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It doesn't take long before Geoff shows up, followed by Otto. I give them both a hug before we all settle on the couch, catching up some. Seeing as my eyes are red from crying, which worries the guys, I tell them about what happened.

Just as we're about to start the movie though, Jawn walks through my front door. I look over at Awsten who just smiles and gives me a small nod before I run over to Jawn. He wraps his arms around me as I bury my head in his shoulder. We stand there for about a minute until Jawn lets go, making me look up at him.

He wipes away some tears that had silently fallen, giving me a worried look. "Awsten told me what happened. Are you okay?"

Giving him a small smile, I nod my head. "I'm okay, Jawn. I promise. Awsten was there for me. I'm okay."

Jawn looks back over at Awsten and nods his head at him. We then go over to the couch and I take up my usual spot between Awsten and Geoff, laying on Awsten. Jawn sits in the chair next to the couch, rolling his eyes at us. The movie then starts and we all start watching.

After the movie was over, I decided that I wanted some brownies. Which is how we all ended up in my kitchen, which isn't really big enough to fit five people in it, but oh well. Awsten and I are going to make the brownies while Geoff, Otto, and Jawn are going to make some cookies.

I hand the boys some cookie mixes and explain to them what they are doing before going over to Awsten. He's looking at the back of the brownie mix box, a confused look on his face. "You are all such children. It's really not that hard. All you have to do is follow the instructions." I say loud enough for them all to hear me.

"But reading directions is hard." Awsten whines.

Rolling my eyes, I take the box from him. "Just be happy that I'm not making you make everything from scratch." If we were to make brownies and cookies from scratch, I know that they would mess something up and that my kitchen would be a complete mess.

Dumping the brownie mix into a bowl, I add in the extra ingredients that the box tells me to add in before handing the bowl and a spoon to Awsten. He looks at me scared. "Just stir this until everything is mixed together. Please try not to make a mess. I'm going to go help them."

I go over to Geoff, Otto, and Jawn to see how they are going with the cookies. They are actually doing better than what I thought. Nodding my head approvingly, I go back over to Awsten.

He looks over at me as he sets the bowl down on the counter and I can't help but to laugh. "What are you laughing at?" Biting my lip to stop from laughing, I wipe some of the brownie batter that he had somehow gotten on his cheek off.

Shaking his head, he dips his finger into the batter. My eyes widen as I watch him do this and I try to run, but I am unable to do so with the limited space in my kitchen right now. So, Awsten is able to wipe the batter onto my nose. I glare at him as he laughs.

The guys then look over to see what's happening and start laughing as well. I go to say something, but I notice Awsten walking towards them. He then wipes batter all over their faces, causing me to start laughing.

Let's just say we didn't end up making brownies that night and my kitchen still ended up being a mess.

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