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The next day, I decide to have some quality best friend time. It did take a little bit of convincing to get Awsten to stay behind. Jawn and I find a little coffee shop and sit down at a table after ordering. "This is nice. I'm really glad you came out." I say, taking a sip of my coffee.

Jawn gives me a little smile. "I'm glad I was able to come out too. I've missed you. It's been a little while since we last got to hang out."

I nod my head. "Yeah, it has been awhile. But that's what happens when we are both constantly on tours. I mean, that's why it took so long for me to meet the guys."

"Speaking of the guys, you and Awsten are cute together." He says, laughing a little bit.

Looking down at my coffee, I give him a small, sad smile. "Yeah. But I'm kind of worried. After this, what is going to happen? Like I said, it took so long for me to be able to meet them. What are we going to do when we're both constantly on tours? We're barely going to be able to see each other. What's going to happen when we can't take it anymore?"

Jawn takes my hands in his, stopping me from playing with the cuffs of my sweater, and causing me to look up at him. He gently wipes away a stray tear from my cheek. "Hey, everything is going to be okay. You guys will figure this out. I know you will."

I shake my head. "Jawn. We can't control this. I am constantly touring with different bands. He's going to be doing tours of his own. Just look at how often you and I get to see each other because of our jobs."

He lets out a sigh. "Okay, but we are still best friends. Right?" I can't help but smile, knowing it's true. "Exactly. Remi, I can see how happy he makes you. You deserve it. I know you guys will figure this out."

He wipes away a few more tears. "I just don't want to lose him because of it."

As soon as I see the smirk Jawn gives me, I know he's figured it out. Shit. "You love him. I knew it. The day you called me and started talking about how happy he made you, I could see how much you cared about him." I look down, shaking my head and trying to hide my blush. "Nope. You can't tell me you don't love him."

I let out a sigh. "Alright, fine. I do. But that is exactly why I'm worried about what's going to happen after tour is over."

"Remi, listen to me. You guys were meant to be. I promise. You will figure this out. I know you will. Everything is going to be okay." Jawn tells me. I take a deep breath and calm myself down. "There we go. How about this. After we finish our coffee, we go shopping. I think I saw a camera shop not to far away. And a little music store."

This causes me to smile. "You always know how to cheer me up. Coffee, cameras, and music."

We finish our coffee with no more tears from me and go shopping. I didn't get anything at the camera shop, but there were some really cool things in there. I did get a few cd's from the music store though. 

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