey, look at me. You can talk to me. I don't think it's stupid. I want to help, but I can't do that if you don't let me."

Sighing, I open my eyes and look at Awsten. "I've been having the same nightmare since I was eight. They started after my dad died. It would happen like maybe once a month, but when I was 15, they started to get worse and happen almost every night. I couldn't sleep and started to force myself to stay awake just so I wouldn't have them. My mom had me start going to a counselor to try and help. And it did help a little bit. I didn't have them as often and soon I would rarely have them. It's been a few weeks since the last one. I don't want them to start getting worse again."

Wiping away my tears, Awsten pulls me over to him and holds me close to himself. He is now laying on his back, my head is resting on his chest, and his fingers playing with my hair. "Hey, it's okay. It's okay. Everything is going to be okay. You are going to be okay."

We lay in silence for a little bit as Awsten continues to play with my hair. I can hear his heartbeat. It's kind of soothing. "Hey, Remi?" I let out a quiet 'hm'. "I've been thinking about something while you were gone."

His heart begins to beat faster, causing me to lift my head and look at him. "What were you thinking about? Is everything okay?" I ask, getting worried.

He chuckles a little bit. "It's nothing bad. I was actually thinking about you." I give him a curious look. "I really like you. And the entire time you were gone, I missed you. I missed waking up and finding you out on the couch, curled up in a blanket, working on something on your laptop, doing that cute thing where you bite your lip as you concentrate on whatever you are doing. I missed having my arms wrapped around you as we all piled on the couch and watched movies. I missed having you around and messing with me and the guys. I know you were only technically gone for a day, but I missed you so fucking much."

I can't stop smiling at his words. "Basically, this is my really cheesy way of asking you to be my girlfriend." He gives me a hopeful look.

"I would love to be your girlfriend, Awsten." I tell him, my smile growing.

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